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Open Darkness Rising

((edit: Epically ninja'd.))

Shari hissed quietly at the few Weaviles in the group of dark Pokemon. She had watched from the shadows of the trees as the eclipse began to chip away at the red moon, and knew then that it was time for the prophecy to come true... Though there were Weaviles in the group of Pokemon, and she would not look at a Weavile, much less talk or work with one, until she had evolved herself. Damn them all. It was a stupid, childish rebellion, but one she felt necessary. The luckier ones were ruining her life.

The next minute was a garble of chaotic madness, and not the kind of chaos she liked. Shari was blinded by an oddly powerful light and she stumbled away from the clearing ahead of her, screeching bloody murder. Across from her were two incredible forces, one like a bright light and the other, a shadow. The light, Cresselia, said something and began to attack the other Pokemon of the darkness, while it appeared Darkrai was just going to hover there and make a shadow.

In front of her, a Nidorino was thrown back into a tree and seemed to be rather dazed for a few moments, though he got back to his paws and shouted defiance at Cresselia. Did he really think he would be able to defeat a legend? Shari followed his gaze to an Azurill in their midst and frowned. Odd for a baby Pokemon, and one of light, to be fighting for the darkness. She was missing something obvious, here.

Enough thinking, Shari decided, and dashed into the clearing. Using her momentum from the charge, she gathered up shadowy energy in her right claw and jumped forwards, sending a ball of dark energy at the Cresent Pokemon.
By the time the Wind Subsided, Ocent had made his next move.

Of course, he had taken a few moments to take stock of the situation. To begin with, a rainstorm had begun, and the pokemon seemed to be bum-rushing their enemy. The Umbreon in particular had been making reckless moves, and a Murkrow that Ocent hadn't seen earlier had just barely dodged what could have been a lethal attack. The Azurill from before seemed to be playing the deception game with Cresselia, but other pokemon blocked Ocent's view from what the little pokemon was actually doing to the Lunar pokemon.

That's when someone broadcasted a telepathic message to the group.

This doesn't concern us, Ocent thought, We can use nothing sans ranged moves, so all that remains is to decide which attack we should use against this scum...

Then it came to him: a move that he should have used from the get-go.

Gathering the darkness that raged inside of him, the Spiritomb spent several moments readying his attack, and then he made his move by unleashing the pent up dark energy.

Can you stand against our Dark Pulse?

A cluster of shadow energy burst from his fissure and sped toward Cresselia.
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There. Fenos had made it to Cresselia. Just in time, too. Any later and that wave of energy that he took to be a Dark pulse would've hit him. Fenos saw his oppurtunity. While the creature of Light was rearing back from the Dark Pulse, Fenos yawned in its ear. That Dark pulse did a lot! Fenos thought to himself. I'll do one, too. The umbreon planned as he charged up energy. "Now, Dark Pulse" Fenos said as he let out the dark energy. The Cresselia fell down. Fenos didn't know what had happened; had it gone to sleep? He didn't want to stay and find out. Fenos jumped off.
(( It shouldn't be obvious that it's Phren using telepathy, if Ocent can't base it off Phren's body language. It may not be as sneaky as Phren thinks it is, but the voice still sounds different from the one everyone hears, and he's not expected to be telepathic, anyway.

Okay so Phren feels and probably is useless, so I'm grabbing onto Cresselia's reins because psychics can think, too. I feel she needs the chance to fight decently. ))

Cresselia's glittering green aura brightened, renewing it before it had a chance to fade. She didn't react to the yawn and didn't feel the least bit drowsy, thanks to the protection of her safeguard. The barrage of dark pulses made her jerk and perhaps look like she was falling, for a moment, but she recovered. The pain of the many energy and claw attacks was significant, but she was more powerful than any of the Darklings could ever imagine, and she could take enough pain to incapacitate them all. She would prefer not to, but there was a reason that Arceus sent her to fight the entire army.

