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Doctor Who Mafia 2: Of Voodoo and Vampires [LOVER WIN]

Re: Doctor Who Mafia 2: Of Voodoo and Vampires [NIGHT 2]

It could be that there's someone with a healing ability that heals innocents but, if they target a Plasmavore, it kills them? It could perhaps be a bit of an overpowered power, and I don't remmeber anything like that happening in the Plasmavore episode (which I haven't seen in yonks), but it's possible?
Re: Doctor Who Mafia 2: Of Voodoo and Vampires [NIGHT 2]

So assuming that there were three mafia members (just going by the fact that the plasmavore in that episode had two robot thingies with her), there's two left.
Maybe 1.

That means there's either a 1 in 3 or 1 in 6 chance of a random lynch going right.

I'm going to nominate Legendaryseeker#### as it's been the least active and I'd rather not sit around waiting.

Still, I get why people would be against that, so yeah.
Re: Doctor Who Mafia 2: Of Voodoo and Vampires [NIGHT 2]

Legendaryseeker then. Maybe it'll bring the people back here when we random lynch?
Re: Doctor Who Mafia 2: Of Voodoo and Vampires [NIGHT 2]

The sun was setting and once again the the gallows were crowded. Helpless against the storming crowd, Legendaryseeker is lead to the gallows. Screaming something about depressed spirits.

Legendaryseeker99 is dead. They were not mafia.

48 hours night actions.
Re: Doctor Who Mafia 2: Of Voodoo and Vampires [NIGHT 3]

Sorry for being late, all night actions are in.


Another scream? Surely these people would be used to corpses by now. The Doctor stepped outside and found the body of Hoity Toity, drained of blood. A note next to it saying "I didn't do it. It got here first." It was the same handwriting as the note that was on Kirby-Chan. Interesting for sure. Things were dwindling down. Hopefully the Doctor would find out who is the killer before they struck again, if they struck again.

Hoity Toity is dead. They were not mafia.

48 hours for discussion/ majority.
Re: Doctor Who Mafia 2: Of Voodoo and Vampires [NIGHT 3]

So, what now? Who is still active here and going to post?
Re: Doctor Who Mafia 2: Of Voodoo and Vampires [NIGHT 3]

[Also note, it is day, the title is being a 500 spawned bitch and won't let me change the thread title. So it is officially DAY 4]
Re: Doctor Who Mafia 2: Of Voodoo and Vampires [NIGHT 3]

... Well damn. Hoity Toity is dead, so I'm assuming the villains knew s/he was getting warm.

Four people left alive... Does that mean we have one more night left or two more nights?
Re: Doctor Who Mafia 2: Of Voodoo and Vampires [NIGHT 3]

Probably one considering there might be about 1 or 2 mafia left and they could target an innocent during the day and innocent during the night :/ We have to get those mafia soon...
Re: Doctor Who Mafia 2: Of Voodoo and Vampires [NIGHT 3]

Extending 24 hours.

This is the last time I will extend the time for you people. If there is no lynch chosen in 24 hours there will be no lynch. I am putting my foot down! See! That's my foot and it's down!
Re: Doctor Who Mafia 2: Of Voodoo and Vampires [NIGHT 3]

Okay, right. There are four people left, and at least one of them is Mafia. I also know for a fact that Cirrus and I are innocent. So either you're both Mafia (in which case we're screwed), or we go for a 50/50 between Silver Panic and Eclipse, and neither of you has struck me as more suspicious than the other. ):
Re: Doctor Who Mafia 2: Of Voodoo and Vampires [NIGHT 3]

Um, we've sort of had our 24 hours and nothing's happened. So I'm flipping a coin and nominating Silver Panic just because I don't want an Angry God striking down me or Cirrus. I hope I didn't just screw us all over, but there's not exactly any discussion going on, so...
Re: Doctor Who Mafia 2: Of Voodoo and Vampires [NIGHT 3]

Time is up. Notice you people fail >:P

There was a loud commotion coming from the streets. The Doctor looked outside and saw Silver Panic being escorted by the authorities. The Doctor ran outside holding his psychic paper in his hand. He almost ran over the policeman who was holding Silver, "Hello! I'm sorry," the Doctor displays the paper, "can I ask what is going on?"

The police looked confused, "We found undeniable evidence that this filth is the one who's been killing all the people. I'm leading him to the gallows."

