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Cats (2019) Mafia

also bluwiikoon continues feeling town especially for admitting that he didn't really pay attention to my posts during the thing because he liked my tone earlier lol
I didn't want to post anything until after I'd read the whole thread, which I now have

This struck me as notable given the context for what seemingly was happening in thread at the time. I'm not sure why a player would say this and then not follow up with any reads or anything? To anyone who has meta here, does this mean anything to you?
I was typing a follow-up to that and got interrupted, so my thoughts came in a post about an hour later.

I think if Tofu is mafia, VM is mafia, but not necessarily the other way around - I can see the idea that he probably doesn't need to post that information if he is mafia and she is town, but I think it's still possible that he would, since Tofu would be aware of it.
I don't know if that logic entirely checks out, when I'm mafia I often make a point of TRing town as town, for the dual reason of earning their trust and making them look suspicious if I die and flip mafia. Is that to say I am mafia in this game? No, but just want to make sure your logic is accurate. Also, if we were both mafia, I wouldn't be sticking my neck out so early just to publicly associate with another mafia. Either that or I’d mix it in with a couple other town reads. If anything I’m more cautious about TRing anyone in this game until I’m fairly certain they’re not mafia, especially after how everyone’s early-game reads on kyeugh helped her cruise to victory in tvt mafia.

Sorry if I made you feel uncomfortable! That wasn't my intention at all
S'all good(man)
hardclaim lawyer

Since you asked, my "gut feeling" is going with VM. I hate to buck with the crowd opinion but I just don't really see why town!he would share Tofu's question like that when he could just have said "we live together and she doesn't seem like she's hiding anything" - the extra detail seems kind of like embellishment. I feel like it makes more sense if they're either w/v and he's trying to curry favour with her, or w/w and he's trying to cover for her? (As usual with my "reads" though, take this with a pinch of salt - not really pushing for a VM lynch, happy to jump on whatever people think is the most sensible wagon.)
I could have just said “We live together and I don’t think she’s mafia” but wanted to delve a little deeper into my reasoning. I was already pretty sure she was town just from how she’s been acting, but the fact she asked how many mafia there are is what really convinced me. It didn’t seem like an act to me, unless my girlfriend is a much better actor than I give her credit for... also fwiw I don’t think she has any kind of read on me because I’ve been a lot more guarded about saying anything or reacting to anything out of respect for the game rules. As mewtini already kinda touched on I said what I said because I wanted to be honest about any communication that happened between us, because while it is VERY hard to not glean any kind of information out-of-thread just by how a person is acting when you’re living with them, I have been trying to keep the game as fair as possible.
Now for updated reads

I’m still cautious about reading anyone too early, but I feel the most okay about mewtini? She's being helpful and acting similar to how she was acting in tvt mafia, so I have a hard time believing she could be mafia.

Keldeo seems more likely town than mafia, but I am still not 100% certain. It doesn't seem like a good move for him to stick his neck out with a play like that if he's mafia, and I can understand the reasoning for doing that if he's town. But then again he's acting exactly as solvey as we'd expect v!Keldeo to act, and I wouldn't ever underestimate w!Keldeo's acting ability. I'm going to need a little bit more information before I really have a solid read here.

I don't have much of a strong feeling about anyone else. Emmy does come across as acting a bit differently from last game, but that could be due to circumstances outside the game and I'd like her to post some more today to get a better idea of what's going through her mind.
It doesn't seem like a good move for him to stick his neck out with a play like that if he's mafia, and I can understand the reasoning for doing that if he's town.
this is pretty much what makes me townlean him as well, pending more keldeocontent
i think i would prefer an inactive lynch right now. if you put a gun to my head and told me to vote an active player i might go... mewtini? i’m really not at all interested in doing that
i also don’t really want to explain it because it’s a baby lean that i don’t have any desire to pursue and i think if i start talking about it more than this it’s going to turn into a thing
i don’t really know whether i like koko’s posting or not. i think i have trouble interpreting how i feel about lines of logic that i find Weird—i honestly generally find it AI but i think there are good arguments for why it might be wolfy or towny so i just end up confused. similarly, i think my instinct is to scumleam rari door consistently misreading the keldeo situation and shading him for it, but in the end i think that actually comes out townier than not?
i think at some point today i’m going to make a big post detailing where my head is at on everything, because i don’t think it’s clear and i don’t want to start the game off with people misinterpreting my feelings and then snowballing later tbh.
As for Trebek, no real thoughts, but given that you asked me about them and then proceeded to gently push them, I'd say you (Keldeo) definitely had some suspicions about them and were probably looking for confirmation. Did anything in particular about Trebek's posts seem odd to you?
@Bluwiikoon good to hear more from you! I made a post about this later on (although I've now changed my mind), did you see that?