The rainclouds covered the moon, limiting her healing abilities, but she called on it regardless. Some wounds healed, mainly the gashes from all of those physical attacks, because she knew the greatest priority was in stemming her blood loss. Sparkling energy surrounded her, and she locked the stars onto the yawning umbreon's energy signature. They flew after him, faster than he could run, and they would turn to target him no matter how he tried to dodge.

Her eyes flickered to the azurill, who seemed frozen in place. She did not know why a pokemon of the Light was within the cursed Army of Darkness, but she knew the Dark would willingly capture one so young for its own evil purposes. But it was good, perhaps, that it did not approach, because the Dark might strike it even without willing to, although they certainly would not care. The Light never harmed its own, but the Dark was indiscriminate in its harm.

Her eyes continued over the army. She could not easily strike them all, but it did not matter. The Light touched all individually, even those of the Dark. She fired an aurora beam at a spiritomb, a signal beam at a sneasel, and another aurora beam at an ariados. The three beams of energy took a second to charge, but when she loosed them they travelled at the speed of light. First the darkness was cut by a glittering rainbow beam, then by two beams of swirling red and blue lights. The sight was familiar, but they gave Cresselia hope and reminded her of why she was here.

She did not speak out loud, because her breaths were becoming slightly heavier, but her telepathy took no effort. Her clear, beautiful voice rang out.

> Do you see? The Light always defeats the Dark, Darkrai, because there can only be darkness in the absence of light. So long as the Light is present, the only Darkness will be in the shadows. And the Light will always be present, because the Light is Good and Just. We will prevail. <

She called on the faint moonlight from behind the clouds. It was weaker, but it was there, and it could reach her. She smiled as burns from electricity, shadows, and dark energy healed. > No matter how thick your clouds, the light shines for all to see. <

(( That's a safeguard, moonlight, swift @ Fenos, aurora beam @ Ocent, signal beam @ Shari, aurora beam @ Iles, and another moonlight. Making up for lost time, yes; it'll take some time, of course, maybe even more than 15 seconds, but I imagine a legendary has far more energy and skill than our mortal critters. ))
Fenos saw the stars coming at him, and remembered one of his skills. He used Psychic. It wasn't enough to control them, but he could stop them in place. It took energy to keep it going, but the umbreon also used Moonlight to heal its wounds. Keeping the Psychic going, Fenos used Heal Bell on his Allies. He had been waiting to do that, but didn't want to heal the arceus also.

((Summary: Fenos and Cresselia are both using energy to control the Swift, Moonlight on self, and Heal Bell on friends.))
Vanxir, unable to control his other self, launched himself at the being of Light. He charged one claw with with a ghostly taint, and the other with the same dark power and slashed at Cresslia. He spun and slashed with both claws, then he jumped in the air and slash his ghost claw at her face. He jumped back at a safe distance, dismissing the two energies, and thought of various dark strategies he could use at her. With that, he gathered all of the dark thoughts of his past and launched it at her in the for of a pulse. Satisfied with his continuous onslaught, he paused and took a few quick breaths, surveying his work.
Lucidia's Beat Up had turned out useless when no one else had come to help with the move. "If I say Beat Up, we're supposed to all attack at once!" she howled, darting back through the foliage away from Cresselia. The attack had just about failed, and it didn't help when Cresselia healed herself with moonlight. This would be tougher than she thought... Lucidia planned to use Fire Fang next, hopefully aiming at the back of Cresselia's neck. But she would have to buy time somehow.
Requiem froze as she realized that she could make perfect use of what Phren was saying. Destiny Bond! That's it! But... can I use Taunt? Maybe Curse.... she was lost in her own thought before a Moonlight technique brought her back to reality -- Cresselia was healing! She had to act fast. Frantically, the Mismagius thought of what she should do. Unfortunately, she realized that she couldn't use Curse or Destiny Bond. Frustrated, she used the first move she thought of. And that happened to be Double Team.

