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Designer Mafia [Day Three] Mafia win

Re: Designer Mafia [Day One]

There's no need to be so paranoid. If you were inspector, I'd probably say you had something to fear, but it sounds like you're just a roleblocker if you're telling the truth (which I doubt I'll ever let go of these suspicions, but whatever) and besides, we have Kam (who I've decided is good because someone confirmed doctor is in the game afterward instead of saying that after I said that the role would be in the game). Of course he's insane, but at least if you're so dead set that you're going to die that you have a 50% chance of living.
Re: Designer Mafia [Day One]

There's no need to be so paranoid. If you were inspector, I'd probably say you had something to fear, but it sounds like you're just a roleblocker if you're telling the truth (which I doubt I'll ever let go of these suspicions, but whatever) and besides, we have Kam (who I've decided is good because someone confirmed doctor is in the game afterward instead of saying that after I said that the role would be in the game). Of course he's insane, but at least if you're so dead set that you're going to die that you have a 50% chance of living.

The thief is an investigative role in that list. My understanding of how it works is that it targets someone each night and the GM PMs something back saying that they stole a gun or something. Then we could use that information to try to figure out the target's role (in this case, it might indicate Mafia or cop). (If this thief isn't the variant that strips someone of their role, I believe the name and the "stealing" thing are just flavour; the items can't actually be used.) So if our GM is going by the list, Phantom is not a roleblocker, and she actually is a sort of inspector, which means that she might have reason to believe that she's going to die tonight, but we do have a doctor! (although insane, unless we have more than one.)
Re: Designer Mafia [Day One]

Yeah, but didn't Phantom say it removes their powers? Personally, I think roleblocker and inspector all at once would be a bit much. Though I guess it said some GMs do do it that way.

EDIT: I'm repeating this, just to try.

The Friendly Mushroom: What would happen if someone forgot to send in a role?
Re: Designer Mafia [Day One]

Yeah, but didn't Phantom say it removes their powers? Personally, I think roleblocker and inspector all at once would be a bit much. Though I guess it said some GMs do do it that way.

Oh! So she did. Then it's the variant that... I guess makes the person vanilla as well? I'd assume their action that night would still go through, but after that I guess they wouldn't be able to use it anymore? (Also, bulletproof recruiting mason is also just a bit overpowered, so it's very possible.) And actually, that's not really overpowered; if they targeted a doctor, the doctor wouldn't be able to heal anymore, so that'd be pretty bad for the town!

Okay, so, we have to lynch! So um we probably don't want to lynch Kam, Phantom, or Legend! Other than that idk.
Re: Designer Mafia [Day One]

We have to lynch? UGh. I guess Chief Zackrai since I haven't seen many posts from him and whatnot.
Re: Designer Mafia [Day One]

Bulletproof recruiting mason doesn't sound terribly reliable, though. What if the mafia is allowed in the group because they didn't kill the leader?

Although I'm still sure Phantom is mafia, I admit it would probably help to wait and see what happens tonight. I guess Chief Zackrai would work.
Re: Designer Mafia [Day One]

Bulletproof recruiting mason doesn't sound terribly reliable, though. What if the mafia is allowed in the group because they didn't kill the leader?

Although I'm still sure Phantom is mafia, I admit it would probably help to wait and see what happens tonight. I guess Chief Zackrai would work.

Bulletproof usually only refers to getting attacked by a killing role in the night and not any other sort of death, but idk, maybe.

Why are you sure that Phantom is Mafia? Because of the "a" burglar thing? Our role PMs don't seem to all have been terribly consistent, and no one else has actually claimed burglar anyway!

Ew, inactive lynching. :( Ugh, well I guess we're going to have to default to that if Chief Zackrai doesn't post, just to get rid of dead weight, but idk since my vote won't actually make a difference I won't make it yet and hopefully Zackrai will come on and post before there's a majority!
Re: Designer Mafia [Day One]

On the Phantom thing... I'm not sure, really. Like I said earlier, if TFM would wait for the mafia to make a kill and wait for us to lynch before starting the night, then I just kind of think that he would wait for her to suggest a role, you know? It just seems easier to claim a role someone already said was in the game, too, instead of risking that no one says they suggested your role. It's more of a gut thing, and I guess if Phantom has anything to bring other than 'I forgot my night action' (because her role didn't confirm anything, either!) then I'll probably be satisfied.
Re: Designer Mafia [Day One]

On the Phantom thing... I'm not sure, really. Like I said earlier, if TFM would wait for the mafia to make a kill and wait for us to lynch before starting the night, then I just kind of think that he would wait for her to suggest a role, you know? It just seems easier to claim a role someone already said was in the game, too, instead of risking that no one says they suggested your role. It's more of a gut thing, and I guess if Phantom has anything to bring other than 'I forgot my night action' (because her role didn't confirm anything, either!) then I'll probably be satisfied.

Hm. I don't know about the first thing, but Phantom wasn't asked to roleclaim until everyone else (except Zackrai) had already said what roles they'd suggested. I wouldn't really expect the Mafia to tell the truth about what roles they suggested, anyway; it would be easy for them to frame someone the way that you're saying if they just lied about it. (this isn't relevant to Phantom, but I'm just saying)
Re: Designer Mafia [Day One]


Just got back from my Coe's Quest marathon.
And in a PM TFM sent me, along with generally laughing at me, he told me that I would die tonight /unless/ I was targeted by the Thief, in which case the Theif would steal my gun, thus keeping me from killing myself the whole game, and I suppose that the Theif would be able to use my gun in a very Vig sort of way.
Re: Designer Mafia [Day One]


Just got back from my Coe's Quest marathon.
And in a PM TFM sent me, along with generally laughing at me, he told me that I would die tonight /unless/ I was targeted by the Thief, in which case the Theif would steal my gun, thus keeping me from killing myself the whole game, and I suppose that the Theif would be able to use my gun in a very Vig sort of way.

It's completely hilarious.

Also you gave me an idea.
Re: Designer Mafia [Day One]

OK, so if I target Legendaryseeker99 and they don't die, that proves my role.
Re: Designer Mafia [Day One]

That's fine with me.

...hey, is there a second doctor? If you do roleclaim, I can heal you and you can heal me.
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