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He didn’t actually come up with a fake role for a dead person, though? He went “oh I totally inspected ILS but I’m not going to tell you what his role was because it’d help the mafia”? Did I miss something?aw heck, you’re probably right, but part of me still wants to believe w!herbe would still have an easier time justifying 2 roleblockers than coming up with a fake role for a dead personthat's probably NAI isn't it? w!herbe would know that emmy would come back with something making it clear she got [mafia] roleblocked (unless you're saying he just blames it on a hypothetical town roleblocker or something like that)
basically i’m TRing herbe for more reasons than just [redacted]
did he? he said he jailed emmy, but he never said he was a jailer as far as i can tell, and he described his power as roleblocking and didn't specify anything else.he said he was the jailercan someone explain to me why we’re townreading rnp? roleblocker is a pretty much a scum role afaik. it seems weird to me that the idea that role might be scum aligned is just like, a possibility people are lightly entertaining
confirming thisAlso, vm wasn't lying about one of the two of us being vig.
this pings pretty towny to me.holy shitherbe (8): keldeo, mewtini, trebek, VM, bfree, blu, koko, kyeugh
ultracool (3): tofu, rari, herbe
tofu (1): emmy
blu (1): ils
emmy (1): rnp
what is happening tbh
wasn't the reason we were doubtful of the ultracool wagon that nobody really seemed to be opposing it? and now the same thing is happening with herbe
i swear to god, if this is another v/v
i think this feels towny too? drawing attention to the optics of a vote change might be something a wolf would do, but meh, i think given that ultracool flipped red, e doesn't point out how it looks weird when switching to a scummate. wifom i guess but i feel okay about this, feels like a towny thought process to me.ooh this is a good pointwhat i’m asking myself about herbe rn is: if we think that we can get more information about his alignment in the future (be it through a cop check or just herbe posting more), which is more detrimental to town? killing off a v!rolecop, or letting a w!rolecop get another check off?
probably the former tbqh
......swapping so close to eod probably doesn't look great for me, huh, but fine, Ultracool
(I still think Ultracool is less likely to be mafia but the town utility argument is a strong one)
also i feel pretty good about this, haha. rip.oh
oh wait
it occurs to me that I may have been coming at this from completely the wrong angle
quick question, anyone can answer: on tcod, is it normal for people with non-compulsive non-investigative PRs to make use of them almost every night?
i'm a little bit weirded out by this since you just shaded me for speculating about the vig role tbh.Also, vm wasn't lying about one of the two of us being vig.
this makes enough sense and is pretty much what i was thinking tbh. i think the test was a pretty good look for you in the end regardless.i only made that gambit because i knew one of us was the vigilante... i lied about lying about it because i figured the vig might get roleblocked but i guess the cat's out of the bag now (there's a good chance they might just waste a block on the wrong person anyway)
i think it’s still me/herbe on keldeo and mist/rari on VMcan someone remind me what the wagons are right now.
bing bing wahooEmmy is just town and doesn't want to get lynched
This one is accurate.
i'm not smart and emmy's been quiet so i'm just sticking to the one hunch i have
i am paranoid because this was literally my logic last game and i proceeded to lynch rnp over a confirmed mafia but he does feel different this game/i think there's probably more reason to push here, at least for nowIf you're town, it sure is... an annoying town
and i proceeded to lynch rnp over a confirmed mafia
kyeughand i proceeded to lynch rnp over a confirmed mafia![]()