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DIY Pokémafia 2 [DAY TWO]


New member
DIY Pokémafia 2 [DAY TWO]

Reposting of important rules:

  • If you don't have your role PMs yet, tell me.
  • Remember - everything is not always what it appears to be at first glance.
  • Anyone who fails to send in night actions two times in a row or three times total will be modkilled. If you send in a message that you do not want to use your action, it will not count against you - likewise, if you have not logged in at all during the night phase, I will not count it against you.
  • The day and night phases will always be 48 hours each. If there are no votes during the day, it will count as an abstain.
  • This version does use quite a few nonstandard roles - if you're confused, just ask me and I'll try to explain.
  • Let the Mafia-ing begin!
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Re: DIY Pokémafia 2 [DAY ONE]

The citizens of this town wake up, prepared for a death, and a death is what they are met with.

The body of a Delibird is lying in the town square, his skull crushed. Also in the town square is a drawing of a Milotic, signed with the footprint of a Mienshao, and Arceus, who had just recently woken up, is covered in webbing and glowing with electricity.

The citizens begin to discuss their plans, unaware that for one of them, this will be their last day alive...

Seritinajii is dead. He was innocent.
Re: DIY Pokémafia 2 [DAY ONE]

Webbing and glowing electricity sounds like a joltik or galvantula.

Guys, do we have enough info to lynch(probably not), or should we abstain or randylynch?
Re: DIY Pokémafia 2 [DAY ONE]

Thing is, Rizadon, no one here is a Joltik or Galvantula. We do have an Ariados and several electric pokémon, though...

I'm also curious about the Milotic painting's significance.

As for lynching, I, personally, have no idea who the mafia could be, but there might be people smarter more used to playing mafia than me who will be able to.

Oh yeah! Here's a list of what pokémon everyone is for convenience:
  1. Chief Zackrai - Ariados
  2. Mawile - Rotom
  3. Squirrel - Mienshao
  4. Superbird - Arceus
  5. RK-9 - Tauros or Braviary
  6. Eifie - Furret
  7. Rizadon - Wailord
  8. Mai - Accelgor
  9. Legendaryseeker99 - Eelektross
  10. Glace - Drapion or Scrafty
  11. Kirby-Chan - Kingler
  12. Metallica Fanboy - Feebas
  13. ole_schooler - Mightyena
  14. Zapi - Pikachu
  15. Seritinajii - Delibird
  16. Ya ok - Darumaka
If we could find out what pokémon RK-9 and Glace are, that would be great.
Re: DIY Pokémafia 2 [DAY ONE]

Electric webbing has to be Zackrai; they're an Ariados and it has Electroweb as an egg move.
Re: DIY Pokémafia 2 [DAY ONE]

Wasnt the milotic a pokemon from the other mafia? who had milotic in the first one?
Re: DIY Pokémafia 2 [DAY ONE]

No, I don't think anyone had Milotic (I checked). MF has Feebas in this one, though.
Re: DIY Pokémafia 2 [DAY ONE]

No, that was a Magikarp.

MF is a Feebas this time and it evolves into Milotic.
Re: DIY Pokémafia 2 [DAY ONE]

yeah. And didnt it say the painting was signed with a mienshao footprint (squirrels pokemon). And Arceus (superbird) is caught in webbing....does anything signifigant go with those events?
Re: DIY Pokémafia 2 [DAY ONE]

Yeah, and like zapi said, ariados knows electro web, so that must mean chief zackrai might be the roleblocker.

....i dont think we should have said that...role blocker is an important role, so can the healer (you dont have to say who) heal the role blocker. the roleblocker can prevent a mafia attack if he's lucky
Re: DIY Pokémafia 2 [DAY ONE]

Roleblocker makes sense. It could be something of similar effect to the poison in the first DIY pokémafia (yes I actually read the whole thread xD), though roleblocker seems more likely.
Re: DIY Pokémafia 2 [DAY ONE]

(Zapi, i think you got ninja'd)

anyway, should we abstain, or lynch. If we abstain, then we might lose another innocent.

Though i'm wondering about squirrel...(a mienshao footprint)

Edit:hey zeKieranator, can you tel us what Glace and RK-9's Pokemon were? (Like you did last time)
Re: DIY Pokémafia 2 [DAY ONE]

For the record, I'd tell you about my role, but I'm not sure whether I'm at liberty to do so.
Re: DIY Pokémafia 2 [DAY ONE]

MF, you dont have to. If its a role thats like a healing or inspecting role, then you dont have to say it. We have to keep the healers and inspectors here. If it's like a vannilla role, then it probably wont hurt to say.

If you dont wanna say your role, you dont have to.

Edit: Guys, I also dont wanna tell my role, but I'll say its on the innocent side
Re: DIY Pokémafia 2 [DAY ONE]

I'm not saying my role, either, though I can assure you I'm innocent.

And no, I wasn't ninja'd. I was pretty much seconding Mawile's post.
Re: DIY Pokémafia 2 [DAY ONE]

lol, XD

through the flavor text, i'm gonna suspect MF or squirrel, but i'm not lynching till we get more info
Re: DIY Pokémafia 2 [DAY ONE]

Rizadon, you do realize that MF might not be allowed to tell his role to us, right?
Re: DIY Pokémafia 2 [DAY ONE]

Don't lynch MF. He might be activated or some such crap. Ya never know. At least, if he /is/ an Alien then he probably got activated somehow last night. And why electrowebbing on my body was mentioned, that /might/ be because I have a day action and I might not be able to use it?
Re: DIY Pokémafia 2 [DAY ONE]

Rizadon, you do realize that MF might not be allowed to tell his role to us, right?

Thats why i said unless he wants to to not tell his role

Don't lynch MF. He might be activated or some such crap. Ya never know. At least, if he /is/ an Alien then he probably got activated somehow last night. And why electrowebbing on my body was mentioned, that /might/ be because I have a day action and I might not be able to use it?

Could be.
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