Silver did have that evil look going. All smudged and blood under their fingernails, the Doctor pulled out his sonic, ignoring the protests and questions from the officer, human. Silver struggled against the officer, spewing in a strange language and screaming. The Doctor stepped aside, there was no honor in being associated with this death.

Silver Panic is dead. They were mafia.

Game is still on.

48 hours for night actions.
Re: Doctor Who Mafia 2: Of Voodoo and Vampires [NIGHT 4]

Begin Day 5

All night actions are in.

They'd spent the night in the lounge, sipping coffee and tea, waiting for the news the morning would bring. Silver Panic had confessed to being the serial killer, the one who'd murdered all those people so brutally. But there was still the fact of the plasmavore. If left here, they would keep killing people. They sat there, silent, waiting for some signal from the Doctor. He checked his watch, he nodded, it was time. Together the three companions left the lounge and into early morning New Orleans. The Doctor continued down the street, toward the French Quarter, it was like he knew where he was going, the other's followed him in time.

They saw the outline of a body in the street. The Doctor approached the body, human, and dead. He stood, staring down the street. He sensed Amy jump behind him, "Doctor!" she said, looking around wildly, "I saw something!"

The Doctor didn't move, "I know- So did I." The Doctor lifted his arms wide, an invitation, "Come on out! Show yourself!" Shadows moved along the sidewalk, "I know you're there, just show yourself to us, it'll make everything easier."

A form appeared behind the alley, they didn't say anything, "Ah, so you're the one doing the killing." The figure remained silent, "Of course, you need to in order to survive, you had a friend?"

The plasmavore nodded, and the Doctor continued, "So the serial killer was a red herring, so-" the Doctor stopped when another figure appeared down the road, they were holding a gun, "You're the vigilante, oh don't look at me like that I know you are, since when does a murderer apologize?"

The vigilante nodded, "The serial killer killed my daughter."

The Doctor pointed at them, "And you wanted revenge. And you, " he turned to the plasmavore, "Why are you here?"

The plasmavore smiled, "For fun!"

The Doctor noticed the vigilante nearing the plasmavore, "Stay back!" the Doctor cautioned the vigilante, who looked at him curiously, "that's the 'vampire' stay back."

The vigilante looked at the Doctor and smiled, "You're clueless aren't you? That's my love! They'd never hurt anyone! They said they were going to take me from this place! But I wasn't going to leave before I killed the murdering bastard that hurt my baby!"

Just then the plasmavore walked to the vigilante, offering an arm, and there was something on it, the Doctor must have recognized it. In a flash of light they both disappeared, leaving nothing but empty space where they once were.

"NO! Nonononono!" The Doctor pulled at his hair.

"What happened!" Amy said, stepping back from the Doctor.

"That was a vortex manipulator! How did a plasmavore get that!?" The Doctor controlled himself, "They're gone, and there's nothing more we can do."

Rory looked at the Doctor, "What's going to happen?"

"Nothing, not unless we can track them, but they could be anywhere, and anytime, " the Doctor reached inside his coat and pulled out the key to the TARDIS, "Let's get out of here, we'll find them." He started down the street, "Where ever they are we will find them, the vigilante was innocent, they just were tricked by the plasmavore, used. We will free the vigilante and take care of the plasmavore, when we find them."

Eclipse is dead. They were not mafia.


Roles and actions in next post.
Re: Doctor Who Mafia 2: Of Voodoo and Vampires [NIGHT 4]

..:: Doctor Who Mafia 2: Of Voodoo and Vampires ::..



Plasmavore Leader-Mafia Don​

Plasmavore- Mafia​

Bad Voodoo Master: A practioner of Petro Voodoo you deal with the spirits of the dead. May target one player in an attempt to kill them only on specific nights. (0, 2, 4, etc) Has a fail rate of 25% in which the intended victim is only silenced for the next day.​

Beggar-Upon any inspection will return as innocent, though upon death will come back as mafia. Beggars can be easy to pay off, making them valuable to the mafia. They walk the city, unnoticed. May select one player during the game to find out who they targetted last, and the GM will send this information to the Don.​


Police Officer:A local police officer. Each night inspects one player and find their alignment. This can only be done at night. (2)​

Doctor: The local doctor and the only decent one might I add. It seems that they are the only doctor in a group of quacks. Seems fitting since they were the only one that went to school. Selects one player to save each night.​

Vengeful Parent: The Vengeful parent's daughter was killed in this mess, and they won't rest 'til they find the killer. On specific nights they may select one player and attempt to kill them. These nights are nights; 1, 3, 5, 7, etc. There is a 75% chance they may kill their target, and a 25% chance they will be silenced the next day. Aside from their vigilante role they are also the lover. On Night 0 they select one player to be their partner for the game via PM to the GM. May speak with this person at any time, though may not share role, nor alignment with them, and neither can they share theirs.

