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Doctor Who Mafia 2: Of Voodoo and Vampires [LOVER WIN]

Re: Doctor Who Mafia 2: Of Voodoo and Vampires [DAY 1]

People didn't really discuss much in the first day so I voted someone to get your guys attention. Abstaining. We still have some time to discuss. But it could be possible that innocents could be show up as mafia as ole_schooler say it in the post.
Re: Doctor Who Mafia 2: Of Voodoo and Vampires [DAY 1]

Times Up!

The Doctor stood up and brushed himself off, he covered the body once again in its sheet. The sun was fading over the horizon, they didn't have much time before curfew. They needed to leave the police station and get back to Herric's.

Amy and Rory came up beside him Amy spoke first, "So, are these really vampires this time?"

"Yeah what were they last time? Fish people?"

The Doctor shook his head, "Sure looks like it doesn't it? No, no.... well I guess that depends on what you call a vampire. If by vampire you mean a undead person who drinks blood, lives in coffins, and hates garlic then no not a vampire. " He looked at the body, "But, if by vampire you mean something that drinks blood than yes, it's a vampire."

Rory crossed his arms, "Then these are aliens?" he looked at the Doctor, "More aliens who drink blood?"

"Quite possibly."

"Great," Amy said sarcastically, "So what or who is it."

"I don't know yet, there are a lot of creepers out there who drink blood, shortening the list down to one is the problem."

"Guess then?"

The Doctor thought for a second, "Plasmavores, I've ran into them before, more recently in your time. Remember when that hospital disappeared a couple years ago in your time?"

"Yeah?" they said in unison.

"I was there, and so was a plasmavore, " the Doctor shook his head. "This though, doesn't make sense. That one was on the run from the Judoon. She was using human blood to make herself seem human, to hide here. But this.... It's like they're acting like vampires." He saw his friends confused faces and realised he needed to explain further, "It's like they've taken your cultures turn on the vampire and are copying it. They are making it look like they're vampires."

Amy smiled, "Ok then, we need garlic, a few crosses, stakes, and some holy water and we're good."

The Doctor laughed, "Sadly they're only acting like them as a cover." The Doctor shook his head again, "No, it's too early to tell.... but what of the other death? We need to wait another night to see if this happens again. We will figure this out."

The three made their way back to Herrics, this was going to be a long night.

No one was lynched.

48 hours for night actions.
Re: Doctor Who Mafia 2: Of Voodoo and Vampires [NIGHT 1]

All night actions are in.

The sun rose over New Orleans. Light flooded into the Doctor's room. He didn't sleep well that night, his mind was racing, wondering who would die today. Groggy from lack of sleep the Doctor threw on his coat and went to wake up the others. He knocked lazily on his companion's door and continued through the hall and down the stairs to the common area. The Doctor opened the front door and shut it softly behind him. No screams so far. The Doctor looked down the block, it was still early so no one had come out yet. Maybe nothing had been discovered yet.

Then the Doctor heard something, he looked behind him, sure enough a someone was dancing down the street, singing away. Wait I recognize that person, the Doctor thought, oh that's the mute from yesterday... a whole less mute now I guess. He let the less mute than yesterday person waltz by. Then he heard it. A scream coming from the South! The Doctor ran down the block as fast as he could.

He was two blocks down when he found a woman standing in shock over a dead body. The Doctor knelt down to investigate. He pulled out his sonic. This was the same as yesterday, two holes in the neck and blood drained, and again the victim was clearly human. Then the Doctor heard another scream. He ran to where the sound was coming from.

There was a small crowd huddled at the corner of the street, the police were trying to get through the crowd. When they did the look of shock in their eyes broke the Doctor's heart. More death. Once again the Doctor brushed through the crowd of citizens and police to get to the body. He flashed his psychic paper to the police officer again and approached the body.

This time it was different. This one wasn't drained, nor was it as gruesome as the death from yesterday. The Doctor pulled out his sonic again, definately human... There was something white on the dead man's chest. The Doctor opened it, it was a note. There in a shaky hand were the words, "I'm sorry." More and more puzzles. Maybe this murder was a mistake?

Zephyrous Castform is dead. He was not mafia.
Kirby-Chan is dead. They were not mafia.
Wargle is unsilenced.

48 hours for dicussion or until majority vote is decided.
Last edited:
Re: Doctor Who Mafia 2: Of Voodoo and Vampires [DAY 2]

Well I've got nothing of note, so I guess I'll sum up what I've got from all the flavour textr.

It's pretty obvious that Wargle was the mute, though that tells us nothing of his role etc.

Castform probably died because, well, he was posting the most and seemed the most experienced. He was also killed by the 'vampires', I'm assuming, meaning he was seen as the threat.