The Mismagius looked to the three clones she had created; it would take more energy to create more clones but would definitely pay off. Immediately, they all started charging Shadow Balls, slowly moving in a circle to surround Cresselia from the shadows. And then, all at once, they were released towards the Psychic-type. But since the real Requiem had to command, then hers was released slightly before the others. Still, she was pretty confident, and watched as four Shadow Ball attacks flew towards Cresselia from three sides and a slightly upward angle.
Cresselia's bright red and blue spiral knocked Shari back quite a distance, and she lay there for a moment, catching her breath before climbing to her feet and raising her claws. She eyed their opponent for a moment, before calling up the memory of a blizzard and breathing out a freezing wind, covering a small part of Cresselia's side with a faint layer of ice that was barely there, before melting into drops of water. Shari followed her Icy Wind with a burst of dark energy from the gem on her forehead, putting all the dark thoughts she had into it.

She wished she could get up close in Cresselia's face and rip her a good one, but the stronger Pokemon would likely just knock her back with another Signal Beam, and she had no way to heal herself. While Shari wasn't one of the strongest Pokemon there, she could definitely chip away at her health, though she herself could probably only take one more good hit from their opponent before having to save her energy. Shari would really rather not die, or be accidentally stepped on, if she passed out.
(( Psychic: concentration-intensive. Any and all healing: energy-intensive. Heal bell: ...not learned by umbreon or eevee. And so: ))

Fenos was not nearly as powerful as the Cresselia. Anyone could tell him this. He probably knew it himself, but he seemed to not know how it might apply.

Even Cresselia would not try to heal her own body and concentrate on blocking an attack all at once, unless the circumstances were dire or special.

It was already difficult to grasp several flying objects and stop them in their place, let alone anything made of pure energy.The move psychic was not a simple pushing force, as it had to grasp something to affect it, and umbreon did not have the ability to simply loose psychic energy. Something less controlled, like a dark pulse, might have destroyed the stars or at least weakened them. It did not have to be hopeless, of course. If Fenos had fully concentrated on it, or he was exceptionally skilled with psychic moves, he might have managed it with luck. But his concentration was scattered, already going to healing his own wounds.

This was a little bit more successful, though because of the clouds and Darkrai's shadow, the moonlight did not do very much. It helped that he did not have many injuries, but it did not help that the swift broke through his attempt at a psychic block, barely halting for even a moment. Perhaps not even a moment, since grabbing at energy was almost bound to failure at best. It was then that Fenos understood the power of a legendary: every star that struck him burned like a concentrated fire blast, and drawing on the light could only soothe the pain slightly. The psychic may have weakened the swift significantly, though it was more luck than skill.

But the moonlight, too, was not as effective as it could have been, because Fenos tried to summon the musical sound of a bell. There was just one very significant problem: he did not know how. It was not in an umbreon's possible skill set, nor could eevee learn heal bell, and Fenos had never coincidentally and luckily encountered a pokemon capable of teaching the impossible like Lunoso had.

Granted, other than the moonlight being overall not very successful due to the psychic and heal bell attempts, it didn't really matter. Heal bell would have done little other than maybe, maybe, make Melpomene a little less angry at him, because her paralysis would have vanished. Moonlight really only mitigated the damage that was weakened by psychic, and it healed a few other light burns from glancing blows.

Cresselia, luckily, didn't seem to notice what was probably a perfect opening to finish Fenos off, due to completing her own moves and trying to shrug off the attacks of others. Phren didn't notice either, but if he had he might have felt better about himself.

The torrential rain had started to weaken, but the dampness of the air still made it difficult to heat flames, and the raindrops still destroyed all double team clones as soon as they appeared. It didn't really matter, though, because the real shadow ball still struck Cresselia, and a subtle backward movement betrayed slight pain.

