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Doctor Who Mafia 2: Of Voodoo and Vampires [LOVER WIN]

Hmm I would have rather had the Silence as the Mafia, but they didn't get much screen time so...
Well, they hadn't debuted when this mafia was made.

And congrats on your victory, Danni and Cirrus! I figured that you'd have been lynched for inactivity, but lover victories are cool.
Lover win. How exciting!

I'm kind of disappointed that I was killed on the first night. But this game was very interesting to watch!
And congrats on your victory, Danni and Cirrus! I figured that you'd have been lynched for inactivity, but lover victories are cool.

Yeah, I'm sorry for leaving you all on your own for practically the first half of the game, I was out of the country. Thanks for killing people so well in my absence, though (which is something I never thought I'd say...) :D
Nice job! I wish I could've spent more time doing stuff since I was killed first, but it looked like fun!
Yes, that was great fun! :D I loved my role, it was cool being a vigilante with limitations, I really worried that Eclipse was the last mafia member and it wasn't a night I could kill and I thought we would die!! But it was fine. The lover-mafia combination is probably my favourite, so hee.

I'm sorry I was pretty inactive near the end! :( I always sort of worry that the moment I say anything I'll seem really suspicious. But I will try and get on that!

Flavour text was awesome, as usual. :D I think there should definitely be a third Who Mafia, if only to see if I can win three times in a row...
Dannichu said:
As always, I love your flavour text (if you don't already, you should totally write fanfiction because you've got Eleven's voice down perfectly)

Thank you I secretly practice Eleven in front of the mirror in preparation for Doctor Who Mafia. :P
And fanfiction? Hahaha! NOOOO, I start and it ends up being a bigger than a Harry Potter book and it's still not done.

Dannichu said:
, and the secret roles were brilliant. I especially love that the Lover got something else to do (although you can imagine how frustrating it was not being able to tell each other what our roles were XD), and the Voodoo roles failing every so often was cool, too (well. For me. Probably not so much for them).

It took me a long time to come up with roles. And about not telling each other roles, I laughed so hard when Cirrus chose you, serious that was brilliant.

ole_schooler said:
Anyway, I also really liked the Doctor/Amy/Rory interludes, although I feel you're much better at writing the Doctor than either of the companions. Or maybe I'm biased, I dunno. Anyway, if you run another, I will definitely join, because this was fun!

Yeah Amy and Rory were more "herp derpz we iz heres" than anything. I used them to direct attention mostly, and to be funny and random.

Wargle said:
Hmm I would have rather had the Silence as the Mafia, but they didn't get much screen time so...

Ooooo! Ideas!
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