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Of course I'm not forcing you to do anything if you don't want to, but seriously, what have you got to lose? Five seconds of your life?
changes it in what wayholy shit...
well i will return to drafting my responses in a sec but this at least changes my general strategy for today, i will unvote for now
fan behavior frfrme when the wagon that formed on me day one was now confirmed to have been supported by at least two wolves
this is where i got the idea from! you said you thought herbe randomly pushing on people D1 wasn't a scumsign because they did it regularly, and pointed out that they didn't do the same thing in tv tropes mafia (which i took to imply "because they were mafia in that game"). as i recall i said something like "that seems plausible, I feel a bit iffy about taking your word for it but maybe I should for now - I'll have a re-read during the Night if i make it that far". so, well... that's what that is.lol my 5hr flight just landed B) i don’t have time to fully read that yet so i‘he only skimmed, not sure if i‘ll get to circle back?
not what i saidtl;dr: it looks to me like it's totally NAI for them - not inherently scummy like i thought, but also not a clear townsign like she suggested.
can you specify which post youre saying i was reading that way because i can’t figure it out from your post. if you’re referring to the “if i flip red” one then that’s actually, again, not at all what i saidin fact i feel considerably worse about mewt now after she put so much stock in scumreading me off my off-the-cuff EoD post.
that's fair! i think i've explained why i scumread you and herbe, but it's possible therecan you talk about if you have any actual scumreads because this is bad vote rationale on its ownpersonally i think herbe is the correct vote here - helps sort mewt, helps sort jack off their mutual "we know secret knowledge about each other and about the setup", helps sort me
sure! ialso i hate talking about myself in mafia tbh but it’s kind of insane to suggest that i would start a *completely* unnecessary wagon on teammate stryke when no one was even looking at him, when i’ve been widely townread, and on d1 of all times. and then w!herbe would have had to willingly shift the vc from def killing you to forcing a rand between v!you and and w!stryke when, honestly, i don’t think it would have been especially outing for them to just let you flip there. can you talk about that?
atp i genuinely don’t know what the landscape of this game could even look like if you’re v but the way your post snakes around bringing up any genuine scumreads (and misrepresenting what i said) really doesn’t make me believe that we’re in that world.
i don't really feel anything about it? if my block didn't go through, clearly it wasn't the reason why there wasn't a nightkill. it has no mech relevance at all afaict. (in fact nobody has claimed anything so far that does, unless you count jack and herbe's nod-nod-wink-wink which I'd like to hear more about now we have more Daytime, so I'm not sure why we're being all funny about the dubiousness of going off reads)another thing i'm curious about - qenya, how do you feel about your block not going through, but there not being a kill today? does that have anything to do with/interact with your wanting to vote out herbe at all?
this isn't loading for me, can you try expressing your thoughts verbally please?and keith, sorting you is obviously less important if you're about to self-immolate, but i'm curious anyway. if you had gotten a role PM with similar oddities to mine (fine, sure, "the one I'm claiming to have"), what would your thoughts about it be?
nothis isn't loading for me, can you try expressing your thoughts verbally please?
“i don’t think this is scummy for them” > “this is them obvtowning”?????you said you thought herbe randomly pushing on people D1 wasn't a scumsign because they did it regularly, and pointed out that they didn't do the same thing in tv tropes mafia (which i took to imply "because they were mafia in that game").
you realize that i had already posted that other interaction before that post, right? and i dont know why i would be going into d2 completely wiping away my read on you from d1. what?by all means please tell me how else i should be reading this post! there doesn't really seem to be a lot there to misinterpret :P
same response to this. like, i already felt weird about you d1. i had been tinfoiling you and stryke w/w all d1 and that combined with other parts of my read solidified it.my suspicion there is based on you suddenly going after me at the start of the Day based on frankly not much, and herbe jumping on the wagon after both you and RNP on successive days without really adding anything of substance.
oh and on this. dw about it!!! honestly after Whatever Happened with my role PM i wasn't even expecting to make it to toDay, and even if the day extension technically does give me more of a fighting chance i'm not really feeling optimistic, haha. regardless of whether you're v or w, i'm well aware you're just doing your best to win! ily really friendsorry that that was harsh lol
i’m trying my best to find you if you actually are town
and i’m going to feel both very very guilty and also disappointed in my own gamer skills if you’re just villa