Phren, having been going over the moves that the azumarill taught all the young ones, remembered one of the few he had managed - icy wind. As he had never learned it as a banette, it was easy to forget, but he also didn't know if it was a good idea - it was likely that others would be caught in the gust, especially if anyone went close to Cresselia. And if Cresselia noticed... maybe he could use that proximity, then, actually.

Something in his body, which he assumed his lungs, suddenly became very cold as he inhaled deeply. "Get away from her!" he yelled, and released the frosty gale.

(( If you're going to stuff a bunch of actions into one post, at least make them consecutive like I did with Cresselia, or simple like a night slash/shadow claw combo. If you try to do too much at one time, they're all bound to fail. Also I wouldn't be surprised if Cresselia was able to control the moon to harm any Dark moonlighters or anything, but I didn't bother.

I might let it pass without comment if you elaborated on your own moves and showed how you think psychic works, but you kind of force someone else to "mod" you.

Aww, Requiem's not lucky enough to get special egg moves :( ))
Lucidia wanted to attack Cresselia as soon as she could without hurting herself; the suspense on the outcome of the battle was killing her. She breathed slowly, attempting to ignite the flames within her mouth for a Fire Fang. Cresselia had Safeguard, so this wouldn't burn the Houndour's opponent, but it was possible that the attack would cause flinching. The chance was slim, though.

Finally, she felt the attack reach the proper level so that it would actually do the amount of damage it was supposed to. With a sensation like her tongue was burning off if this wasn't an actual move, she leaped out from behind the bracken, aiming for Cresselia's throat. But the Light Pokemon moved at the last second, causing the attack to strike her side instead. Also, Cresselia refused to flinch. Slightly frustrated, Lucidia backed off again while Cresselia pondered what to do with a Pokemon that resisted most of her attacks.
Luno had been doing his sludgy equivelant of hopping from foot to foot, wondering whta to do. The Umbreon had seemingly gone carzy with the attacks, the Azurill was shooting... ice at Cresselia, and many of the others had been dealing damage with moves.

What could Lunoso do? He wasn't exactly a ninja...

What they needed to do was work together, combine their power somehow...

Hmm, that was it, wasn't it! The power of their moves seperately was nearly useless against the Legendary Light-mongerer, but if it was combined... This would really hurt, though...

"Everyone, attack me!" the floating Grimer yelled, glowing a murky white. A Bide attack.
"Everyone, attack me!"

Lucidia heard the cry from someone whose voice she recognized; it was the Grimer whose name she hadn't learned. Not like she would want to anyway. She was still frustrated at her failed Beat Up, and felt like clawing everyone for not listening, but she would have to take that power out on him. She liked him as a slight acquaintance, but that wasn't enough to stop her from assisting him.

The Houndour thought up a move she had learned from her father: Fire Spin. Not only would it deal a bit of damage, but it would bring the Grimer's HP down as the Bide attack went on. Smiling at her own genius (which she thought was really arrogant of herself but did it anyway), she sucked in the night's cold air. She inhaled until she felt like she was going to explode like an overinflated Drifloon, and then quickly breathed out, narrowing the stream of air. This resulted in a line of flame jetting from her mouth, and as soon as it reached Luno the flames began whirling around him like a tornado, except hotter.
((Previous post has been modified to make more sense))

Ocent had been gathering the darkness for another strike- hopefully, a decisive one, when Cresselia launched another beam at him. So focused was he on charging his attack that he didn't notice the Aurora beam heading straight for him until it was too late.

Once again, he lost control over the charged blast when the ice attack struck, and its power was unleashed- only this time, it was unleashed inside his keystone.

Cramped up as it was, the dark energy took the path of least resistance, which happened to be Ocent's body. The Spiritomb screeched as dark energies rebounded within him.


The Spiritomb, with a look of pure insanity on his face, shot forward until he was staring Cresselia in the face, not caring about getting caught in the crossfire of any attacks.

"You must think that by fighting us, you are serving the light. You must think that our destruction will purify this world."

