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Caption the Avatar Above You

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Ah yes these are Lafont glasses. Style, you say? I believe they are called "Librarian".
I feel the need to change my avvie now...thanks, guys :(

Oooh, look at me! I'm soooo pretty!

But I-*shot*

MWAHAHA! MWAHAHA! MWAHAHA! *shoves flower into Messenger and Fire lily's hair*

(I actually do wear a flower in my hair. Every day. It looks nice with my braid.)
What? You mean your Squirtle doesn't wear sunglasses or hold a baseball bat?
Oh dear, it appears the good Doctor is trying his hand in manipulating DNA. Let's just hope that he doesn't get a hold of the DNA for a shark and an eagle, or who knows what will happen.
(Dammit why does no one seem to like any of the avvies I've had?!)

Yeah, look at me, all sexy and Gardevoir. (spelling?)
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