Voodoo Spirit Talker: Once per game may select one dead player and learn the alignment, and role of the person who killed them. (NOT THEIR NAME) This can only be done once.​

Voodoo Healer: May select one person each night to try to heal them. They have a 75% success rate... the others well not so lucky, you have a 25% failure rate in which the targetted player is poisoned and dies the next day.​

Warden: May select one person each night and send them to jail, hence roleblocking them, and preventing any action they would have made that night.​

Voodoo Seer: May ask the GM one yes/no question per night. Has a 75% chance to get an answer, and a 25% chance to screw up and be silenced for the next day.​

Innocent Civilian- Vanilla townies (2)​


Dannichu: Plasmavore leader/ Lover with Cirrus
Squirrel: Plasmavore
Silver Panic: Bad Voodoo Master:
Seritinajii: Beggar​


Cirrus: Vengeful Parent/ Lover with Dannichu
ole-schooler: Voodoo Healer
Glace: Police Officer
Wargle: Voodoo Seer
Legendaryseeker99: Voodoo Spirit Talker
Eclipse: Civilian
I liek Squirtles: Warden
Hoity Toity: Civilian
Kirby Chan: Police Officer
Zepharyrous Castform: Doctor​


Night 0:
ole_schooler heals Cirrus - Sucess
Silver Panic kills Glace - Success
Kirby-Chan inspects Silver Panic - Success
Wargle asks 'Are there multiple mafia factions?" - Fail *silenced*
Glace inspects ole_schooler - Success
I liek Squirtles jails Kirby-Chan - Fail
Mafia kills Seri
ZC no night action.

Day 1:
Wargle silenced

Night 1:
ole_schooler heals Squirrel - Fail *poisoned*
Mafia targets ZC
Wargle asks "are there two mafia killing roles - Success answer "Yes"
I liek Squirtles blocks ZC - Success
Cirrus kills Kirby-Chan - Success
Kirby-Chan inspects Hoity Toity - Success

Day 2:
Wargle unsilenced
Lynched I liek Squirtles

Night 2:
ole_schooler heals Hoity Toity - Success
Wargle asks, "are there more than two mafia?" Success answer "No"
Silver Panic kills ole_schooler
Mafia kills Wargle​

Day 3:
Lynched Legendaryseeker99
Squirrel found dead

Night 3:
Mafia kills Hoity Toity
Cirrus kills Hoity Toity

Day 4:
Lynched Silver Panic

Night 4:
Mafia kills Eclipse
Game Over

The whole Cirrus chosing Dannichu thing had me laughing for three days! And they won!
YAAAAAAAAAAAY! :DDD Ahaha, that was brilliant fun!

As always, I love your flavour text (if you don't already, you should totally write fanfiction because you've got Eleven's voice down perfectly), and the secret roles were brilliant. I especially love that the Lover got something else to do (although you can imagine how frustrating it was not being able to tell each other what our roles were XD), and the Voodoo roles failing every so often was cool, too (well. For me. Probably not so much for them).
That was fun. Sooooo much death, though! It made the game quick, although I imagine it was frustrating for those who got a role, but were killed off early. I liked the chance for some actions to fail, particularly mine, as I deliberately targeted Squirrel when hoping mine would fail. (For the record, I didn't intentionally lie about being blocked, I just misinterpreted the GM message to me.) Sometimes luck works in the town's favor.

Anyway, I also really liked the Doctor/Amy/Rory interludes, although I feel you're much better at writing the Doctor than either of the companions. Or maybe I'm biased, I dunno. Anyway, if you run another, I will definitely join, because this was fun!
The only thing I didn't like about this game was that people lynched me for inactivity, even when I posted in the Absence Thread >:\
Oh crap I would've been screwed if I did anything either way. XD
That was a fun game! Love the flavor text.
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