I'm gonna go out on a limb here, and say we've got an innocent killing role.
Someone saw Kirby-chan as being a little gun-ho with his/her nominations, and so had a suspicion s/he was mafia.

That's all pretty much what I got from the flavour text.
Re: Doctor Who Mafia 2: Of Voodoo and Vampires [DAY 2]

Well I've got nothing of note, so I guess I'll sum up what I've got from all the flavour textr.

It's pretty obvious that Wargle was the mute, though that tells us nothing of his role etc.

Castform probably died because, well, he was posting the most and seemed the most experienced. He was also killed by the 'vampires', I'm assuming, meaning he was seen as the threat.

I'm gonna go out on a limb here, and say we've got an innocent killing role.
Someone saw Kirby-chan as being a little gun-ho with his/her nominations, and so had a suspicion s/he was mafia.

That's all pretty much what I got from the flavour text.


Thank god I got unmuted today that sucked yesterday.
Re: Doctor Who Mafia 2: Of Voodoo and Vampires [DAY 2]

Castform probably died because, well, he was posting the most and seemed the most experienced. He was also killed by the 'vampires', I'm assuming, meaning he was seen as the threat.

I'm gonna go out on a limb here, and say we've got an innocent killing role.
Someone saw Kirby-chan as being a little gun-ho with his/her nominations, and so had a suspicion s/he was mafia.
Wait, did the flavor ever explicitly say whether the note was on Castform or Kirby-chan? I've read through it and I can find nothing.
Re: Doctor Who Mafia 2: Of Voodoo and Vampires [DAY 2]

Wait, did the flavor ever explicitly say whether the note was on Castform or Kirby-chan? I've read through it and I can find nothing.

[The kill post lists them in order found, thus the note was on Kirby-Chan... I thought I explained this earlier?]
Re: Doctor Who Mafia 2: Of Voodoo and Vampires [DAY 2]

Yeah, sounds like there's a vigilante role out there. A serial killer/second Mafia wouldn't have anything to apologize for, after all.
Re: Doctor Who Mafia 2: Of Voodoo and Vampires [DAY 2]

Pfft, sorry. I had forgotten about this rule.

In which case, I agree with Hoity-Toity and Squirrel. God, having a vigilante around just makes everything so much hard to figure out. @_@
Re: Doctor Who Mafia 2: Of Voodoo and Vampires [DAY 2]

Unrelatedly, we've also got a role-blocker, as they blocked me last night. Not gonna ask them to come forward, just gonna ask them to not block me again, thanks.

For the kills, I feel like we've got three sources: the vampires, who are evil, the skin-flayer, who sounds like something else, and the apologizer, who sounds like a vigilant. For the middle one, I say something else because I have reason to believe that some roles might cause accidental death, similar to healer clashes. Doesn't make it easier, but eh. Anyway, anyone have any lynching ideas? Don't want to go another day without one.
Re: Doctor Who Mafia 2: Of Voodoo and Vampires [DAY 2]

Well I mean, I'm pretty sure kirby was killed by the vigilante, meaning it wasn't silver trying to protect herself.

So I've got nothing.

I guess we could randomlynch someone. And if we do, I'd say I liek squirtles.
No reason other than not posting, and it'll get the ball rolling.

(Incidentally, can I request a heal please? It may keep me alive, and if I get killed by two of them, we'll see whether the skin-flaying was an accidental death.)
Re: Doctor Who Mafia 2: Of Voodoo and Vampires [DAY 2]

The mafia has multiple ways to kill. I know this for a fact.
Re: Doctor Who Mafia 2: Of Voodoo and Vampires [DAY 2]

Extending Day Phase for another 24 hours.

So there's about 39 hours left for discussion/lynching.
Re: Doctor Who Mafia 2: Of Voodoo and Vampires [DAY 2]

Not a fan of inactive lynching since it rarely works, but I liek Squirtles.
Re: Doctor Who Mafia 2: Of Voodoo and Vampires [DAY 2]

WOAH. Why me? I'm just the townie roleblocker. First night I roleblocked Zephyrous Castform, second I had a baseball game at night (which ment no action).
Re: Doctor Who Mafia 2: Of Voodoo and Vampires [DAY 2]

Well, either we've got two roleblockers, you're action was randomized, or you're lying, because I definitely got blocked last night.
Re: Doctor Who Mafia 2: Of Voodoo and Vampires [DAY 2]

I'm not lying, so we have two other options. I'm feeling rather inclined to say randomized. I ask you to roleclaim, ole_schooler, if it is possible. Abstain.
Re: Doctor Who Mafia 2: Of Voodoo and Vampires [DAY 2]

There could be a Mafia roleblocker in the ranks.

Phantom, are night actions not sent in ignored?
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