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Cats (2019) Mafia

Hi everyone, I'm home and have just been frantically catching up with the thread in between falling asleep in my incorrect belief that the day was ending today. I clearly should have been proofreading the one-shot contest entries that I should actually be turning in today. Will probably just make this one drop-in post, go off to do that, and then maybe return depending on what time it is by then.

Re: Keldeo and Trebek: I didn't find Keldeo's initial vote there suspicious, or the explanation in #527 (although I did disagree with it; I think feeling self-conscious as town and like you need it to be clear that you're town is pretty natural, especially if you're kind of new to this). I did, however, find his followup posts (#538 and #541) really confusing and had no idea what he was getting at with either of them even squinting and rereading them. I don't know if it's just me being half-asleep or what. Like... "If you're Trebek... [several bullet points assuming that he's mafia] I kind of don't think you admit that?"? What? And then something about a wolf perspective-slipping or TMIing? What was any of that about?

...Actually, looking at that again, maybe that was just supposed to say "If you're mafia" and not "If you're Trebek"? That would make a lot more sense. Did everyone else figure this out already and just not mention it, or did I miss something? God. I was so confused.

Although I don't find the initial vote suspicious I'm not sure I'm suspicious of mewtini/rari for finding it surprising and questioning it, either; we don't really do the pressure voting thing much here and it doesn't strike me as weird that it'd seem weird to someone who doesn't play on MU. Maybe largely because mewtini is the person I'm getting the best vibes off overall one way or another; she just feels very similar to TV Tropes Mafia (...where she was technically third party, but I think we all know she was basically playing as if she were town the entire time). Keldeo wanting to change his playstyle in response to TVT mafia is kind of convenient, but eh, prooobably checks out, unless there's further evidence.

One quote I stuck in my multiquote:

idk, i just found it weird that people were so ?? about it. i honestly don’t really care about this that much but at the time it was mostly keldeo on the defense and no one was really sticking up for him so i wanted to say something about it and now i am still talking about it i guess
wholeheartedly agree with this. i didnt exactly feel in a position to stick up for keldeo as it was happening, bc i thought that could be interpreted as openwolfing, but i support
I'm confused by this. Why would sticking up for Keldeo when he's accusing you be seen as openwolfing?

Oh, also, flavor-wise, the kill being vanishing into thin air doesn't suggest Mr. Mistoffelees to me? In the movie, Macavity is disappearing cats into thin air throughout; I think it's pretty clearly just that.
I'm confused by this. Why would sticking up for Keldeo when he's accusing you be seen as openwolfing?
i assume it's just that the surface level logic of "i think the guy who is accusing me is town" is self-implicating? honestly now that you mention it i think having that kind of thought is wolfier than not, hmm...
Popping in to say a quick thought post-Keldeo-Trebek voting thing:

At first, I thought it was weird simply because the post was so curt, but as it unfolded it became clearer to me that either Keldeo and Trebek are both villager or both mafia (the former seems more likely to me in how they interacted).

What I *did* find suspicious, however, was how rari kind of went about everything. First how he quoted everything mewt said in #556. I got a little more suspicious when I reread on mewt's thoughts that rari was her hypoclear.

