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Codenames/Codespeak/Nicknames etc.


All the ones Arylett mentioned
Babe or Bbz to annoy me, by my friend XD

Oh man, can't think of any more. But I do call my friend Ri 'Snugglyfluff' because we all know she hates it XDD

On Runescape about two years ago me and my friend used code words so people wouldn't know what we were doing and to blend in:

lol = attack
pmsl = leave
rofl or lmao = pick up items, can't remember which
Liz, Lizzy, Lizard, etc..

My friend's older brother calls me "Lizard Breath"...

I call my friend Steph most of the time, although on occasion she's "Luigia".
One of the most notable nicknames I have is 'Not Fish.' I absolutely adore it <3~ Not Fish came from when I decided to call my friend, Lucas, Fish. He asked me what I should be called after I nicknamed the rest of our friends, and I responded, "I dunno, well definitely not Fish." :D Though he's recently been calling me Ninja, because I tend to unintentionally sneak up on people x3

I also managed to get the name, "Sexy Waffle," from my friends. I still wonder how I got that name, or how it relates to me x3 (Or how waffles can be sexy.)

Arylett came up with a few, most notably, "Spoonie," which I believe stems from a suffix used to cute-i-tize things :D
Uh, none of my nicknames make sense, but here:

Molecule (Courtesy of my grandfather. He said it after he first saw me and it kinda stuck.)
Fierce Tiger
The Midget Ninja
Arylett is now Wafflecakes.
Hurrah! Wafflecakes! I love it. <3 ;;Adds it to nickname list;;

You need a nickname.

I now deem you Lexiwaffles. Oh and Lixlex. There's another one.

One of the most notable nicknames I have is 'Not Fish.' I absolutely adore it <3~ Not Fish came from when I decided to call my friend, Lucas, Fish. He asked me what I should be called after I nicknamed the rest of our friends, and I responded, "I dunno, well definitely not Fish." :D Though he's recently been calling me Ninja, because I tend to unintentionally sneak up on people x3

I also managed to get the name, "Sexy Waffle," from my friends. I still wonder how I got that name, or how it relates to me x3 (Or how waffles can be sexy.)

Arylett came up with a few, most notably, "Spoonie," which I believe stems from a suffix used to cute-i-tize things :D
Sexy Waffle! XD

Oh and I have another nickname for you Spoonie, Shira, remember? I forgot to say that. Shira. And uh, here's a new one, Foons. And what else...? Spoonety. Oh and Muffintoast! You're Muffintoast too.

Oh man, can't think of any more. But I do call my friend Ri 'Snugglyfluff' because we all know she hates it XDD
You called her Snugglyfluff?

Oh my God.

AHAHAHAHAHAHHA!;;Goes into an insane gigglefit;; X3

Also, Cirrus now has another nickname. It's Cirrusomenocity. And uh, 'Rus. Ol' Rus. And Ol' Cir sometimes too. And Cirrusmoxie! How could I forget that one? Oh, I just came up with another one. Moxieshake~ I need to stop myself with all this Nicknamery before people think I'm out of my mind.

Too late for that, probably though. (I think Cirrus is just plain used to my crazy nicknames by now. X3 I seem to unleash the Fury of Nicknamery upon her most of the time)

If anyone wants a nickname, I'd be more than happy to oblige. ;;Corrupts people's names in crazy ways;;
Lexiwaffles? :D I loves it~ Lixlex for some reason reminds me of Lex Luther. O.o
I call my friend Mateo by Teo a lot. It pisses him off, but it's fun. :3

And people call me Jade, because of my old interwebs name. (Jademasker) :D
Er, the only nickname I have in real life is Stefen Wolf. It's based on my name, Stephen, and how it's mispronounced alot.


