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Doctor Who Mafia [FAMILY OF BLOOD WIN]

Re: Doctor Who Mafia [DAY 1]

So... I don't thnk anyone is going to retract their votes... maybe we should end the day?
Re: Doctor Who Mafia [DAY 1]

There are people who haven't voted yet, it's only fair to give them a chance to vote.
Re: Doctor Who Mafia [DAY 1]

I'm not sure whom to vote but I don't want an abstain, either. But the case that Hoity Toity already presented seems quite convincing, so Cirrus. It's kind of a "why not?" thing unless she roleclaims as something important.
Re: Doctor Who Mafia [DAY 1]

There are people who haven't voted yet, it's only fair to give them a chance to vote.

Derp I thought for some reason that there were like only five players XD
Musta gotten this game mixed up with some other one.
Re: Doctor Who Mafia [DAY 1]


Okay uhh. As for 'why not': why yes? Hoity Toity hasn't actually given any, you know, evidence. If his suspicions were ground-based at all in a way that didn't make him look suspicious, why not share? I really don't think he has anything!
Re: Doctor Who Mafia [DAY 1]

Yea, HT looks super suspicious because he has nothing to base his evidence on. If he were an inspector or something, then he might be believable. But he has provided no evidence that his claim is true.
EDIT: Ninja'd
MOAR EDIT: Hoity Toity, are you Sarah or Ianto?
Re: Doctor Who Mafia [DAY 1]

I can't dismiss the fact that HT's being a bit too suspicious. Of course, it might be better to try and kill him now while there's a low chance of him being an activated alien. We already had a death today, so...

Sure, why not. Hoity Toity.
Re: Doctor Who Mafia [DAY 1]

See, even if Hoity Toity is telling the truth about being Sarah Jane, they're offering themselves as a sacrifice when knowing the identity of one of the Family. A one-for-one trade is not, in fact, a good bargain, as there are four Family members and two inspectors, with no other way to tell who's in the Family or not. It's not quite as bad odds if you're a Mafia, getting rid of one townsfolk for yourself, as there are four Mafia and nine townsfolk (alive), and the Family will probably kill someone every night. Hence, I'm of the thought that Hoity Toity is probably one of the Family. (I doubt they're the Master, as the death last night implies that the Family killed, meaning the Master is still Yana, meaning they can be lynched to death.)
Re: Doctor Who Mafia [DAY 1]

I thought I'd pretty much role-claimed by this point.
Okay, I am, in fact, Ianto Jones.
Seriously, I thought everyone'd got that by now.
And to be honest, though I can't really speak for you lot, you kind of might as well vote off Cirrus.

I'm saying that I know, without a doubt, that Cirrus is mafia. This is better than most other leads you will get throughout this game. If you're lucky, Sarah Jane might investigate a mafia.

Actually, that's a thought. Sarah, be a pal and investigate Cirrus when I die? Thanks.
Re: Doctor Who Mafia [DAY 1]

Well then, Cirrus.
But if they come up innocent, then you will be lynched tomorrow.
Re: Doctor Who Mafia [DAY 1]

Guys, if Hoity Toity is alien then he will want you to lynch him tomorrow. Claiming a vital role is a pretty sure way of getting targeted by the mafia tonight!

If there is no death I really don't think it's wise to lynch him after this day. And alien win would kind of be a shame at this point. As for those voting me, I have no idea why you're actually trusting someone who only just roleclaimed after several cryptic, suspicious posts.

I guess this would be a good time for the real Ianto to come forward, if Hoity Toity is indeed lying about his role...?
Last edited:
Re: Doctor Who Mafia [DAY 1]

Well I just didn't know the etiquette. I didn't know whether it was bad form to role-claim immediately, so sorry if it came out a bit bad.

And if Cirrus comes out innocent, I'll most definitely place myself up for lynching tomorrow.
Ugh I do sound like a dick alien, don't I?

Also, maybe I should retract my retraction?
Re: Doctor Who Mafia [DAY 1]

If we lynch Cirrus today and it turns out she's innocent, it'll be obvious that Hoity Toity's either the Alien or Mafia, so the Mafia and Healers won't target him in the night, so it'll be safe to lynch the crap outta him tomorrow.

So I say we go for Cirrus for now, and then Hoity Toity tomorrow if it turns out we were wrong.
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