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Circumcision. Religious freedom or inhumane torture?

Did anyone say that is doesn't have medical benefits? In fact, didn't I just say circumcision has medical uses? It is objectively true that circumcision can be used as a medical treatment. However, it's very hotly debated and in no way at all clear cut that infantile circumcision has any genuine preventative effects. There's as much medical literature in favour of infantile circumcision as there is against it and there's plenty of confirmation bias on both sides; whether or not circumcision has medical benefits is really immaterial to the debate.

The debate is really about whether or not a child has a right to have their body left unaltered until they're old enough to decide whether they really want to or not. If anyone is going to say that a child does not have that right, they're going to need to back it up with hard facts. I mean, depending on which sources you go to, circumcision has just as much preventative effects as lasering off a kid's nipples to prevent Paget's disease. Rights should only be removed where there is a significant, compelling reason; where's the significant, compelling reason for medically unnecessary infantile circumcision?
Did anyone say that is doesn't have medical benefits? In fact, didn't I just say circumcision has medical uses?

You did, but some people on the last page claimed the procedure was pretty much pointless.

As for the rest, I do agree, I just thought I'd throw that link out there
Honestly it really confuses me how people who aren't Jewish or Muslim or is there another culture that circumcises??? but people who aren't circumcise their babies? There just isn't even a flawed reason there, it's just, what?
It was adopted in the late 19th century to stop boys from jerking off. Before that it was that weird thing Jews do. (Attitude of pretty much every culture pre-WWII, not me, of course.)
I get pissy whenever it sinks in that I'm circumcised and I had absolutely no say about it.

Ugh, lord, me too. Circumcision is just screwed up. I don't know about in other countries, but it's the norm here in America to just mutilate your son's genitals :| The vaaast majority of guys in my age group are circumcised. I was and not even for religious reasons, just because it's become some fucked up societal norm to chop off a part of your newborn kid's penis, which is just so... nauseating.
Sorry sorry. It's just that this issue has a way of getting under your skin like no other.
Not just skin, but metal as well. I haven't seen anything like it except molecular acid. It must be using it for blood. It's got a wonderful defense mechanism; you don't dare kill it...!
Until we covered it in Religion class (awkward forty minutes for the teacher) most people in my class equated circumcision with castration and thought all Jews used IVF to have children. Which doesn't make sense even if circumcision did equal castration, but anway, point is: lots and lots of people are ignorant about the reality of circumcision. We should all get together in a crowded place and shout out facts at random suddenly uncomfortable passers-by. Viva la revolution!

I was circumcised entirely for medical reasons. I don't think many non-religious circumcisions happen here in the Emerald Isle. Apparently, it's more convenient from a cleanliness point of view, as dirt or something gets trapped under the foreskin apparently, but pretty sure most guys would take a few minutes extra in the shower rather than a circumcision.

I am happy that these laws are being put in place. I can't imagine what it would be like to have part of you cut off unnecessarily. It's a choice that you can make if you like, but only for you, not for anyone else, and especially not for infants who cannot defend themselves.
Um, a few people so far have said "he" and "guys"; can this not be a thing! Not everyone who's circumcised is a he or a guy!
Um, a few people so far have said "he" and "guys"; can this not be a thing! Not everyone who's circumcised is a he or a guy!

Yeah, but female circumcision is far less common than male circumcision. I think only third world countries practice it.
Yeah, but female circumcision is far less common than male circumcision. I think only third world countries practice it.

I don't think that's quite the point Hiikaru was trying to make, I think it's more "people with penises" does not always overlap with "males/guys"
Yeah, but female circumcision is far less common than male circumcision. I think only third world countries practice it.

Nonsense; it's practiced illegally everywhere. Ever heard that one about the uncle in Bradford ;)

(re: Hiikaru; yes, we are talking about female circumcision because we are talking about female sex genitalia, this has to do with biology not gender, so it's different. The phenomenon also practically always occur during childhood, before the transgender personality manifests. So see it as female sexual genitalia, not necessarily that the person identifies with female gender)
We're all very able to discuss body parts without gendering ('female' still genders bodies, sorry), so there's no reason why 'penis circumcision' or 'vulva circumcision' don't work fine enough. Hiikaru's just making a polite request.
Wikipedia said:
This article is about male circumcision. For female circumcision, see Female genital mutilation.


Call the names by the things they are. I'd never even heard of "female circumcision" until bumping into this thread, and it's not what it is, it's an abominable thing that should be eradicated from our planet.
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