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DIY Pokémafia 2 [DAY TWO]

Re: DIY Pokémafia 2 [DAY ONE]

If you weren't allowed to use your day action, I think there would've been something in the post for that day about it.
Re: DIY Pokémafia 2 [DAY ONE]

Rizadon, you do realize that MF might not be allowed to tell his role to us, right?
That's what I meant; I am, by rule, not allowed to explain stuff. I don't know the exact extent of what I'm not allowed to say yet, though.

Also, stating for the record that the Arceus/Superbird was "covered in webbing and glowing with electricity." It's not the web that's glowing with electricity, it's the man himself. Therefore, he was webbed and electrified separately, instead of Electro Webbed.
Re: DIY Pokémafia 2 [DAY ONE]

sorry, i'm new at thi. Its my second game here.

So superbird himself is glowing? it might be the work of the elektross or another electric type.
Re: DIY Pokémafia 2 [DAY ONE]

Still, Zackrai/Ariados is pretty much the only one who can make webs. I didn't do anything to Superbird, so that leaves the other two electric-types -- Mawile and LS99.
Re: DIY Pokémafia 2 [DAY ONE]

I'm inspector. I inspected Ole-Schooler, he rolled Not Mafia.

I`m braviary, with the whole Eagle Eye thing
Re: DIY Pokémafia 2 [DAY ONE]

I didn't do anything to him. In fact, my role has nothing to do with electricity.
Re: DIY Pokémafia 2 [DAY ONE]

since we're roleclaiming, i'll just say my role

I'm a body guard. I didnt use my roll on night 0 cause i didnt want to protect a mafia.
Re: DIY Pokémafia 2 [DAY ONE]

Re: DIY Pokémafia 2 [DAY ONE]

I am inspecting Superbird, awaiting results.
Re: DIY Pokémafia 2 [DAY ONE]


Re: DIY Pokémafia 2 [DAY ONE]

At Mawile; doesn`t say I can`t
Re: DIY Pokémafia 2 [DAY ONE]

RK-9- It's more likely you can't, because of the nature of inspecting roles, but don't let me speak on zeKiernator's behalf.

But yeah, I don't really see any incriminating evidence here. Unless someone is a framer, and they're trying to make it look like Squirrel is really bad at being mafia.

And actually, given the pokemon chosen I'm not thinking there is a healer, which is convenient for mafia, but not us. Unless Furret can pull off some fancy healing, I don't believe there is one. Unless maybe it was Seri, which not only I would believe, but would make a smart Night 1 kill for the Mafia. I think we may be dealing with some experienced mafias here, people.
Re: DIY Pokémafia 2 [DAY ONE]

RK-9 is Braviary and Glace is Drapion. And no, no day actions have been restricted - if that's the case, I state that outright rather than leaving vague clues in the flavor text.
Re: DIY Pokémafia 2 [DAY ONE]

Correction, Zackrai, I'm a healer -- ever heard of defibrillators? Since everyone else is roleclaiming I might as well.
Re: DIY Pokémafia 2 [DAY ONE]

Zapi, i'm the body guard, so i'll guard you and you heal me, so none of us die. the healer has to stay alive
Re: DIY Pokémafia 2 [DAY ONE]

Don't waste your effort on me, puny mortal. I can assure you that I'm an innocent doublevoter, and for some reason not as omniscient as I ought to be.
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