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Encyclopedia Dramatica

we need a sticky saying "stfu about ED" or something because this is like the fourth thread about it and the tcod article.
I kind of like Encyclopedia Dramatica. The "Offended" page is like the final boss of the internet. I've gotten like 1/8th of the way down, but my friend says he made it to the end. :O
I kind of like Encyclopedia Dramatica. The "Offended" page is like the final boss of the internet. I've gotten like 1/8th of the way down, but my friend says he made it to the end. :O

WHY did I look >.<

Still I made it through the creepypasta article a while ago and survived its reasonably unsettling imagery so I'm not a total wuss.
I kind of like Encyclopedia Dramatica. The "Offended" page is like the final boss of the internet. I've gotten like 1/8th of the way down, but my friend says he made it to the end. :O
I made it all the way through when I was thirteen.

Probably part of the reason why I'm dead on the inside.
I just went through it. It's just furry porn, old people naked, and a shitload of gore. Surely you're all desensitized to all of that by now.

Though I admit the kitten slaughter made me uncomfortable. I love kitties. :|
everybody's seen the ed page for this
i would recommend a sticky saying to quit making threads about it

also i finished the offended page many, many times and it really doesn't bother me at all
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I kind of like Encyclopedia Dramatica. The "Offended" page is like the final boss of the internet. I've gotten like 1/8th of the way down, but my friend says he made it to the end. :O
I always thought that was 2girls1cup. Images is one thing but...
everybody's seen the ed page for this
i would recommend a sticky saying to quit making threads about it

also i finished the offended page many, many times and it really doesn't bother me at all
That would call additional attention to the fact it still exists and probably lead to some people starting to edit it again, which could potentially get me spammed up again. :/

As you can see it's an irritating situation. Hopefully, if we have it answered in this one thread which then dies, people who have already seen the article might perhaps use the search function to see if there's been a thread on it already, see the explanation, and forget about it.
old article is old
There's multiple threads about this? I guess I missed them. :B

I remember when this article was first written. I haven't looked at it since then. Oh, this brings back so many memories...

I'm surprised the whole reputation ordeal hasn't survived on this article. Anyone else remember that? Those were the days.

Also, if its existence is such a big deal, could we not just delete it? Then it won't exist for newbies to find it and flip out about old news
Attempts to delete/blank ED articles usually end up making the situation worse, if that's what you're talking about. :[

I made it through the "offended" page without much of a problem either. Yay for having lost all my shock value, I guess. A couple pictures on the creepypasta article weirded me out (I don't like creepy faces :c), but I had a lot of fun reading the text ones.
holy shit i've never been to the offended page before. shit be fucked up.

anyway, i remember when this was put up. oh, the nostalgia
ED's mildly amusing...it's fun to laugh at things you like once in a while. It would be so much better if it wasn't so over-the-top about the insults.
A couple pictures on the creepypasta article weirded me out

Is it sad that I was really freaked out by that fucked-up-rabbit-costume guy standing behind a glass door of some kind (if I remember the article right)? I dunno why but that was quite scarring for me :/ (I realise that article may have been changed because it was nearly a year ago I read through it, but I do not want to go back there to check x3 Also today I re-read some of the stories on there in a new book I got and I failed to find them particularly out-freaking. =o)
A lot of creepypasta is bullshit. There are a few that are relatively scary but it has to be late at night for them to have any effect. Creepy ambient music helps, too.
pft. 2girls1cup is nothing.

Anything with penis mutiliation is 30x worse.
agreed. the gore or furry porn or whatever on "Offended" doesn't scar me, it's the pictures of the guy with his dick sliced open... or with the wasps... or i heard at the end, there's a GIF of a guy tying a string around his dick (or maybe testicles, can't remember) and pulling hard, so it comes cleanly off...
God, what a bunch of racist douchebags. Whoever created that website should be hunted down, and slowly, painfully killed over a period of 10 years.
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