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Doctor Who Mafia 2: Of Voodoo and Vampires [LOVER WIN]

Re: Doctor Who Mafia 2: Of Voodoo and Vampires [DAY 2]

Disinclined to acquiesce, ILS. I will say I'm useful, but not enough to be healed.
Re: Doctor Who Mafia 2: Of Voodoo and Vampires [NIGHT 1]

I_liek_squirtles said:
WOAH. Why me? I'm just the townie roleblocker. First night I roleblocked Zephyrous Castform, second I had a baseball game at night (which ment no action).

All night actions are in.

I think somebody's telling fiiiii~hiiiibs!
Re: Doctor Who Mafia 2: Of Voodoo and Vampires [DAY 2]

Hey! I've been away from home and using my phone for internet, and it's really fiddly to type with so I really couldn't muster the energy to post something here. So that's why I've been silent and inactive so far!

I'm going to do more than just scan everything that's happened so far when I have a bit more time, but right now I'd say, yeah, I liek Squirtles is looking fairly good for a target. As far as I'm aware, you have to actually tell Phantom you're withholding your night action if you don't want to use it!
Re: Doctor Who Mafia 2: Of Voodoo and Vampires [DAY 2]

Well you said you're the role-blocker, you said you didn't have time to send in a night action, you said you targeted Castform on your first night, one who is conspicuously dead now. And Phantom said that all night actions are in.

Basically, you and Phantom's claims are contradictory and, well, Phantom can't exactly lie.
So you are.
The fact that you claim to have blocked Castform is suspicious, because he's one of the few people to not be able to contradict you, let alone not saying anything about being role-blocked.

And no, I'd prefer not to role-claim, thank you very much.
Re: Doctor Who Mafia 2: Of Voodoo and Vampires [DAY 2]

Oh gawd Phantom is right. Me go in little confusion. Thought it went night 1, not night 0 so a little confused.
Re: Doctor Who Mafia 2: Of Voodoo and Vampires [DAY 2]

But that doesn't change the fact that you didn't send in an action last night, while Phantom said that everybody with an action sent it in.

There's no confusion, there.

You're telling porky pies, mate.
Re: Doctor Who Mafia 2: Of Voodoo and Vampires [DAY 2]

...well I guess that settles it. I liek Squirtles it is.
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Re: Doctor Who Mafia 2: Of Voodoo and Vampires [DAY 2]

They can blame me.
That's fine.
But that can wait, no?

Though this began as a random-lynch, your story just doesn't add up. So I'm gonna press on with my nomination.

I understand that this'll make me look bad if you're innocent, but hopefully we'll have more clues by then.
Re: Doctor Who Mafia 2: Of Voodoo and Vampires [DAY 2]

Did anyone ever stop to think Phantom just randomized ILS's action? Not to defend him, but that might have been the cause of our little predicament here.
Re: Doctor Who Mafia 2: Of Voodoo and Vampires [DAY 2]

Phantom said they were all sent in.

In the first post, Phantom said they weren't all sent in.

No randomisation.
Re: Doctor Who Mafia 2: Of Voodoo and Vampires [DAY 2]

Night actions that are not used will not happen.

All night actions were sent in last night.

Time is up!

Late in the evening the Doctor heard a bell ringing outside, the Doctor looked out his window to see what was happening. A crowd was gathering in the town square. The Doctor ran out and went to see what was happening.

The police captain was standing next to the gallows, and motioned for silence, then pulled out an official looking paper, "To the one I liek Squirtles, you are accused of taking bribes, and on suspicion of murder. You are hearby sentenced to hang by the neck until dead." The crowd murmured softly.

The captain turned to the accused, "How do you plea?"

"I DIDN'T DO IT!" screamed the man as the noose was placed around his neck. He was crying and seemed to have wet his trousers, "I swear! I wasn't there, I WAS PLAYING BASEBALL!"

The captain looked at him with disgust. Then motioned for the hangman to do his duty.

When the accused feet stopped twitching a doctor confirmed the death and searched the body, the Doctor felt sick to his stomach. These people were desperate, and desperate people were the most dangerous.

I liek Squirtles is dead. He was not mafia.

48 hours to send in night actions.
Re: Doctor Who Mafia 2: Of Voodoo and Vampires [NIGHT 2]

Sorry I've been uber busy and upset about Lis Sladen so yeah let's get on with this.

All night actions are in.

The Doctor woke up before the sun was up. Not that he'd really slept after seeing that poor man made an example of in front of the entire city. They didn't even offer him a fair trial. With a sigh he lifted himself from the armchair and made himself proper before going to get Amy and Rory. He banged on their door as he passed and headed downstairs.

That second murder was still lingering in his mind. All the flesh was removed, but why?? Think Doctor! What did Herric say when they arrived? Bad voodoo? Maybe this was bad voodoo. He had noticed a voodoo shop down the block, maybe they could figure out some answers there.

Am yawbed as she walked down the stairs, Roroy followed, rubbing the sleep from his eyes, "Oy Doctor, why do we have to get up so early?" Amy said, holding back another yawn.

"Perk up, Ponds!" The Doctor said with a half smile, "We're going shopping!"

Even in the early morning it was humid and sticky. As they walked down the block the early risers were preparing for the day. When they arrived at the shop the Doctor stopped. The shop door was open, and hanging off its hinges. Rory looked at the Doctor, "That's probably not good."

