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Open Darkness Rising

"I agree," Flora immediately replied. "They treat us like savages and they expect us to believe that they actually believe in equality or not judging others! They don't see that, deep down, they are just like us."

Looking down at the suddenly alarming distance between herself and the ground, the Drifloon hastily floated lower with some difficulty. Perhaps she needed anger-management lessons...?

It was this thought that cleared Flora's head enough for her to bring down her anger to a manageable level and sheepishly look at Luno. "Um...sorry about that. It's just, when I get angry - I can't control it - I inflate. And when I think of the Light Pokemon-" At this, Flora re-inflated, almost to her previous size. "They make me so mad! They don't deserve our world."
Er frowned deeply. "Useless? Impossible. You could be of use to us yet. But that doesn't matter. You haven't answered my question. Are you with us..." he turned to Cresselia's mutilated corpse, "...or not?" The azurill was clearly very frightened. He wondered if he should just kill the thing, it being a creature of the Light and all. "And stop stuttering," he added, "It's hard to understand you when you do." No, he decided, there's more to this one. He wasn't sure what, or even how he knew, but it was clearly not against them. He just enjoyed raking fear out of the little azurill. Still it had said about the light having an army as well... it was not a pleasant thought. Did this Light creature know more than it was letting on? And if so, how could he squeeze the information from it? He put the thoughts away at the back of his mind. That would come later. For now, he needed to know if this azurill could be trusted...
Ocent turned to look at a Grimer when it spoke about rising up against the Light.

"It sounds like you are simply saying 'accomplish what we accomplished nineteen of our years ago,'" he said, grinning, "Those of the Light feared us, and all we ever sought was knowledge. Of course, they did not give us what we wanted, so we had to give them... retribution."

The grin on Ocent's face grew wider, "We were sealed in our stone for our actions, actions which were done to obtain the knowledge. Now the Light must pay the ultimate price for their blindness.

"Our point is that what you wish to do, we once accomplished."
Meletios wandered around a bit, having little to do, until he found the Azurill from earlier. And a Nidoking he hadn't even noticed before, which was strange because this Nidoking seemed like the sort that liked to be recognized.

He landed in a branch above the Azurill, "Well hello hello, little one. You're an awfully brave one for your age, huh?"
Er's head snapped to a tree branch overhead, where a murkrow was sitting. "Don't you know it's rude to interrupt a conversation? I'm still not sure whether this thing is on our side or not. I wouldn't want you to consort with the enemy," he said, the last line with a hint of sarcasm. "Forget him," he told the azurill, attempting to stare into its eyes from where h was kneeling, "Are you with us or not?" He was getting impatient. It was simple enough question, but things kept interrupting. The next person who tried to talk to the little azurill before it answered his question, died. No warnings.
"Um - yes," Wanderer said, eyes flickering back to the murkrow. "I'm not - not an enemy."

Brave, the murkrow had said. Wanderer wasn't brave. He was terrified and he just wanted to go back home. He never chose this. He was here because a Darkling chose him, and he didn't know when it would return. He almost hoped it would be soon.

Having escaped the nidoking's gaze, Wanderer did everything he could to keep those fearsome red eyes out of sight. He instead tried to look around for anything else, without moving his head too much because the nidoking might eat him.

He squeaked when he saw a houndour sink its fangs into Cresselia's flesh, tear it off, and swallow it, then tore his eyes away before the next gulp. A part of him wanted to chase them away, because they'd already killed Her and now they were desecrating Her body, but he wouldn't dare. Bravery? Maybe it would make him a good pokemon of Light if he had that trait, but he could only think that being brave was the same as being dead.

Wanderer tore his eyes away, and his gaze settled on the fallen Darkrai. Yes! Maybe he was already dead, for Cresselia had struck him with Light. If not, there was little Wanderer could do. "Um - he - Darkrai - he's hurt," Wanderer said, shuffling a bit. "Shouldn't someone go see?"
As the azurill squeaked, Er turned to see what he was looking at. A houndour was eating Cresselia, but it made no difference to Er. Meat was meat in his mind. Although the fact that a light creature who had sat there and watched Cresselia die would squeal at her being eaten was not normal. There was more to this one then met the eye. Then it's eyes rested on the fallen Darkrai, and he saw something in its eyes. Happiness... hope maybe? It was surely not a creature of the dark, but nor was it an enemy. This one was unusual. "The bastard wants us to die for the dark, so why should he not do the same? Saving him would make him a hypocrite. Leave him. His purpose has been served. He has gathered us all here now. Once we are all content," he said, his eyes flashing back to the houndour, "We will leave on our journey." Then he held out his hand, palm down, to the azurill. This one was obviously afraid of Er, so he decided to torture it by keeping it as close as possible. "Climb onto my shoulder," he told it. Then he turned his head to the murkrow. "Now that the young one and I are finished, you may talk with him if you like. You may perch on my other shoulder if you want, or you could fly alongside. Either way I have no problem, it is your decision," he said as his gaze pierced the murkrow. He would see just how brave these creatures really were.

