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Do you belive in Cryptids?

Cryptids are real?

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< The 'Master of Disaster' is awesome.

Cryptid-A creature who's existence has not been verified by science.

Well? What do you think? My baby brother got scared by it.
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Cryptids: Creatures who's existence is debatable and mysterious. Think Bigfoot, Loch Ness Monster, those guys.

Ooh, I love cryptids! My interest in them was one of the things that helped get me into Pokemon! :D

My actual belief in them...eh, it varies. I can buy a lot of the deep-sea monsters possibly existing, because God knows what's down there. Same goes for creatures that live in areas that live in extremely out-of-the-way places like the Himalayas and whatnot. Also, the Chupacabra, because apparently they've found corpses of it, and it turns out it's either a muttated coyote or a really, really bad case of mange.

Urban areas, or anywhere remotely near any reasonably-populated town...not so much.
Cryptid-a creature who has had widespread reported sightings but whose existance has yet to be proved by science. Examples: Bigfoot, Chupacabra, Mothman, Nessie

For me, it really depends on the cryptid.


Yeah, what she said.
It's a pity that the original poster didn't explain what a Cryptid is.

No, I don't believe in cryptids; that'd be like believing in the existence of the postman. Since science has yet to categorise every animal and plant on the planet, there's bound to be a few 'mystery creatures' lurking here and there. To say that they've all been found is arrogant.

But believing in them serves no purpose, and merely lets you be fooled by charlatans and hoaxes a little easier.
Uuuh, kinda. There have been sightings of big cats on some moorlands in Devon, Somerset and Cornwall over the years, and I think there's some truth in it.

From wiki: "The Beast of Bodmin, like The Beast of Exmoor, is a phantom wild cat which ranges in Cornwall in the United Kingdom. Bodmin Moor became a centre of these sightings with occasional reports of mutilated slain livestock: the alleged panther-like cats of the same region came to be popularly known as the Beast of Bodmin Moor."

There's no conclusive proof (a report was done and concluded that "the investigation could not prove that a 'big cat' is not present."), but the upper-classes used to import big cats as part of collections and private zoos, which could have either escaped or been set free when the owner could no longer look after it/new laws were introduced.
A friend of mine's mum, who lives on the edge of Dartmoor, swears she's seen a panther on the moorlands before.

Plus, it makes going out there camping way more exciting~
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Yeah, I buy into some of it. I belive that sea monsters exist, but not in the plesior version. more like freakishly wierd fish that may or may not be big. Bigfoot is fun and neat, but I don't think he's real...And if he is than that quite a shocker that a huminoid creature, possibly a sub species of gorrila, could live in the decresing woddlands of America and not leave a corpse lying around somewhere.
Most other things are highly debatible. Debatible to the point that I would need some hard evidence suggesting it exists.
As for that cupacabra carcass they found, whoa. Mutated coyote? Are they dumping toxic waste anywhere around there? How bad would the mange have to be to look mutated?
most of them no

when it's basically a real animal in the wrong spot yes

deep sea creatures yes, I mean if you've seen a live fucking goblin shark then holy shit what else is down there

Another chupacabra!

The main thing that separates them from just a mangy coyote is their larger-than-normal canine teeth, which stick out past the jaw.
No, and if that youtube video was, well.. a video, then it would be a lot more believable.

I'd like to see some of them for myself.
Chupacabras? I dunno. I've seen a lot of pictures, but they can be faked. I guess part of the reason is because the idea of chupacabras freak me out, so I'd rather believe they don't exist. It's childish, yes, but at the same time I haven't seen much conclusive evidence, so that's another part of the reason.

Nessie? The only photos I've seen or heard of have been proven to be faked. Plus, the idea that it's always in the same spot and nowhere else makes me think a lot, if not all of the reported sightings are out of delusion - the people who see Nessie want to, so their mind "sees" it. It happens with sounds, so I figure it could happen with sight, too. Who knows, though - I never claim to know everything (or... anything at all), and I'm probably disturbingly wrong. For the same reason, I don't believe in the Sasquatch or Yeti.
From what I'm gathering, "there's no real proof" is part of the term's definition. If so, by this definition, I don't believe in them, but don't rule them out as possible.
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The Chupacabra is extremely silly and nearly every piece of "evidence" used in its favor is complete bullshit and easily explained by other things.

Nessie's kind of far-fetched to me... I mean they've scanned the entire lake thoroughly several times. I won't rule it out as completely impossible, though, I guess.

Bigfoot or bigfoot-like creatures do hold some credibility with me, though. It's improbable but not impossible that there exists a species of large ape in North America.

I have opinions on some other cryptids but I don't really feel like bringing those up, seeing as Bigfoot, Nessie, and the Chupacabras are the ones mainly being discussed.

also I didn't click on the video but I've most definitely seen others like it, and I am almost absolutely sure that there is at least one photoshopped picture in it.
I find grouping all cryptids together when asking someone about if they believe to be quite silly.
In any case, I do not believe in the Loch Ness monster, though it's a nifty idea.
Most others, I'm thoroughly skeptical.
But Nessie's ecologically implausible, been looked for many times and never found, and the pictures that've been taken of "Nessie" have had such variant body forms that it would seem that people don't even know what they're looking for. So no Nessie in my books. (Not that that makes visiting Loch Ness a bad idea. Amazing scenery, the highlands.)
I'll believe it when I hear about these things from a more reliable source than a youtube video or a tabloid. Until then, no.
As for that cupacabra carcass they found, whoa. Mutated coyote? Are they dumping toxic waste anywhere around there? How bad would the mange have to be to look mutated?

Why would you assume toxic waste had anything to do with? It's more likely to be a natural mutation. For all we know the Chupacabra could be the latest on the coyote's evolutionary path.
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