Also, what do you think of my read on rari's paranoia about me being kinda towny? I'm a little bit confused why you've mentally separated rari and mewtini's reactions since I read them as quite similar, but that might just be a me thing.
Hi hi! I did indeed see your updated thoughts on Trebek (and just double-checked to refresh it in my brain). I do think them admitting your read on them was fair was towny, and overall I think the push you made got them to have a little more activity and helped people get more of the valuable reads. :D Any random push accomplishes some form of discussion imo, and at this stage I think it's worth it (even though it's making people perceive you as a little aggressive this time. But you're my hypocop clear, so...! Ride or die!)

I made some other posts about it, but basically having hung out with mewtini in-thread a lot more, I've had a lot more good feelings from her and her play feels town to me. rari didn't leave much of an impression on me beforehand due to sparse posts, but they seemed to pick up in activity right around when The Grand Trebek Push was happening. After thinking on it some more and hearing other peoples' rari thoughts I am a bit unsure about my assessments and suspicions, but for now rari is just in my 🤔 pile until further notice.
Hai again everyone! :3

Gonna start reading now, 38 pages shouldn't be too bad to get through hopefully

Please bear with me as this will be the first mafia game I've played since October (and the first "discussion heavy" game I've been in since... April last year?! If you can even call it "discussion heavy" anyway, as that one only lasted 12 pages). Feels good to be getting back into the game again after so long!
I do want to do like, a wagon building exercise, given that we're about 1.5 days from the deadline... If you had to vote, even if you're not super confident or it's only for now, where would you vote?
If I absolutely had to... I guess someone inactive, or someone I have 🤔 feelings about. So far those people would be Seshas (because of me tunnelling/tinhatting too hard after Jokes) or rari_teh (due to reasons Trebek mentioned in #715, and the big increase of their posting activity right as Trebek was getting pushed)

I'm interested in the potential several people have for adding to the game, so I hope even more folks get to be more active and contribute :D I wouldn't wanna lynch any particularly active people/people who contribute a lot at the moment (mewtini, kyeugh, keldeooooo!) due to the depth they add to discussions.
If anything I’m more cautious about TRing anyone in this game until I’m fairly certain they’re not mafia, especially after how everyone’s early-game reads on kyeugh helped her cruise to victory in tvt mafia.
Just wanna note that I feel that kyeugh played good in tvt and it was more than just vibes. She totally bussed her fellow wolves after all, and people keeping track of vote tallies w/ alignments just saw that she voted to lynch mafia at times and perceived that as towny. >:o Strategic! Devious!

Even if someone feels towny right now, there's many ways to throw a spanner into the works with their actions. We also can't assume that the wolves this time are good strategists (capable of masterminding potential wolf!emmy's actions for instance), since it could be literally anyone!
Reminder: The day phase will end in 24 hours.

Active votes:
Keldeo votes myuma (#710)

Active votes bolded.

kyeugh votes kyeugh (#162)
kyeugh unvotes (#166)
Keldeo votes Trebek (#509)
Keldeo unvotes (#589)
Keldeo votes myuma (#710)

Hope y'all don't mind me not hyperlinking the post numbers; it's a bit more of a hassle than I'm willing to do by hand since I don't have Butterfree's script.
I also don't think scumchat would have supported her going ahead with it given its questionability in terms of etiquette.
this is just a random quote I picked out re: this topic (kokorico pls don't think I'm tunneling on you lmao) but even last game, as mafia, i can say that we weren't like. double checking everything that each other would post. sure we would suggest general directions and strategies but for the most part it wasn't like a Council of Scum that we would take our prospective posts to. so we should try not to give the mafia more credit than they deserve lmao
*i dont vibe with it being the literal only vote and would rather the lynch not go there, is what I mean. i'm not grumbling at keldeo, you're fine bby
If anything I’m more cautious about TRing anyone in this game until I’m fairly certain they’re not mafia, especially after how everyone’s early-game reads on kyeugh helped her cruise to victory in tvt mafia.
Just wanna note that I feel that kyeugh played good in tvt and it was more than just vibes. She totally bussed her fellow wolves after all, and people keeping track of vote tallies w/ alignments just saw that she voted to lynch mafia at times and perceived that as towny. >:o Strategic! Devious!

Even if someone feels towny right now, there's many ways to throw a spanner into the works with their actions. We also can't assume that the wolves this time are good strategists (capable of masterminding potential wolf!emmy's actions for instance), since it could be literally anyone!
this is a good post tbh. i had vaguely good vibes about you before but i think definitely you are a strong townread now

*i dont vibe with it being the literal only vote and would rather the lynch not go there, is what I mean. i'm not grumbling at keldeo, you're fine bby
i do not think the lynch will go there tbh. i will not vote myuma unless more information comes out implicating him which i doubt will happen

let's do this... for science.
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