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Corrupt Mafia (Alien Victory)

Re: Corrupt Mafia (Day 1)

wait we can't abstain? I missed that somehow

in that case yiran, may as well bandwagon for lack of better ideas and since I can't do active discussion on account of being out of town. (I'll be back tomorrow evening though!!)
Re: Corrupt Mafia (Day 1)

wait we can't abstain? I missed that somehow

in that case yiran, may as well bandwagon for lack of better ideas and since I can't do active discussion on account of being out of town. (I'll be back tomorrow evening though!!)


....oh wait *facepalm* what is wrong with me?
Re: Corrupt Mafia (Day 1)

“Alright!” The GM shouted “Have you reached your decision?”

The crowd pushed forward a young-looking man dressed in a nice suit. He had the appearance of a businessman, and he was staring at the ground, trying to avoid eye contact with the Game Master in front of him.

“This one? Really?” The GM sighed, and flipped a switch by his left hand. The accused man screamed as a huge burst of electricity flowed through his body. The man’s body convulsed for almost ten seconds, then fell flat on the ground.

“Mmmm… Smell that, people? That’s the smell of burning flesh.” The GM announced “Not bad, though I was kind of in the mood for hamburgers.”

yiran is dead. He was Mafia. 24 hours for night actions.
Re: Corrupt Mafia (Night 2)

Now, most GMs would probably extend the deadline to allow everyone who didn’t send in their night actions another chance to do so. But, since I am the bastard here…


The players awoke in the morning to find a body lying still in the central courtyard. Her blood ran trails along the cold ground, and a look of terror was permanently frozen on the victim’s face. The killer was nowhere to be seen, but before they had fled the scene, they had taken the time to paint a few words with the girl’s blood:


“She shall twist and shout no more”

Phantom is dead. She was Innocent. 24 hours to discuss.
Re: Corrupt Mafia (Day 2)

*claps slowly*
*goes to hug the GM because that death was amazing and almost poetic*
*sits down*
*looks questioningly at Colours*
Re: Corrupt Mafia (Day 2)

(this mafia makes me want to run a mafia where in addition to a role each person gets things that they need to do for each post because that would be great)

Oh...oh my. This definitely leans things more towards Colours; not gonna vote yet though.
Re: Corrupt Mafia (Day 2)

Very interesting... very interesting indeed. Well, since I am confirmed innocent, I return to say my greetings.

Hi my name's Phantom. And this is the third damn time in a month that I've been the goddamned STUMP.
Re: Corrupt Mafia (Day 2)

Okay, even if I wasn't on your mysteriously-created Mafia list, I'd still seriously doubt you, Colours. Yes, you got yiran right, but you were also wrong about Phantom. Who's to say you're not Mafia making up a list of people (with an actual Mafia member to lend credibility to your tale)?

Voting Colours really isn't self-defense as much as it is my suspecting you, regardless of my lynch status. That you're accusing me only adds fuel to the fire
Re: Corrupt Mafia (Day 2)

Hey guys, I'm on a lie detector, sooooo
"I've got a role with a night action", gooooo!

Now the lie detector will tell everyone the lie
While you all believe me 'bout being the cow. Tie.

oh, are we lynching now?
Flora. Cow.
Re: Corrupt Mafia (Day 2)


sorry i'm happy now

god the talking-in-couplets makes it hard to figure out what the actual lie was
Re: Corrupt Mafia (Day 2)

Wait, I realize I probably shouldn't have said that, as I pretty much confirmed Poly's innocence.

The GM must now announce deaths in limerick format.




There once was a girl named Flora
Who had a remarkable aura
They thought she was scum
Shot her down with a gun
Found her wicked to the core-a

Flora is dead. She was Mafia.

There once was a girl named Wargle
Who was as sharp as an oracle
She forgot to speak
Her future was bleak
She found out she wasn’t immortal

Wargle is dead. She was Mafia.

There once was a cow named Trixie
With magic powers like a pixie
The mod cut off her head
Men rose from the dead
Cause the game needed some fixing

The Great and Powerful Trixie is dead. She was innocent.

yiran is reborn!
Zero Moment is reborn!
RK-9 is reborn!

The night has begun. 24 hours for night actions

You’ve got 24 hours. And this time, I mean 24 hours. If night actions aren’t sent in, I will randomize* them.

*randomize – intentionally set up bastardly situations
Re: Corrupt Mafia (Night 3.14159)

There once was a lad who liked Squirtles
Whose language sent people in circles
There was a big blast
His time had now passed
Like expired milk when it curdles

I liek Squirtles is dead. He was innocent.

There once was a lad named Colours
Who knew more than the others
The town found him dead
Brain eaten like bread
Or moreso like Tim Hortons crullers

Coloursfall is dead. He was Innocent.

You have 0.002739726 years to discuss. Make with the talkity-talking.
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