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Daily Pokemon Discussions

... it's arms are kind of creepy to me. :( So it's hard to look at, but otherwise I like it and have used a few! I guess I prefer Mienfoo though!! tough cuties nwn

(Timburr is absolutely terrifying.)
I don't really like Mienshao, mainly because I have no idea how it works. I really don't like its design much. But as a pokemon it's quite good, I'll admit. And Mienfoo is amazing.
I was going to use a Mienshao on my team. (It got replaced with Skarmory). With the right stuff, you consider any team completely gone.

Sorry, I hate it. There are a very select few of good fighting-types *coughlucario* and that's not one of 'em. And, as for Absoul's opinion, Mienfoo is not cute. It looks mad and like it wants to hurt me, which it does.

Good moveset though.
Mienshao's flappy arms weird me out a bit, but other than that, it's pretty cool. I like the whiskers and colours.

How can you possibly like that ugly thing :(
some of us really like creepy clowns


Sorry, I hate it. There are a very select few of good fighting-types *coughlucario* and that's not one of 'em. And, as for Absoul's opinion, Mienfoo is not cute. It looks mad and like it wants to hurt me, which it does.

Good moveset though.
that Lugia in your avatar looks mad and like it wants to dive bomb me

How can not cute. >:(

Color scheme of both is cool, and plus fighting weasels. And they're the only Pokemon that get U-Turn/Regenerator.
But it's not generic at all! Fighting-types generally have macho and anti-cute in mind rather than being adorbs little rodenty things. It kind of brings Meditite to mind, I guess? I wouldn't mind more cute Rock-types, too.
But it's not generic at all! Fighting-types generally have macho and anti-cute in mind rather than being adorbs little rodenty things. It kind of brings Meditite to mind, I guess? I wouldn't mind more cute Rock-types, too.

It isn't a rodent. And it certainly looks more like a strong martial artist thing than the cool speedy ninja Sneasel.
'Rodenty things'. Looks like a vole to me! Sure, a strong martial artist that's adorable! And comes up to your waist.
I love Mienshoo. Its possibly my favorite fighting Pokemon.

man this feels great to do again, but new Pokemon


I think it still works. Carracosta is my newest favorite fossil.
'Rodenty things'. Looks like a vole to me! Sure, a strong martial artist that's adorable! And comes up to your waist.

More like a weasel that took up martial arts to overcome the handicap of not being slender and agile enough.

Anyway, Carracosta. I like the name. The fact that it includes the word for "coast" fits with the type combination.

And its shell is similar to Blastoise's.
Wait, now I know why it eats steel frames. It surely has metal parts in its shell. The thing that Blastoise's cannons later evolve from!
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