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Open Dead Men Shambling.

((Now we with the doc can't do much till evoli comes back DD: *Slaps phil* BAD PHIL!))
((Link, I take it the gun with the shotgun is me?))

Jac looks at the man in the ruck that pulled up, noticing the others in the truck as well. He then quickly glances over his shoulder at the slow moving dead behind him.

"...I'd like to take you up on your offer."

He hops into the back where another man stood, firing at the zombies with a gleeful look in his eyes.

Oh boy...I had to hop onto the truck from Crazytown

"Oh no, no problem at all. This is a big emergency, so take whatever you think you might need.", Antonio said. Noting the man getting into his pickup, Antonio added, "Won't be long. I'm grabbing some private stuff I keep locked up in the back."
He headed into the store, where now sported a pool of blood and what was once a walking corpse, now just a plain corpse. Antonio pocketed a few revolver clips, another box of shotgun shells, and then unlocked the heavy door in the back, labelled 'Private'. He opened it, and inside were a few things that definitely weren't legal to sell. He grabbed a light machine gun, and the corresponding ammo belt, conveniently stored in a metal box that snapped onto the machine gun, and walked back out to the four survivors that had joined him.
"There are maybe 2 dozen hand grenades in 2 boxes on the floor of the back room, past the heavy door. Grab those if you'd like.", he said, hefting the machine gun and it's ammo box into the bed. He then added, "You asked about the zombies, right? All I know is that another survivor passed us a vial of stuff that makes you immune to whatever makes people turn into zombies."
Jac stands, stepping off the truck to grab a box of grenades, when he hears something about a vial.

"Vial?...hmm...wouldn't mind see that"

He runs into the shop and grabs the boxes, then make his way back to the truck and hops back in.

"Now...this vial. It makes people immune?"
"A vial... Odd. I thought I heard a report on that once." Stuart said. He went up to pick up some grenades. "What the deuce?!?! This box is heavy..." He opened it up, and found a bunch of rats inside. They jumped out, and skittered away. "Stupid rats..." he mumbled. Loading the box into the truck, he also carried a submachine gun with him. "If you don't mind," he said to Antonio. "Thanks for letting us use these guns." All set, he got back into the truck, with the helicopter hovering above them.
((Sorry! I was at a friend's house overnight and stuff. *trying to figure out whats going on* Okay, so she got left behind. Understandably. Sorry, guys. ^^;))
"Well, this sucks."
Yelling something corny like wait for me, stupid! would be pointless, they were gone. Ann glared at the general direction of where the car had gone. Not important anymore.
"At least that kid's okay."
She went around to the side of the building and grabbed a metal trash can, then stood up on it. She jumped onto the roof, then looked around as she sat awkwardly. It was probably safe up there at the moment. There were some zombies wandering nearby, but none seemed to notice her.
This really does suck.
As Dr. Cromwell's truck rolled up to near where he had left ((Ana? Sorry I'm bad with names.)) he noticed her on a roof. "Hey, we came back for you! Get on down here so we can go to the lab!" Doc C. yelled up at her.
Angelo stepped out of the car and looked around. "Looks like the coast is clear... No wait..."As he said this he saw a stream of zombies coming toward them from the main street "Shit... INCOMING!!!" He said while pulling his cross out from teh truck
"Damn! This is NOT the time for you guys! Get in the frickin' truck Ana!" Dr. Cromwell yelled as he pulled his SPAS 12 from his truck and started blowing the zombies to pieces. "Here, take this gun and shoot them, that cross won't do you any good!" He said to Angelo.
((*Cough* This is a four foot long cross with a VERY sharp edge. Hell yeah it's going to do good))

"Well it served me fine until you came! Plus. Crosses don't need ammo!" He said while slicing through zombies
((Oh, sorry. It's a swoross.))

"Then get to chopping them down to size!" Dr. Cromwell continued shooting and shooting but there were too many. He could tell that if they didn't get out soon then they would get overrun.
((Yeah. Actually, her names Anastasia, but Ana is, her nickname and stuff. So..))
"I dunno, I kinda like it up here."
She called back, before sliding down from the roof and dropping to the ground, slashing at a few zombies with her sword before jumping into the truck, then slammed the door shut before anything else could get in.
"Drive like the wind, whatever-your-name-is!!"
As Ana jumped into the truck the zombies came around the front of the vehicle. They were trapped, it was too late. They were all gonna die. "DAMMIT! I never thought it would end like this. I need to come up with a cure! This can't happen!" Dr. Cromwell was close to crying. Just then a helicopter pulled up overhead. "GET IN DA CHOPPA!" the pilot said over the speaker. The pilot then threw down the ladder. Dr. Cromwell grabbed 2 guns and started climbing up. "Follow me!" he yelled down to the others.
Ana started to follow, before realizing something somewhat-obvious.
"What the heck? Just run em' over, stupid!"
She jumped back into the truck and began running over the zombies, laughing hysterically.
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"GOD DAMMIT GIRL! GET OUT OF THE TRUCK!" Dr. Cromwell yelled down to her. He used his handgun to shoot one of the tires. "There are too many for you to run down! Get out and start climbing!"
Idiot. He doesn't know anything. Still, he shot the tires so there goes that idea. Idiot! And I do not like being called girl. I'm an adult that is indeed female, for the love of..
Anna cursed under her breath, held her sword awkwardly under one arm, and climbed quickly up the ladder, glaring at Cromwell. If looks could kill, he'd be falling out of the helicopter.
That wouldn't be too hard to arrange, ac- Oh God, what did I just think? I'm a maniac! I'msorryI'msorryI'msorry.
She got in the helicopter, ignoring the other survivor with as much dignity as possible, given the situation. She studied her sword, looking furious.
Great. Zombie apocalypse, and I hate one of the last survivors' guts. Lovely. Isn't that just so me? I run into I guy, I wanna hurt him. I didn't lose it. Never had it.
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