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Designer Mafia [Day Three] Mafia win

Re: Designer Mafia [Day One]

But if we don't vote the day lasts longer! Why not just take back your vote?
Re: Designer Mafia [Day One]

For my safety I am not going to roleclaim... yet. But it's day one and we have no leads so what's the point in discussing further? Day one is always like this unless whoever is an inspector goes "HE DID ITZ!" we have nothing to go on.
Re: Designer Mafia [Day One]

Hm... Phantom, why haven't you told us who you submtited into the mix?

Kinda suspicious.
Re: Designer Mafia [Day One]

Cause I kinda didn't submit anything. I forgot. Happy? >:[

I've been uber busy irl so I forgot about this mafia totally.
Re: Designer Mafia [Day One]

Maybe a role got repeated? Or something Mafian or Alien got thrown into the fray?
Re: Designer Mafia [Day One]

Maybe they made a vanilla townie or something?

Regardless, that doesn't really make much sense. Considering that TFM waited for the mafia to send in their kill and is going to wait until we decide who to lynch, wouldn't it make sense for him to wait for somebody to send in a role instead of imbalancing the game (kind of) and depriving a player of their choice of a role?

I'm casting a tentative vote for Phantom, here. Could you roleclaim or something to make yourself less suspicious?

The Friendly Mushroom: What would you do if someone forgot to send in a role?
Re: Designer Mafia [Day One]

Who's gonna die?
And a vexus is someone who redirects anything targeted at him/her.

You mean a nexus.

That's... how does that work?

If there are only 10 roles and 11 players?

I imagine our GM would have made up an 11th role. Just like, if there weren't any/enough Mafia-aligned roles, I imagine he would have replaced or changed some of them to Mafia. Hence why I suggested listing off what we'd suggested only as a guideline to what we may have, and not as a definitive list.
Re: Designer Mafia [Day One]

Fine, hello, I'm a burglar, which I think means there's more than one. At least the role post said "a burglar" which kind of leaves it open that there's two. Might solve the issue of 11.
Re: Designer Mafia [Day One]

Fine, hello, I'm a burglar, which I think means there's more than one. At least the role post said "a burglar" which kind of leaves it open that there's two. Might solve the issue of 11.

Well my PM said "the" not "a", so I guess there may very well be multiple of a/some role(s). Anybody else get "a" in their PM?
Re: Designer Mafia [Day One]

Uh, no? iirc, Burglers don't die when they try to steal stuff, no matter what it is.

Wait, is burglar the one-use role that targets a player and adopts their role, while the player that they targeted becomes vanilla or something? If it is, then of course the burglar would die if they targeted the suicidal townie, and it would be kind of a waste of the burglar's ability, really.

But it's day one and we have no leads so what's the point in discussing further? Day one is always like this unless whoever is an inspector goes "HE DID ITZ!" we have nothing to go on.

Leads can come from discussion! If no one talks except to say that there's nothing to talk about, there never will be anything to talk about. :(

That's... how does that work?

If there are only 10 roles and 11 players?

I'd guess that the GM would just pick a role himself, like he would have had to do if no one had suggested a Mafia-aligned killing role or something. (Also there are only ten players.)

Well my PM said "the" not "a", so I guess there may very well be multiple of a/some role(s). Anybody else get "a" in their PM?

I just got a role name.
Re: Designer Mafia [Day One]

The Friendly Mushroom; PM said:
You are a burglar. At night, you can steal something from someone to remove their powers.

That's it. So I am dead, glad I saved my noose from Kanto mafia.

Inactivity kills.

EDIT: before it gets asked I have not stolen from anyone, I was busy with Doctor Who mafia. ((I pre wrote all the possible day posts. :D))
Re: Designer Mafia [Day One]

... Mine didn't say 'the' or 'a'. It just said:



When I suggested burglar, I was thinking of a thief, which gains an item related to a person's role (like a cop having a gun and a doctor having a knife). Apparently it 'sometimes' strips the person of their powers. I didn't really specify much other than that. Are you thinking of a channeler?

Also, Phantom: Who did you target? I'm still kind of suspicious, honestly, mostly because being 'a' burglar could just be an excuse when someone else claims burglar. Also I wouldn't think two people would suggest the same thing anyway.

EDIT: Removing powers doesn't necessarily mean using them yourself! Can you use this action more than once? Do the powers stay night after night? And you didn't burglarize him yet, did you?
Re: Designer Mafia [Day One]

I haven't targetted anyone, as I said. I forgot. Maybe there's a thief role and burglar? Or maybe TFM was on crack and meant to put "the"?

EDIT: That was my entire role post. Again, "You are a burglar. At night, you can steal something from someone to remove their powers. " I assume that means every night. I have not done anything people. I hardly use a power like this in the beginning of the game til I have an idea who to use it on anyways. I might steal from a doctor or something so I always wait til I have a good idea who to target. No idea if they stay night by night though. The GM will have to say that. I think it means I am, in a sense, a role blocker. It doesn't say I can use their powers or anything so... yeah.
Re: Designer Mafia [Day One]

Then there's no real problem if you're a roleblocker, is there? I just imagined it as an info role, though I guess I wasn't specific enough.

A thief and a burglar are the same thing, unless someone else suggested thief. I just said thief because it said thief in parentheses on this.
Re: Designer Mafia [Day One]

EDIT: Removing powers doesn't necessarily mean using them yourself! Can you use this action more than once? Do the powers stay night after night? And you didn't burglarize him yet, did you?

The suicidal townie has a non-optional action, though. Someone stealing it would presumably mean that it's not optional for them, either. (But by stealing I mean the thief removing the person's role and gaining that role for themself.)

But oh! I never saw that role in the list; never mind! I thought you were talking about a different kind of burglar; this is just an investigative thing. (Unless in this game the GM is also having the thief strip the person of their powers.)
Re: Designer Mafia [Day One]

Mai: Eh I can't see the link my internet security screams "nooooo! NO TOUCHY!".

But yeah... Not sure who I'll chose tonight if I live. If someone has a role that they'd know when they're blocked I can chose them, or inspect me whoever has inspector duties or something like that.
Re: Designer Mafia [Day One]

I hate roleclaiming, almost every mafia game I play that I roleclaim in I get killed by the mafia. Like next night.
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