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Famous Last Words...

"Ooh! A train! Let's play chicken!"
"It's okay, I've been handing firearms/fireworks since I was seven!"
"What could happen?" (The classic)
"Hmm, I can't tell what these crates say. Let's use this match and have a look!" (They say TNT)
Hold onto your hats guys! ALLAH IS THE GREATEST!
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Do they have to be actual quotes?


http://listverse.com/history/20-famous-last-words/ said:
I am about to — or I am going to — die: either expression is correct.

Said by: Dominique Bouhours, famous French grammarian

8. Now why did I do that?

Said by: General William Erskine, after he jumped from a window in Lisbon, Portugal in 1813.

9. Hey, fellas! How about this for a headline for tomorrow’s paper? ‘French Fries’!

Said by: James French, a convicted murderer, was sentenced to the electric chair. He shouted these words to members of the press who were to witness his execution.
'Don't be silly, they couldn't hit an elephant at this dist'

'This can't be right, tell them I said something!' - Mexican rebel Pancho Villa

'Go away. I'm fine.' - H. G. Wells

'If this is dying, it doesn't look like much to me.' - Lytton Strachey

'God will forgive me. It's his job.' - Heinrich Heine

'Why did I do this?' - General William Erskine, after he threw himself off a balcony in Lisbon

'My wallpaper and I are fighting a duel to the death. One of us will have to go.' - Oscar Wilde

And, probably the chillest one:
'I'm bored with this all.' - Winston Churchill. He then fell into a coma and died a couple of weeks later.
"18 straight whiskeys.. I do believe that's a record."
-Some alcoholic poet, can't remember his name.
"Waitaminute, this isn't a violin..."

"Oh, sure, I'll get it for you."

"What's that smell...?"

"You're not a sore loser, are you?"

And, finally:

* It's probably just a rash.
* Are you sure the power is off?
* The odds of that happening have to be a million to one!
*Waite a minute...
* I wonder where the mother bear is.
* I've seen this done on TV.
* These are the good kind of mushrooms.
* It's strong enough for both of us.
* This doesn't taste right.
* I can do that with my eyes closed.
* I've done this before.
* Well, we've made it this far.
* You wouldn't hit a guy with glasses on, would you?
* Don't be so superstitious.

And my personal favorite:

*That's odd

This one is an actual quote:
*"Pardonnez-moi, monsieur"
Said by Marie Antoinette, after stepping on her executioners foot.
"Oh, Shit." - Probably an airplane pilot
"Et tu, Brute?" - Iulius Caeser
"Quebec is ours!" - Some American dumbass in the American revolution who was shot about 2 seconds after he yelled it.
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