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Daily Pokemon Discussions

Wrong. Ditto is the only thing yet to have Imposter, which lets it transform as soon as it enters battle. Meanwhile, Zoroark has Illusion.
Zoroark. One of my absolute favorites :D I love it's ability, Illusion. Mostly because it confuses me sometimes xD Oh, and it's a Dark-type. Absolute bawss.
Illusion is really fun. especially with a friend. Try having a triple battle with five steel or fighting types and a zoroark. Illusion also has some practical use in competitive battling, too.

Design-wise, I like it. The red and black are really good complements. The face designs are a bit strange, and the face looks a bit too long. But the claws are cool. It has a bit of a limited moveset, but all gen V pokemon do. And the shiny is equally cool, I'm proud to have one. All in all, a great pokemon and one of my favorite Gen V pokes.
I'm not that crazy about Zoroark - mostly due to the fact that its waist makes it appear hideously deformed.

Battle-wise, though, it has a very useful ability and is a good addition to any team.
Well, it looks pretty badass, nice colour-scheme, got some cool attacks too, but the whole "first gen 5 pokemon"-thingie pretty much just ruins it for me.
It's like the starters, they look cool and are good pokemon, but since you can only choose one (if you have no wifi, like me -.-) they just seem, I dunno, distant? Like, you can't really get them anywhere else in the games and two of the lines are hands off for good. They're like non-existant. Sooo, that's sort of how I feel about Zoroark.
Today's next Pokemon is



I will add my part later on.
Oshawott... (you made it sound like an Electric-type) looks sort of plain and meh-ish. And... it's an otter with a seashell on its belly that it can take off and use as a sword. Sort of weird.
At first, I couldn't get used to the huge heap of stuff they put in its name.
Oshawott was my favorite starter. Until I saw its evolutions. T.T If only its other evolutions were better at battle.

But this is about Oshawott: it is adorable! It isn't Snivy, but at least is not Tepig.
At first, I thought Oshawott looked like a beak-less Piplup. But then I saw Samurott, and my heart belongs to it (at least as my favorite Water Pokemon)
I suppose I'm ok with Oshawott. Not a lot for me to say on this little bugger.
I sorta like Oshawott. Its a cute little otter that becomes a really awesome ninja otter with two shell blades. Thats epic. However, it fails at its final stage. I hate Samurott. What is he supposed to be? What, did Dewott get soaked in a lake of radioactivity and come out as a wierd horse/monster/whatever with a horn coming from its head?

Still, Samurott has good attacks, don't get me wrong. I still like Oshawott. He is rather cool and looks like he has good stats, like speed, defense, and attack. Not my fav, but certainly comes in second for Unova starters.
I started liking Oshawott a lot more when Pokedex 3D came out and I saw that Samurott actually has two built-in swords.
I started liking Oshawott a lot more when Pokedex 3D came out and I saw that Samurott actually has two built-in swords.
This piece of badass OA pretty much drives the point on how awesome Samurott are. It's upstaging the hell out of the other two.
Its a great Pokemon, but its evos suck. D: They just look stupid and odd with shells everywhere. The evos are still the only unova Pokemon I really hate, because they ruined a perfectly good starter. Samurott is frail as hell as well, which didn't help my frustrations at it when I was using it.
Oshawott is the best of the 3 starters IMO. Access to fighting type moves, a great water attack from early on, a nice bug type move, and Night Slash as an Egg Move and a workable attack stat, it's really cool. It kinda looks a bit awkward. I like Dewott much more as far as proprotionality goes. Evolution line has a decent, but generic, water type color scheme, I guess. Shell Blades, though, = cool.

On a related note, what exactly is the difference between a Scallop and Scalchop? Is the latter actually real?
I really dislike Oshawott. I feel like they tried to make it cute, but what they ended up with was a sad snowman with an oversize bib with a shell on it.

Somewhat redeemed by its evolution - Samurott is badass. I was pretty tempted to get Oshawott purely for Samurott, but I didn't think I could stand using Oshawott itself so I went with Snivy instead.
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