The Doctor pulled out his sonic, "Probably not," he said as he stepped over the broken door, using his sonic as a makeshift torch the Doctor searched the store. It was full of different odds and ends, protection talismans, medicinal herbs, roots, berries, everything you'd find in a voodoo healer's shop.

The Doctor continued to the counter. He rang the service bell, "Hello?" He said gazing into the back room, "Hello? Anyone home?" Nothing.

The Doctor hopped over the counter and waltzed into the back area. There were spare kars along the walls in the hallway. There was bathroom, nothing unordinary there, the main bedroom, the door to the basement, and a guest room. The door to the bedroom was unlocked. The Doctor checked it, nothing there.

"Oh, look, the wine cellar," the Doctor heard Amy say down the hall, and then the click of a latch.

"Be careful down there," he called after her. As he shut the door behind him he saw Rory try the guestroom.

"Locked," he grumbled and steped aside to let the Doctor open it. With a buzz and a soft click it was unlocked.

Stepping inside they both felt a chill... the chill of a room after a death. There on the bed there was a body. On the bedside there was numerous elixers and tonics. The Doctor examined a rather nasty looking brown mixture, "Whoever this was, they weren't murdered, they were sick, " he scanned the liquid, "this should be fine, if used correctly."

"So what killed them?"

The Doctor didn't answer instead he removed the cloth from the face. They looked human, but the Doctor knew better than that, he scanned, non-human, but with human traits, a disguise. That confirmed it. This was a plasmavore, he must have visited the voodoo healer, not wanting to go to a real Doctor. And voodoo isn't an exact art, the cure must have killed the plasmavore.

With a sigh he covered the body again... well that's one down. How many to go? Then he heard a scream coming from the basement. Both Rory and the Doctor raced to the cellar. It was dark, but light spilled in from a small window.

Amy was huddled in a corner in shock. Rory went to her as the Doctor approached the gruesome scene. A body was chained to the wall. A huge pentagram in blood was writted on the wall behind it. The corpes was ripped of all skin, and only muscle, dripping with blood, remained. THe innards were slowly falling from lack of support. And a large dead snake was resting on the victims neck. The Doctor put away his sonic and clenched his fists at his sides, holding his breath.

"Let's get out of here, " the Doctor mumbled as he guided his companions up the stairs. They would tell the police.

When they arrived at the police station they found it in a commotion. There had been yet another, "vampire" murder. The Doctor was too frustrated to dally there. There were killers on the loose.

Squirrel is dead. She was mafia.
ole_schooler is dead. They were innocent.
Wargle is dead. She was innocent.

48 hours for discussion or majority vote.
Re: Doctor Who Mafia 2: Of Voodoo and Vampires [NIGHT 2]

I'm here! I'm active! I was out of the country for the first few days, and then in a state of jetlag/mourning over Elisabeth Sladen for the last few.

Right, so on Night 1 we had a vampire kill and a bloody-innards-and-bones murder, and then on Night 2 we had another vampire kill, a ripped-apart-with-pentagram-and-snake murder, and then something voodoo-y with medicines. Which wasn't a murder, but maybe something that kills Plasmavores? Possibly an overdose?
Re: Doctor Who Mafia 2: Of Voodoo and Vampires [NIGHT 2]


Extending 24 hours.
Re: Doctor Who Mafia 2: Of Voodoo and Vampires [NIGHT 2]

I just have nothing to say.
I guess we could Random Lynch again, but I don't really want to risk it.

Okay, so we have: Squirrel. A vampire. Dead.
From this, I guess we know for sure that the vampires are the mafia. I mean, they were definitely murdering people, but it wasn't completely clear that they were mafia. Guess that clears it up.
She was either killed by an overdose or a single healer kills plasmavores.
ole_schooler said something about voodoo maybe not being evil. Maybe they was a voodoo healer? They didn't come up as mafia either way. So I guess, could the remaining healer/s heal a different person each night? I probably sound dumb right now, but that seems to be the only thing I can think of. x.x;

Then again, maybe we should disregard that, because if the vampire was od'd then ole_schooler couldn't have been. Unless there's, you know, a helluva lot of healers. Which is silly.
So I am silly.

Wargle, vampire, nothing else.

Re: Doctor Who Mafia 2: Of Voodoo and Vampires [NIGHT 2]

The Doctor: "It's entirely possible that it was a mistake with Squirrel though? I doubt it was an overdose, you have to work hard to overdose on natural remedies. What if ole_schooler failed to cure whatever was making Squirrel sick and the cure poisoned her by accident? It could be that it was entirely coincidence that Squirrel was a plasmavore."

[this is the Doctor saying this. I told you I would be doing this so don't ask questions. The roles are difficult to understand. This is me giving everyone a prod in the right direction.]
Re: Doctor Who Mafia 2: Of Voodoo and Vampires [NIGHT 2]

So either vamps start off sick and have to be healed or the die, ole_schooler could cast a curse and retract it, or ole_schooler's healing has a chance to go wrong. Or someone else can curse, and ole_schooler could heal that curse.
I'm not sure.
Maybe ole_schooler targeted squirrel, but didn't get a chance to heal due to being killed off?
Re: Doctor Who Mafia 2: Of Voodoo and Vampires [NIGHT 2]

I really have nothing else to say other than I'm here :/
Maybe ole_schooler had 50/50 chance of killing or healing someone. I'm not sure either way :/
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