MissingNoguy (55)
I have a bunch of nicknames

Mays - my surname
Maysie - variation of surname :B
Flubber - I'm fat lol
Mum - my friend Liam is my son
Grandma - his son is my friend Nathan
Crazy Woman - Robert can't remember my name half the time lmao
Jolty - internets
Jollytea - variation Bluwiikoon uses :B

and I dunno if I use any nicknames for people... if I met any of my internet friends offline I'd probably call them by their internet names, but if I'm talking about them to other people I use their real names (except Pogey)
Well, Jack isnt my real name, its jake (Long story there), so they would call me Jake the Snake sometimes

My friend gave me and a few other friends naruto names as well, and transformers names, I cant remember my naruto name, but my transformers name is Ratchet

At my camp there was a kid from georgia there so we called him georgia boy

i like turtles

some girls called me john for some reason

there are a few more but i forget
My friends normally call me Peter, but sometimes they call me Pete, which normally I hate, but sometimes it just seems normal. And I get called Shippers, Lighthouse Buoy (you don't want to know) and by my last name. One of my cousins calls me Nikretep, which is the one I hate most. Oh yeah, and on Forums etc. I get called Mercury.
Oh, I think I forgot to mention something:

"And what's my name?"

"Oh, you're Rachel Dallas...Texas."


That kid...dear lord.
So, do you have any or made any for other people?

I have lots.

There's a person in my class named Nathan whom everyone calls "Bacho."
Everyone calls Ben "Benno."

And I made lots up for the Naruto characters so we could talk about it in class while everyone else thinks we're insane. Feel free to ask how we got the names.

Naruto = VCR
Sasuke = TigerstarLOL and Awesomesauce
Sakura = Exclamation (was "!!" but I changed it)

Kiba = Flag
Akamaru = Alaska (this is ironic) because Alaska is the biggest state, but Akamaru
(used to be) the smallest in the show
Shino = Mr. You-Don't-Recognise-Me (I've had it for nearly a year now. at least he lived up to his name! :D)
Shino's Bugs = Mr. You-Don't-Recognise-Me's Pets
Hinata = Hawaii

Rock Lee = Rhode Island (ironic in the same way as Alaska)
Neji = New Hampshire
TenTen = Flippy (was Twenty but that's too obvious when we mention her "big stick")

Chouji = California
Shikamaru = Paper
Ino = Goldensong

Tsunade = The Weavile
Shizune = The Weavile's Assistant
TonTon = The Weavile's Assistant's Pet
Kakashi = Mr. I-Hate-Birds
Anko = D'onkofail

Isaribi = Isalated
Orochimaru = Albino
The Akatsuki = Red Moon Group
ANBU = Uh (because that was the word I was saying while trying to think of a name)

Jiroubou = Gyrocopter Bob
Kidoumaru = Arachnophobia
Sakon + Ukon = Tangela
Tayuya = Acrophobia

Zetsu = Masukippa

So what are yours?
Added some.
There's a Grace in my class with the nickname Ninja Teddy. There's a girl called dwarf. There's a Jessica named Bubbles. There's a girl who left [who was the main nickname maker] who was Miss America. There's a guy called IDIOT....and many more nicknames...

And I'm called Cat.

IRL you can call me Dave, but I don't mind any names you would call me. ^_^

Here's some titles (most of them are new) I made up for myself.

Other titles
Scoutness (Arylett called me that so I added)

Most of these are symbolic for the gnostic part of me
Fluffy titles (give by me)
Arcane Adventurer
Speed Angel
Sky Soarer
Synergic Shaman
Red Scarf
Tippy Toes
Spawn of Spring
Pink and Green Star

For good contacts/friends/person I know of mine, I generalize them with the title of Anonymous Lights. Nobody knows their names or need to, but the main idea is that they've helped me shed clarity and self-realization into my own life (either from purpose or consequence).
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Tomorrow I shall bestow the nickname Vampire Boy upon my newest friend.

Why is this event taking place? Well, because his name is quite common, and three other boys in the class share it, not to mention another friend of mine (not in the class) has the same name. So I must distinguish him somehow. :3
There is this person named Ryan in my class who calls himself Eagle, and nearly everyone else does so too. In fact, even the teacher calls him that by now.
Also of note is this girl on the Academic Team whose initials are KC, except she now takes that as just her everyday name, but emphasizes the C, so that, instead of it sounding like the more common KA-see(Casey), it is now ka-SEE. However, we call her Georgie because of her obsession with saying the rhyme ""Georgia Porgie, pudding and pie", which is perhaps even stranger.
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