He began to gather darkness inside him again, but this time, he was readying a defense.

"This is false. Through our destruction, you sink to our level. Admit it, you light scum: when it comes right down to it, you're no better than us."

((Ocent knows all too well that he's standing in the line of fire, and doesn't care. Right now, he's playing the "demoralize" card))
Flora was late.

Well, there wasn't a set time for the meeting - heck, it could barely called a meeting - but when the moon went red, she had known that it was time to fulfill Giratina's prophecy and strike down the Light. And the Drifloon was morbidly excited; excited to see the Light fall, to make them pay-

She felt herself begin to lose her fine control over her flight as she began to inflate. Calm, calm, calm. They'll only get what they deserve if you stay sane, she told herself. It took some work to subdue her rising hatred, but when she regained her normal size she felt especially proud; normally it would have taken more than a minute to calm herself.

She had noticed some flashes of light (oh, how she hated it!) through the trees, but under their cover she was protected. When she felt the first raindrops she simply grinned and let the few that survived the blockade of leaves and branches roll down her face. So when she suddenly emerged into open space, rain pelting down and all hell breaking loose, she was...shocked, to put it mildly.

It took at least twenty seconds before Flora could think properly. There was a Pokemon, pink and blue and gold shining as she hovered, handling attacks from the rest of the Pokemon in the clearing. The others were all Dark, or Poison-based, and some were Ghostly like her, all contrasting the bright of the Light Pokemon with dark, subdued tones.

And then she saw him. It couldn't be - it was completely impossible - not here, in front of her! No, that wasn't Darkrai floating off to the side, she told herself, pretending to believe herself to keep her nerves under control.

But if it had been him, then the Creature of Light - she would be Cresselia, ruler of dreams and enemy of Darkrai. Flora felt her body swelling again, but this time she let herself fill with extra air and gas, fueling her anger and loathing of the Pokemon. Yes, if Darkrai was here with her, then the Pokemon would be fighting to serve him.

She had to be out there. She wished to inflict pain on Cresselia as the others did. Not wishing to use one of her weaker physical attacks, she settled for a Shadow Ball, charging it up until it was large, then sending it towards Cresselia. The Light Pokemon easily dodged it, having seen it from a distance. Frustrated, Flora fired a few more in rapid succession, drawing closer, but only one hit, and Cresselia seemed to shake it off after a moment, her attention directed at the next attack.

This was going to be hard.

A cry of, "Everyone, attack me!" rang through the clearing, and Flora instinctively labelled the Pokemon speaking as "not too bright." What was to be gained by attacking an ally? But as she turned in the air, deflating slightly, she saw a Grimer that was glowing. That coupled with the yell, presumably from him, meant...

It was stupid. It was idiotic, it was crazy, it was-

It was absolutely brilliant.

All doubts about the Pokemon's intelligence were washed from her mind. Letting herself sink lower to the ground to make herself less of a target, Flora began to whip up an Ominous Wind. While a Shadow Ball might have worked better if it were a simple attack, a Wind could be sustained for as long as needed.

The small storm was let loose and immediately encircled the Grimer. Flora frowned. That wouldn't do; didn't he need to be able to see to aim? And, in any case, there were already rings of fire around him, and she didn't want to put them out entirely. With some difficulty, she set the wind to circling around the Grimer's base, concentrating the energy into a more tightly-packed ring. When it seemed that he would soon release his energy, maybe she could let expand upward and cover him for a moment.

She really hoped that she wouldn't mess something up.
Meletios found himself on the ground. He was bleeding, but didn't really have the energy to staunch it.

Psychic voices hit his mind one after another. First was a plea, actually something more like a pep talk. Meletios couldn't think too hard due to the injury.

"Hahaha!", he cackled, "Physical attacks? Unfortunately, that's most of what I'm capable of..."

It wasn't all, he mentally admitted. Psychic attacks probably wouldn't end well, but night shade would still work.

