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Daily Pokemon Discussions

It certainly was interesting when Nintendo made this Pokemon. Now, I constantly throw a fit when it evolves into the wrong Pokemon. The design is pretty good, though. Oh, how I would like to throw someone off using a Hi Jump Kick Hitmonchan. :p
Okay, it's pretty far into tomorrow where I live soo...


Myself, I am a personal fan of Escavalier, due to it being my second-favorite Bug-type. (Next to Crustle.) Even though it's doubly-weak to Fire, it makes up for it in it's ability to battle all other types. If used right, it can be deadly on the battlefeild. The only thing I don't like about it is it's evolution method. Rather hard if you don't have any pokemon-loving friends.
It looks cool, though I've never really used it, lacking trade capabilities unless I am with sam.
Looks pretty cool. Now I can't remember why I like it, but I would like to use it in battle at some point. I think I like how it looks like it's jousting...
The evolution method is... interesting, but not available to me. (But others can be glad Karrablast and Shelmet aren't exclusives.)
Also meh, yet another Steel-type that is slower than its pre-evo. But by design, it's less meh than Karrablast.
And... Yet another knight. With a French name. This guy could be a rival for Gallade in a Gallade/Gardevoir fanfic.

It's a new day where I live, so I'm changing the subject. Raichu. I may put in my thoughts later.
Raichu is by far a pretty good electric-type Pokemon. He actually looks like he could be mixed with a fighting type, but he isn't. I love how he stands on his tail and it looks as if he's boxiing.

He also has great electric moves. I have a Raichu by the name of Voltore and he has the moveset: Brick Break, Thunderbolt, Iron Tail, and Mach Punch.

Better image, also an OC of mine, I think that should leave little guessing of my opinion on it.
Only you would pick that, Richie. I personally like Raichu. I feel that it's power is rather close to Pikachu's, but I hate Pikachu's tail. Raichu's is bawss.
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My most anticipated starter ever, first used in Diamond, and a true bau5. I love the combination of Wood Hammer/Seed Bomb, Earthquake, Stone Edge, and Leech Seed, makes him hit like a truck, and still looks good. Not to mention the use it would rovide when travelling the land as a Pokemon to ride upon (assuming that it is capable at moving at a pace faster than that of a human walking).
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