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Designer Mafia [Day Three] Mafia win

Re: Designer Mafia [Day One]

I just realized that some roles were cut, because if they weren't, there would be no/one Mafia.
Which means my Super Mason might not exist :(
Re: Designer Mafia [Day One]

Well, if you steal a noose, why would you suddenly feel compelled to hang yourself with it? Sure, game mechanics, but I don't think stealing from the suicidal townie would make you die yourself.
Re: Designer Mafia [Day One]

Well, if you steal a noose, why would you suddenly feel compelled to hang yourself with it? Sure, game mechanics, but I don't think stealing from the suicidal townie would make you die yourself.

Yeah, I'm pretty sure that it'll just give her a gun to kill someone/do nothing with.
Re: Designer Mafia [Day One]

I be paranoid Mai. If LS99 is lying for some reason and I somehow die because the world wants me to... meh.
Re: Designer Mafia [Day One]

I just realized that some roles were cut, because if they weren't, there would be no/one Mafia.
Which means my Super Mason might not exist :(

Well, one mafia would be silly, but I see no reason to change it when one of the the main ideas of the game is to pick other people's roles. If Phantom is to be believed then I think the one made up by the creator role would be mafia. Plus we have no idea what Seri picked, because she's dead. Also Chief Zackrai hasn't posted, and anyone could lie about what they suggested.
Re: Designer Mafia [Day One]

Huh! I'm guessing that the thing The Friendly Mushroom got an idea about means that the thief will actually be able to steal items, now?

Well, one mafia would be silly, but I see no reason to change it when one of the the main ideas of the game is to pick other people's roles. If Phantom is to be believed then I think the one made up by the creator role would be mafia. Plus we have no idea what Seri picked, because she's dead. Also Chief Zackrai hasn't posted, and anyone could lie about what they suggested.

If Jack was telling the truth, then we probably started with at least 1.5 Mafia: the don who killed Seri (or the hitman, or something) and the Mafia roleblocker. Of course, Seri could've been killed by a vig or something, but that wouldn't have been very smart of them! :( Oh, and Kam, who did you heal last night?

(Hm, although, actually, I don't know how The Friendly Mushroom GMs roles like Mafia roleblocker; would they know who the Mafia are and be able to communicate with them and become the don if the don dies, or not?)
Re: Designer Mafia [Day One]

I healed Squirrel.

Remember, it's entirely possible that somebody here is lying about the role they submitted.
Re: Designer Mafia [Day One]

So let's lynch Zackrai and get it done with so that we can figure more out tomorrow. We need more info, maybe tomorrow something will happen to give us a hint.
Re: Designer Mafia [Day One]

Well, if the GM actually used each person's suggestions, then someone here is trying to get lynched. *cough*Jester*cough* I'm beginning to suspect that a simple inactivity-lynch is just what he's looking for. *glares at Chief Zackrai*

In other matters, 1.5 Mafia? Hauu, that's confusing. Though it would be extremely useful to know what Seri and Zackrai suggested. I'm practically stuck right now, but my gut is tellling me to keepy my vote as it is for now.
Re: Designer Mafia [Day One]

I doubt that inactivity is being used in an attempt to get lynched. We could have easily picked anyone else to randy lynch.
Re: Designer Mafia [Day One]

It's actually pretty unlikely that Zackrai would be Mafia, I think; he hasn't been on for the past five days, but a kill was sent in. I guess it's possible that he's the roleblocker, though, but of course, that's not any more likely than anyone else being the roleblocker.

Well, if the GM actually used each person's suggestions, then someone here is trying to get lynched. *cough*Jester*cough* I'm beginning to suspect that a simple inactivity-lynch is just what he's looking for. *glares at Chief Zackrai*

He hasn't actually been online, so if he is Jester, he's not doing that on purpose!
Re: Designer Mafia [Day One]

Depends. If the GM is truly up for a short game and we end up lynching a Jester on the first lynch, then he wins. I doubt that's the case, but I'm just pointing out that possibility.
Re: Designer Mafia [Day One]

I think a Jester's death would not end the game.

At least, that's not how I'd imagine it.
Re: Designer Mafia [Day One]

It's also possible that you're mafia and trying to get us not to kill your friend, or maybe you're the Jester and trying to get us to be suspicious of you instead.
Re: Designer Mafia [Day One]

How am i defending my "friend"? The jester has no alignment. His goal is to get lynched.
Re: Designer Mafia [Day One]

*Rereads post*

I don't see how i read it wrong. Care to ellaborate, or am i just being extremely oblivious?
Re: Designer Mafia [Day One]

It's also possible that you're mafia and trying to get us not to kill your friend, or maybe you're the Jester and trying to get us to be suspicious of you instead.

More likely the former, if either of those is true at all; it wouldn't really be a good idea for the jester to call people's attention to the possible existence of a jester, which Glace did by saying that she suggested jester in the first place, but it would be an excellent idea for the Mafia.
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