((I dare you to perch on his shoulder Storm... But at the same time, I also dare you not to... Let's just say, either way you're going to end up in serious pain...))
"Understood..... Miss Melpomene." The Umbreon, still afraid to face his brother, sat at Melpomene's....... well, where her feet should've been.
"Understood..... Miss Melpomene." The Umbreon, still afraid to face his brother, sat at Melpomene's....... well, where her feet should've been.
"Understood..... Miss Melpomene." The Umbreon, still afraid to face his brother, sat at Melpomene's....... well, where her feet should've been.
>Good Boy. You will now take the pledge to serve me and Our Lord for the rest of your earthly journey, to love and honour us, and to obey our every command, my little lamb.< Melpomene hissed, painting an elaborate cross on the Umbreon's forehead with the blood of the Light-creature. >This mark is an emblem of your undying faith to the Darkness, and a sign that if you waver in your servitude, you will be killed. Do you understand me?<

She withdrew her claws after painting the mark on Fenos' face, and twisted her zipper into a eerie grin, her razor-claws at her sides now. She had a pawn now, a slave to carry out her every whim. It was amazing how easy it can to manipulate the young ones...

((blerg blerg this post sucks))
"Hahaha!", Meletios responded, "Rudeness? I suppose, but I'm afraid we're all going to have to get very familiar with each other in the following... weeks? Months? Gah, I don't know how long this might take. I'll politely decline your offer, kind sir. And no, it's quite alright, you don't have to perch on my shoulder, hahaha."

He hopped to another branch, but continued, "But what you say is true. Darkrai is now a casualty, yes? Unless you can help him, and I dunno, I don't think any of us can, we should leave him be and continue serving our lord, the great Giratina, hahaha."
((Blerg blerg TCoD needs to stop eating my posts. Also, the quality of my posts seems to get better when I'm not posting in the middle of the night.))

There was general confusion among the injured Darkness Army (Akabari rather liked the sound of that, even though they're technically not an army yet), and Akabari surveyed the field. There were many injuries, definitely; they had just defeated a legendary, after all. A Legendary Light. Akabari still couldn't quite wrap his mind around the concept that they, a small group of oppressed pokemon, had managed to defeat a Legendary.

Yet Cresselia's defeat still bothered him. Akabari knew that the last move she used was Lunar Dance, and it was a move known to have powerful healing properties. Yet, who did she heal? It could not have been the Dark Army, for she is one of the Light, yet there is nobody in the vicinity who could have helped. Unless... The Absol shook his head. He had not been feeling any sense of disaster, and, although his foretelling senses weren't the sharpest in the world, he still could see something extremely devastating. He probably should stop worrying about it. Akabari trotted next to Darkrai's fallen body and nursed his wounds. The cut was still bleeding, but it wasn't that bad, especially compared to Darkrai's.

The Darkness creature seemed to have stopped bleeding now (Akabari briefly wondered about where Darkrai's blood would come from), but he was still unconscious. The Absol carefully prodded Darkrai on the side, noticing that nobody was paying attention to him.

Darkrai stirred, and opened his eye. Akabari leapt about a foot into the air and stumbled backwards, surprised, as the Darkness pokemon, who he thought was dead, slowly rose up. Darkrai's dark cloak was still ragged and worn, and his red collar was still covered by blood, but he was alive; or conscious, at least, because Akabari couldn't tell whether Darkrai was dead like some of the Ghosts are.

The Pitch-Black pokemon hovered higher and blinked, surveying his surroundings. "C...Cresselia is dead?" He asked, his voice filled with disbelief. Then, as he floated closer to the Light's wound, Akabari could almost hear the joy in his voice as Darkrai exclaimed, "Cresselia is dead!"

Yet, almost as abrupt as Darkrai's sudden awakening, the joy disappeared and Darkrai faced the group of injured Darkness. His voice, no longer weak, rang out over the field, as cool and smoothing as the Night. "Giratina's Army," he started, paused, as if to contemplate his thoughts, then started again, "The Army of Darkness, I congratulate you on our first victory against the Light. While many of our numbers are injured, we have defeated Cresselia, the Guardian of the Moon, and the sole creature responsible for covering the Night with Brightness. However," Darkrai made a sweeping gesture to the dark, moonless sky above, "Cresselia is no more and we have once again regained the Darkness in the Night, and I thank each and every one of you, brave warriors of Lord Giratina, for helping our cause."

Akabari listened intently as Darkrai continued his speech. "However, I must cut straight to my point," Darkrai said, his voice suddenly becoming serious. "Cresselia's defeat will warn the Light of our rising, and their army is probably already gathering this minute. We must find and revive the Seven Lords of Darkness, the seven brave creatures who had dedicated his or her lives fighting for Giratina, and," Darkrai's voice was sarcastic now, almost bitter, "their reward was for their souls to be sealed into stones by Arceus."

Darkrai turned serious again, his eyes resting briefly on every single creature of the Army as he continued. "You, the faithful Army of Darkness, is the key to Lord Giratina's revival. The stones containing the Seven Souls are heavily guarded by Light handpicked by Arceus himself, and it will be a dangerous battle that a single creature cannot win alone." Here Darkrai chuckled bitterly. "I had thought that I was powerful enough to challenge one of those creatures, and I had failed."

