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Childhood Question-Which pokemon would you have as a pet?

Definitely a Flareon, it's so warm and fluffy, and if the power goes out, I can still make toast/noodles/s'mores/whatever ^.^

You can't beat a ditto. It can transform into anything you want, whether it be a soft and fluffy flareon or an awesome fire-breathing rayquaza. Just because I can't have anything doesn't mean I can't try. >:D
An Eevee/Umbreon! They are the cutest! And on my HG game I have a Level 76 Umbreon! His name is Shadowstar. I would have Eevee because he is like a little dog mixed with a gint fluffball! I agree with Shadow about Eevee!
As a pet?

Ah, that's a difficult question. As a pet, you'd have to care for it, feed it, clean up after it, make sure it gets its exercise. As a pet, it probably wouldn't be as useful for combat applications or for utility as any other mon, which would of course mean that it doesn't get as much practice with its powers. A fire-type, while awesome, would make a very poor pet for example, as a loose flame could easily burn down the entire house.

All together, I think the ideal pet would be the humble Bidoof. Bidoof is adorable- Just look at one and try and deny that you want to hug the life out of it. While heavy, Bidoof also doesn't have much power and its own abilities infer that it probably wouldn't know how to use them if not led on by necessity in the wild or by the command of a Trainer. Where as the other Pokemon of its caliber have their own issues- A Ratatta would chew on everything it could get its incisors around, and any of the birds would pose the same problems that a normal captive bird poses- Bidoof's just a fat beaver. Give it some water and some sticks to chew on, play with it some, and clean up its messes.

Bidoof is thus the perfect pet Pokemon, and I would adore having one as such.
Um...I didn't think we were really getting that technical with it, but if we are...considering pokemon have these amazing powers and abilities, if they really existed and you could have one as a pet, the world would be slightly different, right? As for the feeding and caring for it part, it'd be no different than the dogs and cats and horses we have today. Many fire pokemon also are able to control whether or not their fire burns, like ponyta. It all depends on your perspective I s'pose. I still think a Flareon would be amazing :3
A Persian.

I'd sit with it on a chair that swivels and smile menacingly at everyone who ever came to see me, and then I'd tell them to surrender now or prepare to fight. You can't say it wouldn't be practical, either. I mean - Persian is basically just a cat that has the mysterious power to produce golden coins at will. I'd be a millionaire in a month, and then founding my own evil orginisation wouldn't be so difficult. If I started melting down the gold and making it into nuggets... I could sell them at $5000 each. Give me a year, and we're talking billions baby!

*obligatory evil laugh*
Using a Persian as your own personal money-tree actually wouldn't be that practical. Some pocket change every now and then wouldn't hurt anything, but you start pumping billions of bucks into the economy that came from nowhere? Value of money starts decreasing, price of everything increases.

Although that in itself could be the evil dream you want, forcefully making money worthless and completely wrecking society as we know it.
Quite so. Flushing the global economy even further down the metaphorical toilet would indeed spawn a most pleasing chaos. Although, if I could somehow pull a Goldfinger and take the gold out of the banks, then the value of my Persian's sparkling produce would only increase. As a pokemon, Persian seems to be more useful in the field of finance rather than on the field of battle. I guess if I ever got one, I'd make the descision then. World anarchy? Or global stockbroking? x3
I'd have a Gardevoir and a Gallade; one to sit on either side of me as I use the vast amount of their combined psychic ability to right the world's problems. Not to mention it would look damn cool, especially if I were to dress like a Garde-gijinka.
I would want a pichu even if it shocks me and a teddiursa because it's soft and fluffy.
Maybe a Celebi,but it might not be the best pet to have...
Well, I'd probably have a Ditto, since it would be super-useful, being able to transform into anything. Failing that, maybe Belossom?
*points to signature*

Those six... also an ulgamoth, shandera, flygon, and gardevoir to keep around the house/in my PC for backup.
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Definitely an Espeon or an Umbreon. (Probably both.) Also, I wouldn't mind having a Shuppet or a Duskull just randomly hanging around the hallways of my house.
Wartortle. Definitely wartortle. Blastoise would be way too big and I really don't have anything against squirtle but definitely wartortle.
When I was a kid, I always wanted an Azurill :')

Although Kurumiru is cwooot and I need one in my arms fo' eva an' evaaaa~ <3

And maybe Oshawott. Equally cwooot.
i for one would want to have a pikachu because they're awesome and uhhh...??? i dunno what else to say ... :sweatdrop: well anyways i would want to have a pikachu or a rayquaza! :grin: kirby is for a spince of randomness! :unsure:


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Not so much pet-wise as much as I'd like to have a companion to follow me around. After I saw the first movie, I really, really wanted a Mew besides a Pikachu and a Jigglypuff. But alas, it could only exist in my fantasies, and eventually that dream died off.

`Cause now I want Mewtwo :B.

If only, if only...
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