Come to think of it, I should see if I can figure out telepathy sometime., he thought, And I'm still... hungry!

Cresselia's clarion voice rang through his mind now. He wouldn't be swayed, hurt as he was.

He heard a cry, warning him to evacuate Cresselia's vicinity. Unfortunately, he couldn't quite move as quickly. Meletios found out why he had to run, though, as he felt the air temperature drop. Turning to take a look, a cold wind pelted Cresselia.

Someone else shouted something.

"Did he just ask... everyone to attack him?", Meletios questioned, before letting off another cackle and a cough.

"Since I can't do much else, I shall oblige!", he continued.

The call came from... the Grimer. Who was barely in sight, but Meletios concentrated a bit and sent a weak psychic attack at the Grimer's brain, most likely leading to a headache. Hopefully he didn't overdo it, considering the Grimer's weakness to psychic attacks.
Amidst the sounds of battle someone screamed "Everyone attack me!" and several other darkness creatures obliged. Er shrugged. Why not? He opened his mouth, and a green energy began to gather in it, forming a sphere. When the sphere was fully formed, he shot the Dragon Pulse at the grimer who had shouted the command. Er had no idea what he was planning to do, but as far as he was concerned, he didn't care.

Re-focusing his attacks on Cresselia, he conjured up sludge from his stomach and launched it at Cresselia. Sludge Bomb was a sickening attack to use, but at the time, he thought it was necessary. Once the attack finished, he focused on the problem at hand. But I don't know the move Destiny Bond... he thought to himself. Nor did he know curse for that matter. So what the hell was he supposed to do? He sighed and conjured up another Sludge Bomb. All he could do was keep attacking, and hope for the best.
Holoc continued fighting quickly, not really paying attention to the other Pokemon now, just focusing of the Cresselia, attacking repeatedly with Shadow Claw. He glanced around quickly occasionally, but kept attacking, and kept getting hit. Suddenly, he heard a shout of "Hey, Attack me!" breaking his concentration. He looked over to the pokemon that had shouted it, the Floating Grimer that he saw earlier, which was now glowing white. 'Wha..?' Holoc thought for a moment before remembering a move he had seen before on his travels somewhere. 'Bide. This guy is Bloody Brilliant.' he thought.

Holoc needed to fire a move off quickly, but what? He couldn't get the quickly for a shadow claw, and poison attacks wouldn't work, so what?
'Maybe that move dad taught me...? Would it work though? Yes!' he thought, before concentrating energy into his head. His eyes snapped open, glowing a bright blue, and Holoc sent a powerful burst of psychic energy at the Grimer.

(Nidorino learn Psychic as an egg move.)
Luno's eyes were squeezed shut in a combination of pain and plain old pressure from the combined energy of the moves. Zooming forward at his top speed, the floating sludgepile approached the Legendary, who turned towards him and began charging an Aurora Beam, an accursed Light move.

The Fire Spin was still raging, sapping further health from the fatigued Grimer. The Evil One fired her beam of shifting light, aimed straight at Lunoso. It slammed into him, ripping through his gelatinous form. Clutching his gaping wound, the ameoba-like Poison-type flew forward by his own momentum.

And released the Bided energy.

A flash of brilliant light flew from his body, spinning quickly and silently at the Cresselia. In a noiseless explosion, the attack struck Cresselia.
Dazedly looking at the brilliant light, Luno smiled and thought, How ironic.
He passed out, flung from the blast by a combination of the wrath of the Bide and his own now-failing Levitation. Luno hit the ground with a splat, held together only by his own natural connection to his goop.

He had a wide smile plastered on his unconcious face.
Fenos was sad. Nobody cared that he had just stopped Swift. Although that grimer was smart. The Umbreon needed to get out of this. He decide to use Dig. He pounced at the ground and dug like craaazeh. He knew that he would still get hit, so he prepared with Endure.
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