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Designer Mafia [Day Three] Mafia win

Re: Designer Mafia [Day One]

I did. In all honesty, i wanted to see how a game with a jester would possibly unfold. And eifie, although, as you said, mafia suggesting a jester would seem strategical, no one received their roles until after they suggested. The mafia would have not known they were mafia at the time if they were trying to suggest a role that could be used to their advantage, whether it be a jester or something else.
Re: Designer Mafia [Day One]

She meant by that lying and saying that you suggested a jester, I think, when you suggested something else.
Re: Designer Mafia [Day One]

I did. In all honesty, i wanted to see how a game with a jester would possibly unfold. And eifie, although, as you said, mafia suggesting a jester would seem strategical, no one received their roles until after they suggested. The mafia would have not known they were mafia at the time if they were trying to suggest a role that could be used to their advantage, whether it be a jester or something else.

My point is that the Mafia could lie and say that they suggested jester when in fact they didn't, which would make the town much more wary to lynch; that would be a great help to the Mafia. (It wouldn't actually be a good idea for someone to suggest jester with the knowledge that they're going to be Mafia-aligned any more than it would be a good idea for an innocent to do that.)
Re: Designer Mafia [Day One]

Unless of course he thought we'd think that and decided to do that so we'd think what we're thinking... THAT MADE SENSE IN MY HEAD!

Translation for those who aren't me:

Unless they would anticipate that we'd think that it's a mafia tactic, and thus would lynch him, and he actually is the jester.

I am looking way too far into this methinks.
Re: Designer Mafia [Day One]

Hey, TFM, here's a question-- since the jester role is definitely imbalanced, would you have it so his win condition is separate from everyone else's?
Re: Designer Mafia [Day One]

I'm using the variation of a jester.

One more vote to lynch Zack.
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Re: Designer Mafia [Day One]

I'm using the variation of a jester.

One more vote to lynch Zack.

Are we to take that as confirmation that the role exists in this setup, then?

I guess that means that Glace is telling the truth about what she suggested, at least! (well, unless it was Zackrai or Seri who suggested the jester.)

I would really like to wait for Zackrai to come online and post before we lynch him, though, if only to hear what role he suggested! :(
Re: Designer Mafia [Day One]

...I think she's saying that a jester's win condition is separate from everyone else's.

Re: Designer Mafia [Day One]

Chief Zackrai was lynched. He was not mafia.

48 hours of night.

It is now day. Karkat was killed. Kam was not mafia. Legend committed suicide.

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Re: Designer Mafia [Day Two]

So uh, I haven't been around lately and only just now did a CTRL+F search for Legendaryseeker99's name, but if I'm not mistaken Phantom was going to steal Legend's gun, right? So if Legend committed suicide, either (1) I missed something important that was said, (2) Phantom forgot to turn in a night action or forgot about the plan, or (3) Phantom's lying about her role which probably means Mafia.
Re: Designer Mafia [Day Two]

So uh, I haven't been around lately and only just now did a CTRL+F search for Legendaryseeker99's name, but if I'm not mistaken Phantom was going to steal Legend's gun, right? So if Legend committed suicide, either (1) I missed something important that was said, (2) Phantom forgot to turn in a night action or forgot about the plan, or (3) Phantom's lying about her role which probably means Mafia.

Or the Mafia roleblocker blocked Phantom! I'm not sure if our GM allows for the thief to be roleblocked, though, since I guess it does count as an inforole; hm.
Re: Designer Mafia [Day Two]

You forgot to kill me on the list.

(PS: Legend's dead for a very obvious reason, I'm amazed you haven't figured it out based on the death flavour)
Re: Designer Mafia [Day Two]

There was no death flavor. Unless you mean 'Legend commited suicide.', I guess.

So Phantom! What do you have to say for yourself?
Re: Designer Mafia [Day Two]

OMG! I am so sorry my phone ran out of MB's so I couldn't get on.

I targetted Legendaryseeker99, and I took the gun. I have no idea how they committed suicide. My night action did go through right TFM?
Re: Designer Mafia [Day Two]

OMG! I am so sorry my phone ran out of MB's so I couldn't get on.

I targetted Legendaryseeker99, and I took the gun. I have no idea how they committed suicide. My night action did go through right TFM?

So you couldn't get on, yet you still sent in your night action?

I guess you could be talking about replying, though.

Anyway, who are we going to lynch? With Glace, even though jester is kind of a suspicious role to say you sent in, since TFM said he was using a jester, not 'if I was using a jester' or 'I may or may not be using a jester, but if I am', isn't that confirming that a jester is in the game, therefore making them much more likely to be telling the truth (and by extension much more likely to be innocent)?
Re: Designer Mafia [Day Two]

So you couldn't get on, yet you still sent in your night action?

I guess you could be talking about replying, though.

Yes, I sent my night action, but that was days ago, like the second the night started. I haven't been overly active the past three days.
Re: Designer Mafia [Day Two]

I targetted Legendaryseeker99, and I took the gun. I have no idea how they committed suicide. My night action did go through right TFM?

Huh. If you're telling the truth, could Kam and Legend have been lovers or something...? That's the only other possibility I can think of that could explain suicide, anyway.

TFM: Was Legend innocent?

Anyway, who are we going to lynch? With Glace, even though jester is kind of a suspicious role to say you sent in, since TFM said he was using a jester, not 'if I was using a jester' or 'I may or may not be using a jester, but if I am', isn't that confirming that a jester is in the game, therefore making them much more likely to be telling the truth (and by extension much more likely to be innocent)?

Telling the truth about what she suggested doesn't actually make Glace any more likely to be innocent!
Re: Designer Mafia [Day Two]

Hmm they could have been lovers, that would make sense. Also I er have a new ability. I am a vig. I think for a night, or maybe from now on? TFM didn't explain to well, but I can use the gun.
Re: Designer Mafia [Day Two]

Also I er have a new ability. I am a vig. I think for a night, or maybe from now on? TFM didn't explain to well, but I can use the gun.

Hm, it doesn't really seem like a good idea for you to use the gun without any solid leads if we end up lynching an innocent today; there are probably two Mafia-aligned people (don and roleblocker) and a mislynch today and a wrong kill tonight would most likely mean an innocent loss.
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