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Your cries of pleasure are my greatest treasure.
What career might you be in or plan in being in the future?

Myself, I am an aspiring model.
I haven´t gone far, but the two or three jobs I have had are fine.
I want to own a Wiccan book/supply shop. :3 Failing that, I'd like to own a funeral home.
Illustrator who will sometimes maybe do comics on the side?

That's the only thing I can see myself being happy with. :p
I haven't got a clue. The way it's looking now, I'll just stay on in education for the rest of my life because it saves me ever having to decide, so... lecturer/researcher, maybe? X3

Seriously, though, the main requirement for a job I'd like to do is to be able to go home knowing I've done something worthwhile and that helps someone else. God, I'll probably end up doing voluntary work forever.

And I've always kinda wanted to illustrate kid's books, but I very much doubt that'll ever happen, not least because I have no art qualifications to speak of.
I could totally imagine a kids book drawn in your style, Danni :)

I probably won't have a career, but if I did, it would be something to do with music or movies. Maybe someone no one really cares about, like the clapper loader? Or maybe a foley artist xD Perhaps something to do with the script? Nah, foley artist would be too much fun :D
I... really don't know. What I'd really like to do is be a musician, but I somehow doubt that's ever going to happen, so...
Network Administrator - this won't be a problem since I'm attending high-level networking courses


Programmer - I know that there are way too many people who apply for programmer positions, but if I have a Network Admin certification along to a degree in programming, that gives me quite a huge priority over those who only have a degree, especially if a company is looking not only for a programmer but also for a network admin
currently at university taking chemical engineering courses minoring in sustainability

basically a chemical engineer with a knowledge of how to make products that don't suck and don't ruin the planet
I'm an aspiring author and animal activist. Enough of the words starting with "a", I'll probably become an author or something to do with animals.
Either tramp or professional abuse monkey. (I sit on street corners and people pay to abuse me.)

Everyone has this odd misconception that I want to be a lawyer just because I study A-level Law. I don't. Despite my incessant Ace Attorney-playing I know in reality being a lawyer's not like that; I wouldn't want to have to lie to get murderers acquitted or innocent people sent to prison.

Once I aspired to be a comedy sketch writer. I knocked that ambition on the head pretty sharpish however; nobody in the world will pay me to be funny when I can't even do it for free. XD
Author or something to do with gaming. Got no freaking idea about anything specific though.

Well Mike, you could be a prosecutor. The person who puts the bad guys away =D
Well Mike, you could be a prosecutor. The person who puts the bad guys away =D

I covered that with "sending innocent people to prison".

The prosecutor isn't "the guy who puts the bad guys away". He's the guy who has to do everything he can to get the defendant declared guilty whether he dunnit or not.
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