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Shiny Grimer

Active member
she/her, they/them
From the small amount of European news that I read, it would seem that Europe is somehow in danger of being assimilated by the Middle East and that SWARTHY EVIL MUSLIMS are going to replace all the good Christian people. It's not difficult to find people talking about the evil invasion of Europe by Muslims (geert wilders, ugh).

Now, nationalist groups and people trying to stir up hatred against 'different' immigrants is nothing new (hello, lou dobbs!). My big surprise is that, according to this 2007 report by the Pew Forum, US Americans were actually more accepting of Muslims than people from Germany, Spain, and the Netherlands. Considering the rampant anti-Muslim sentiment present throughout my nation (obama's a secret muslim lol) I find this really... weird. o.o I mean, I'd always heard of Europe as this shining beacon of hope and tolerance and acceptance and awesome.

So my question is, is the whole 'Fear of a Muslim Europe' thing just something whipped up by Nationalist groups to get more votes, something actually believed by the populace (wherever you live), or just a bunch of baloney? People not living in Europe, feel free to respond about sentiments about Muslims here.
"Muslim fear" is ludicrous. You have about as much to fear from your average day muslim as you do your average day christian.

And about as much to fear from your christian extremist as your muslim extremist.
Yeah, Europe's more advanced socially but that doesn't mean we don't have racists and such. The big problem is that everyone's panicky because of the crisis so they automatically vote for the right (old values provide comfort) so it gives a bad impression. Add the fact that we do have a lot of arab immigrants in Europe and that we've had a lot of missed bomb attacks and some successful ones (more than America's one attack :v) and the tension grows.

Personally, most of the people I know are normal, but you have your usual shitheads. I don't think people would have such a problem with arabs if they were better integrated. The first generation is very quiet and nice but their kids were all born in ghettoes and go to the shitty schools so of course they tend to be more involved in delinquent gangs.
That's the situation in Belgium at any rate.
Well, I don't live in Europe, but...

Intolerant Christians are funny. Like an oxymoron. It makes no sense at all.
lol wat

I have genuinely never met a person like this here. Seen them on TV, sure, but that's a minority.
There's a whole ton of muslim students at my uni and nobody treats them any differently and, from my experience, there's no "religious tension" of any kind whatsoever. My friend Fizza taught me more about Islam than 7 years of RE classes.

And there are, like, no muslims at all back in Devonland, so I dunno what the situation is outside of a university setting.

But I imagine it's similar with most issues like this; you've got your usual idiots who're a very tiny minority that kick up a fuss, going all "argh terrorists" or similar (I haven't heard anything about anyone taking over the "good Christian people" though; pretty much everyone I know is either atheist or keeps their religion to themselves), and then a much bigger group in which everyone else agrees that the former group of people are utter morons. Good times.
i don't care if you're muslim as long as you're not dumb

i agree with vplj it's the same in the netherlands (and from my experience belgium as well)
Isn't "evil Muslims" an oxymoron?
not really. it *is* possible to have an evil Muslim (assuming that one believes in the concept of good and evil, of course).

Intolerant Christians are funny. Like an oxymoron. It makes no sense at all.
this is also not an oxymoron.

an oxymoron is where two contradictory statements are made. like a dry puddle of water.

I've known quite a few Muslims in the various schools I've been to and all of them seemed perfectly well-adjusted. they're just normal guys who support English football teams, go to parties at the weekend and talk to their friends on MSN. even the ones who are fairly devout are just as normal as everyone else, except they don't drink and they go to prayer more often. the Muslims who were troublemakers weren't causing problems because of their race or religion; they were being delinquents in the same way that white or black kids do.
I said like an oxymoron. That implies that it is strange like one.

Anyways, Christianity is set up to be one of the more tolerant religions(really the only ones I've seen that would top being more accepting of others is Islam and Shinto), but many people twist it and use it as an excuse to hate other people.
Anyways, Christianity is set up to be one of the more tolerant religions.

Not really. Have you read the Bible? Lots of genocide in there. Sure, Jesus said "love thy neighbour", but apparently this only counts if your neighbour is Christian.
Christians live by the New Testament. Jesus never endorsed genocide.
Christians do NOT live by the New Testament. That is a fact BECAUSE of the fact that Jesus had that turn the other cheek thing.

Example 1 of Christians not living by the New Testament:
There's a disclaimer somewhere at the end of the bible that explains that the only things that are supposed to be taken seriously are the things that support the argument you're making! can't you guys read.
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What's your opinion on the applicability of the Ten Commandments?

for the record, my first post up there was in jest, I didn't actually want to start a debate on the whole which-parts-of-the-bible-are-relevant-today debate. Because it never gets anyone anywhere.
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