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Re: Sin

(Yes. If it displeases you, I will withdraw any further comments on the unethicall-ness of Homosexuality. Actually, I'll just withdraw them anyway.)

((Yes, it displeases me very much. I'd ask you to elaborate on why you think this, but this is not the place and now is not the time.))
Re: Sin

"Oh." Hannah said as they headed off along the path. "That's pretty cool. We've hardly been getting any kind of training since we joined up, have we, Jack?"

The Monferno looked up. "Feermonno fer." (No. She's lazy.) He snickered, and Hannah rolled her eyes.

They were beginning to pass behind some large, glittering buildings; Hannah gazed up at the towering skyscrapers as the sun reflected off their windows, and wondered if any of the people inside knew anything of what was going on between the Nexus and the Underground. Probably not, she thought.
Re: Sin

The Roof.

"The Nexus building has only one door in plain sight, and that would be a fire hazard, so there must be another way in," Thought Kai. "And the Leader of Nexus, whoever he or she was, must have some sort of private escape in case of emergency. So a Helicopter was a perfect choice."

"Rita," He said out loud. "Take a look at the rooftop and see if there's any security there." The dragon Pokemon nodded, and flew further into the air. A few minutes later, she returned.
"Anyone there?" He asked.
Rita shook her head.
"Let me take a look then." He said, mounting her, and the two flew up to the top of the building.

On the Roof, Kai could see a Helicopter, presumably the Leader's, and a small staircase. Further down the staircase, was an elevator. Kai could see that it needed a card key. He was going to have to see if anyone back at the base had one, presumably Twee, since Blade was missing. The two returned to the cliffs.

[Please, don't let it die. /_\ ]
Once they got their, Remmy dropped her robe and let loose her Milotic and Dewgong who sprang into the water with haste. Remmy waited to jump with Hannah.
As Remmy's water-types splashed into the pool, Hannah darted behind a semi-collapsed wall and threw on her old shorts and vest. Grabbing her other two Pokeballs, she went to stand with Remmy at the poolside.

"Might as well let these two out, or they'll be complaining later." She said, pressing the release buttons on both Pokeballs. Two flashes of red light later, and two small Pokemon were sitting at the side of the pool, the Cubone fiddling with the bone club in his paws, the Misdreavus looking delighted at the sight of the pool. Jack sat down beside the Cubone named Marc, eyeing the water suspiciously, and Sasha the Misdreavus floated over the edge and right into the pool, her ghostly body making no effect on the water.

"Ready?" Hannah asked Remmy, looking sideways at her - then, with a grin, she jumped into the pool.
Kai and Rita landed on the beach. He took out a Pokeball, and Rita dissapeared inside it in a flash of red light. Kai shifted the boulder, went down the trapdoor, and placed the boulder back. "There must be a beter way of keeping it hidden than this," He thought to himself. "I'll ask Twee when I find him."
Lita walked around, thinking. What if Kai could use some help with finding- or finding a second entrance or something- that base? My help could he very useful, especially, since I remember how awesome everyone is at spotting hidden things... eh, I'm a guard and the cook. I'm not a spy... I have to go make some lunch for everyone anyways. She walked back inside, being sure to not leave Hurricane out. Storm followed her, curious.

"Storm, it's time to start on lunch... So what should everyone have today?"

"Gro gro vyle!" Grilled cheese sandwiches!

"Yes, excellent idea! Go get the cheese and bread! And some tomato soup to go with it, and crackers, and-" Lita cut herself off before she blabbed her mouth off.
Twee had finished the design for the first camera.

He passed it to Lavidas. The Sandslash carefully looked all over it, making sure not to break it with his sharp claws.

"What do you think?" Twee murmured. "God enough?"

Lavidas nodded, and passed it on to Kodikodi, who went inside the camera. Twee looked down the lens and could see a Poryon-2's eye staring out at him. Kodikodi left the camera and the eye blinked and disappeared. Smiling, Twee put it to one side and began work on the security program.
Kai had looked around the base, but couldn't find Twee anywhere. "Damn," He thought. "If I can't find Twee, then I can't find out if he has a card key, and that means that I'll have to find another way in."
Twee left the room, deciding to go and get some food. He made his way towards the kitchen, deciding what he'd eat, when he bumped into Kai.

"Hey," He smiled, "What're you doing?"
"Ah, Twee." said Kai, to the scientist who had bumped into him. "I need to know if you have a card key for the elevator of the Nexus building."
Lita started up a burner and slapped some bread onto it, courtesy of Storm, then opened a can of tomato soup and opened the crackers. She also made some noodles- in case of people who were lactose intolorant or just didn't want grilled cheese. She grabbed a pot, filled it with water, and placed it carefully on the stove. She then took some angel hair pasta from the pantry and dumped it all in there.

"Lunch in, say, ten minutes?" She asked Voir.

The Gardevoir nodded silently.
"Key card? I may do. If what you're implying is that you'd like to borrow it, then yes, you can."

He smiled and walked back towards his office, gesturing for Kai to follow.
"Yeah, I need to borrow it." Kai said, following Twee into his office. "The only entrance in that I can find is from the rooftop elavator. If we're going to break in, then we need to use it."
....Something had to give.

Things were... things were too quiet. And they were going to well.

Too well.

She stood by, watching the experiments on the Origin and Blade's odd body with obvious distain on her face.

They were plotting something... weren't they? Things were too quiet. After she had killed Blade, she was sure something would happen... some sort of retaliation.

And yet nothing. Absolutely nothing.

Mourmedy continued to grimace, feeling the paranoia build up.

She could never enjoy a victory, could she?

But as long as Barron and his cronies were around... Mourmedy would never rest.They would try to stop her, always.

This is what angered her. Those who got in the ways of her goals... those who always conviently evaded her wrath! Never... never could she stomp out this resistance!

And it frustrated and worried her to bits.
Twee unlocked the drawer underneath his desk, revealing a keypad. He punched in a code, and the compartment slid open, revealing a small, dark purple card with the Nexus logo in red. Along one side was something that resembled a barcode.

"This is it. Enjoy."
Signing up because of Kai's PM~

Name: Kari
Gender: Female
Age: 2 (14 in Eevee years)
Appearance: Your average Eevee, pretty much.
Role in RPG: Utility/Combat Pokemon
Bio: An Eevee who was given Psychic powers through mutation, resulting in the ability to use telepathy and her uncanny ability to switch between evolutions and devolve back to Eevee. Upon learning about the Nexus project, Kari took this as an opportunity to make her self useful by joining the underground society.
Relation to other characters: None in particular.
Pokemon Team: She is her own team.
Pokemon’s personalities: See above.
Last edited:
Signing up because of Kai's PM~

Name: Kari
Gender: Female
Age: 2 (14 in Eevee years)
Appearance: Your average Eevee, pretty much.
Role in RPG: Utility/Combat Pokemon
Bio: An Eevee who was given Psychic powers through mutation, resulting in the ability to use telepathy and her uncanny ability to switch between evolutions and devolve back to Eevee. Upon learning about the Nexus project, Kari took this as an opportunity to make her self useful by joining the underground society.
Relation to other characters: None in particular.
Pokemon Team: She is her own team.
Pokemon’s personalities: See above.
Thank you for joining, SE. Accepted.
"Ah, thank you, Twee." Kai said. "Now we can go ahead and storm the building. You don't know where Baron is, do you?"
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