It feels a little WIFOM-y, like... it would be kinda obvious for the mafia to try to hypoclear their teammate because then they'd also be exposed but. it also feels like a four-dimension chess play and I don't know what to think.
hmmm... i'm not closed to one of rari/mewt being scum, but i definitely don't think they both are honestly. it seems like a lot to me that they would, like, tag-team in that way, and it seems especially doubtful given that if they were actually cooperating to push some kind of anti-keldeo agenda there there probably would have been a vote.
I'm confused by this. Why would sticking up for Keldeo when he's accusing you be seen as openwolfing?
i assume it's just that the surface level logic of "i think the guy who is accusing me is town" is self-implicating? honestly now that you mention it i think having that kind of thought is wolfier than not, hmm...
in the heat of the moment, my brain processed the input of 'sticking up for keldeo' and concluded that it would be digging me deeper into the hole i was in. i am 100% vocal about supporting it now that i am able to spend time thinking about it without putting myself in panic mode
I'm confused by this. Why would sticking up for Keldeo when he's accusing you be seen as openwolfing?
yeah, so to expand on my nullread - the reason that i view trebek as supremely null is that i think that the following are equally likely: a) that he's town and legitimately does just agree with keldeo, or b) that he's a wolf and wanted to placate keldeo to get out of the interrogation room. i don't really know which i suspect is the case?
Did everyone else figure this out already and just not mention it, or did I miss something? God. I was so confused.
man i'm so glad that someone else was confused by this
...where she was technically third party, but I think we all know she was basically playing as if she were town the entire time
to be clear i'm not really in the camp of one of mewtini/rari definitely or even probably being mafia, it's just a world that i'm keeping in mind
what i mean is if rari died and flipped town it would not really affect my view of mewtini and vice versa
At first I thought that you two were in cahoots, but that would be pretty obvious and dragging the whole ship down. I'm more in kyeugh's camp now where one of you is mafia (leaning more towards rari right now, tbh).
ok, so i'm going to put down the hypocop hat for a second.
if we assume v!me, w!rari, where rari is just sheeping me - i guess i just think that rari went too much out on a limb to be a wolf, although i agree with you/skylar that it would have, generally speaking, been a good time for some wolf to come in and try to shade keldeo (if keldeo is villa). and i think that this makes it clear enough that she didn't understand keldeo's original goal:
I have to be pushed into taking stands
you kinda weren’t when you voted trebek tbh
then skylar saying "that was the point" and explaining her view triggered this response:
ah wait i think i got it now
he made a bold move to vary his playstyle and instigate conversation, and that was basically it?
which i feel fine about? what do you think
I'm confused by this. Why would sticking up for Keldeo when he's accusing you be seen as openwolfing?
yeah, so to expand on my nullread - the reason that i view trebek as supremely null is that i think that the following are equally likely: a) that he's town and legitimately does just agree with keldeo, or b) that he's a wolf and wanted to placate keldeo to get out of the interrogation room. i don't really know which i suspect is the case?

me saying this probably wont amount to much, since im talking about myself, but i feel like the b) scenario would have ended up with me trying to exhibit more suspicion of keldeo after the fact.
me saying this probably wont amount to much, since im talking about myself, but i feel like the b) scenario would have ended up with me trying to exhibit more suspicion of keldeo after the fact.
oh i don't actually scumread you, ftr, i'm just kinda Thinking? i don't think w!you necessarily always shades keldeo, i think it would make sense to just try to get away
i don't think w!you necessarily always shades keldeo, i think it would make sense to just try to get away
oh yeah, im not trying to imply that was my only line, bc thatd probably wolf flag me even more. just want to get my thought process out into the open so that people have more vibes to work with
ah wait i think i got it now
he made a bold move to vary his playstyle and instigate conversation, and that was basically it?
which i feel fine about? what do you think

It still reads a little backpedally to me, so I'm still somewhat suspicious. Still only is D1 though, so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
I see where you are coming from, really, it’s just that I genuinely didn’t understand Keldeo’s thought process behind that move until kyeugh put it in simple, straightforward words tbh

as to the people who are sussing me and/or mewtini for finding keldeo’s early vote weird, that I still struggle to understand tbh

I also think that it’s highly unlikely that there were no mafia members involved in that tbh, but at the same time when I analyse each actor in a vacuum I kinda think they lean more town than scum? idk what to make out of that
as to the people who are sussing me and/or mewtini for finding keldeo’s early vote weird, that I still struggle to understand tbh
Hey remember in TVTropes Mafia when everyone suspected ILS and Ottercopter for how they reacted to a joke I made and neither of them were mafia? Are we really doing that again?

Also wow I almost forgot, I got a "strange message" from JackPK last night that said kokorico is the Mafia Don
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