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    Of course I'm not forcing you to do anything if you don't want to, but seriously, what have you got to lose? Five seconds of your life?

Double Digits; high fives all around!

I also brought some Orange Fanta similar to the Sprite~
I am opening a buissiness called Seeker's Special Drinks ©
Know you don't know me too well, but just wanted to pop in and say happy birthday. Hope you enjoy it.
@Legendaryseeker99: Yes, you'll save us from having some accidents related to getting drunk ^^
@Flareth: I read the forums a lot, so I know you but not interacted with you. No difference* ^^


Happy birthday :D

Thanks, Cap'n :3
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I remember my 10th birthday party. I went to an ice-skating rink, which later burned down. Quite ironic, yes? Oh, and it was Ice Age themed :3
*starts hanging up streamers*
^ Most ironic story ever o-o *gets smacked in the face with a rolled up streamer* Dx
Happy birthday! If you lived in the Pokémon world, you could now head out on a journey. :o

I feel old now because when I was ten I had never even played a Pokémon game.

TG: yes.
TG: so ironic that it wouldnt even begin to rub off on you
TG: so so ironic
TG: i could go on but i wont
TG: to be a bit more
TG: you know
TG: ironic
TG: scary
Just *hic* wishing to want you a Merry Birthday filled with... fluffy stuff.

Was I already here?
Sorry I'm late...

*Gives Mewtini a double layered Snivy cake.*

Empress (My ASB Snivy for those who don't know) replaced my cake with this one. I hope you still like it...
Congratulations! You're officially closer to catching up with the rest of us (not a chance).

Anyhow, go to the professor and get your pokeballs to start your pokemon journey. The line gets long, so set your alarm clock and don't be late!
I got my first Gameboy when I turned 10

Congrats on joining us privileged double digit folk!

I'll just have a Rumncoke hehe
HAPPY BIRTHDAY have a Mewtini that isn't the same as the one in your avatar (and also isn't finished) but is still awesome.

(EDIT: For the record I originally started drawing this because the one in your avatar has nonsensical legs and I wanted to see if I could design something I liked more, which is why the junk around the edges includes a cut-off Mew leg diagram scribble.)
(EDIT 2: This is why I say they're nonsensical.)
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....whoa, Zhorken, you're quite the drawer/anatomical master @.@


Fwee Silver Nightmare, I love cake-wait, a cake with a Snivy superimposed on it? CHOW TIME

Thanks Friendly Mushroom :3

Yeeeeaaaah, Aobaru, you were here...

RTB and Mai, I don't know whether to laugh on the floor or be scared of....

Thanks Butterchuru!

...I am too gonna catch up sometimeeee! And I already have Pokemon, the ASB made a mistake and gave some to me when I was 9 >:D
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