"The first stone is in the Ruins of Alph, a series of caves south from here," Darkrai continued, "This is the only information I managed to extract before Cresselia attacked me. I must apologize in advance, for I will be setting out to find the location of the next stone and will not be able to help you on your quest. However, I believe in every single one of you, and, as the Army of Darkness, you will be able to defeat the Light, and Darkness will rule once more."
Lucidia watched as Darkrai stirred and rose; he began what sounded like a speech, his ice-blue eyes resting on every single member of the Darkness army. Lucidia heard him compliment them as faithful, but the Houndour doubted she contributed anything to that; sure, even such a weak and small creature as her contributed something, but who said it was positive? Or negative, for that matter. Either way, if there were Grass- or Psychic-types in the Light Armies they were facing, she would be able to use her super-effective moves to the Darkness's advantage. She bowed her head to Darkrai as he announced that he would not be helping, along with a mental note that she hoped he would appear to them again.
"Um... I don't have hands," Wanderer said after a brief flash of panic. "I can't hold on. I can't climb very good either. I, um, I have to go to the Chosen One now..."

Phren thought that the banette was the Chosen One of the Dark, so surely the nidoking would leave him alone if he was in the presence of someone stronger and of higher status. That was how it worked in his tribe, but the Dark pokemon might work differently. After all, the nidoking didn't care that Darkrai, one of the higher Dark ones, and a definite superior, might be dead. But he was still not mature, so he was used to taking refuge in the protection of azumarill or the closest equivalent.

But when Wanderer nervously walked toward Miss Melpomene, keeping an ear out to track the nidoking if he came to close, he faltered. She was so close to Cresselia's corpse, and he did not want to approach. And she was doing something with that mean umbreon, whom he also did not want to be near.

Then Darkrai spoke in his cold, cruel voice that made Wanderer shiver. He told Wanderer nothing new, nothing of use, but his heart leapt when Darkrai mentioned he was not strong enough to defeat even one of Arceus's chosen guardians. Then it sank when he realised that the Army of Darkness had defeated Cresselia with no casualties. Were they, then, perhaps stronger together than Darkrai was? At least, though, Darkrai would be leaving them, and if he wasn't as strong as the Army together, there was a chance that the Light could defeat him.

Yes, that was it. Wanderer must have faith in the Light, in Arceus, and those Arceus trusted.

"G..." It came out quietly, and Wanderer did not want to bring any more attention to himself. But somehow he felt that he should yell this phrase he did not mean at Darkrai, and perhaps it would help his facade. So he took in a deep breath to both steady his nerves and allow him to speak, then: "Good luck, Darkrai!"
Ocent listened intently to Darkrai's speech, and was slightly amused to hear the Dark's overall task.

"What irony this is," he said, "We were unsealed from a stone prison... ad now we find out that we must travel the world and do the same to Giratina's greatest servants... this must be the requirement for our knowledge."

Ocent threw his non-corporeal head back and laughed.

"Very well, we shall fulfill this wish. It is a rather fitting job to be taken, after all."
Er did not like being blown off by the azurill. It was insulting. He promptly followed the azurill and was about to move on it, when Darkrai rose and began making a speech. Er rolled his eyes. As if you would call us here just to be killed by some stupid light creature, he thought sarcastically to himself. Then as Darkrai finished, the azurill stuttered, then shouted "Good luck!" It was then that he moved to scoop the azurill up into his arms. "You may not have arms, but I do, so I guess I'll just carry you." As he cradled the azurill in his arms like a child, he chuckled. This one might make a nice pet, if it didn't betray them. "Don't you dare try and squirm, because if you do, I'll stomp you into the ground," he told the azurill as he began searching for the grimer from earlier. He wanted to know what kind of character this guy was. Finding him, he walked over to him. "That was a gutsy move," he said to it, "I wish we could all make such a sacrifice for the Dark. Some run and hide, though." He remebered the houndour as he said this. "I am Eron'ta. Pleased to meet you. You are?"
A surprised look crossed Lunoso's face. This Nidoking, this... Eron'ta, was positively frightening, even when compared to the others of the group. If faces could kill, this guy's would be a mass murderer.

"Why thank you, it was just an idea. Oh, and I'm Lunoso, call me Luno–!" Luno halted mid-sentence as he noticed the Azurill from before. He looked kind of frightened... "Hey, little boy blue, what's wrong?"

Luno gave a winning smile. Or a creepy one, depending on who you asked.
Requiem stared around and glanced at everyone around her. She only turned her attention to someone specific when Darkrai began to stand up, at which moment her eyes were fixed on him as if she were in a trance. His voice was strong again, as if he had forgotten its injuries. The Mismagius thought, The Seven Souls.... at least she partially understood what the dark Pokemon had said. Quickly, she nodded.

At another glance around, the ghost determined that a couple of Pokemon had introduced themselves. Although she didn't plan on introducing herself, Requiem thought that knowing her allies' names was useful, so she could thoroughly understand battle tactics. With a chuckle, she looked up to the sky that had seemed shattered only a moment before... it was their turn. The Light would be preparing, but all Requiem could do was try her best.
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