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Fight for the stars[Might be blood}

Ember pulled in all his feathers and seemed rather sad that the Diglett had not noticed him, and recalled himself. He didn't like Onna.
Terrence followed Eric's lead and looked around, although he didn't know what he was looking for. Then, to his horror, he saw a security camera. Blinking.

"We've got to get out of here!" he shouted.
Terrence ran out of the building, and not until they were many feet away from the entrance did he look back. There were already some Rockets swarming out the doors after them.

"Damn," Terrence muttered.
Eric noticed the Grunts, and instantly recognized the one who killed his parents, and said "I'm going to challenge you. You murdered my parents! Now you will pay!" The Grunt sent out a Ledian. Eric then smirked and sent Rhyhorn out. Ledian tried to ue Energy Ball, but missed miserably. Rhyhorn used Rock Slide, defeating the foe in one hit. The Grunt returned Ledian and said "SHIT! I LOST TO A KID!" Eric then watched him and the other grunts fled. Eric flipped them off.
Tadeo rolled his eyes. "Is that all? You woke me up for this?" he asked in an irritated voice. Courtney didn't like his tone, so he made himself small.
Thorn had followed Violet into the hallway, and was now creeping alongside her. She hoped that Zigzag wouldn't pop out of her PokeBall to play a practical joke.
Eric then watched them flee, and then looked up and said into the skies "Don't worry Peggy, I love you, and I will do anything to find you." He was talking about his girlfriend.
Violet swore to herself. She was far inside the building and had no idea where the exit was, she ran in a random direction. Onna ran after her trainer. Lost, they hoped to find the way out, and fast.
"What do you think you're doing here?!"
A man in a white Rocket uniform grabbed Violet by the back of her shirt.
Onna jumped onto his back and bit him with the jaws on the back of her head.
"Ow, get off, you little b****!"
He shook Onna off and kicked the Mawile hard in the stomach. She cried out and hit the wall, falling with a thunk.
Suddenly, one of the pokeballs on Violet's belt opened up, releasing what looked like a tiny, short Linoone. It dawned on the girl what Pokemon that was. It growled at the Rocket and slashed at his ankle. A rock suddenly appeared and sharpened, then slashed. The man screamed in rage, but ran. The Diglett panted, then went behind Violet. She recalled her Pokemon then picked Onna up from the floor. The Mawile whimpered softly. Violet bit her lip and ran, finally figuring out where the door was. She ran out of the door. Violet looked around for the others, now relatively safe outside.
Eric then saw the man that Violet attacked, and recognized him as the guy who knocked him unconscious. Eric then broke his neck with his brute strength. The Rocket grunt was dead. Eric kicked the body to make sure he wasn't still alive.
Violet blinked, still holding the Mawile.
"I hate him too for hurting Onna, but you're rather violent."
She looked around awkwardly. What do you say to a person who just killed a man?!
"I found out what a Diglett's whole body looks like today."
Eric then said "He was the guy who tried to KILL ME! I got even with him. He's in Hell now. Don't worry about it. I'm already number one on both their most wanted list and their hit list."
Violet backed away slightly.
"I'm uh, sure he did."
I'm worrying, all right. And not about him.
Violet blinked, still embarrassed.
"Uh, I don't know. I'll tell you when I think of something, okay?"
Diglett let herself out of the Pokeball at watched Eric solemnly. Violet petted the Pokemon's head.
"Well, due to my lack of creativity today, I'm going to name you Katie. Is that okay with you?"
The Pokemon went up and down in the ground, trying to nod.
"Well, thats one problem down. A billion more to go."
Zigzag relieved the tension by popping out of her PokeBall and relieving herself of the urge to be funny by asking, "Who's hungry? I know that canniballism is against the law, but heck, so is stealing." She then made as if to start munching on the man's leg.
Violet gave the Zigzagoon a funny look and remembered Onna. She sat down on the ground and looked at the Mawile, worried. Onna blinked, somewhat dazed, and tried to sit up, whimpering softly. Her breathing was louder than normal, and sounded sort of strange. Violet swore to herself and looked at the dead body on the ground.
"He attacked me before when I was trying to get out. Onna bit him and he kicked her into a wall. God, I think she broke a rib."
Nice going there, trainer of the year. You just seriously injured your favorite Pokemon.
The Abra appeared next to Violet. Violet snarled at her,
"You don't have to be here, smarty-pants."
I'm your Pokemon. I'm going to stay solely because I want to make sure you don't do something idiotic again and get your Pokemon hurt.
Violet rolled her eyes and said sarcastically.
"Thanks a lot. I appreciate your help, oh shorty-that's-apparently-a-genius."
The Abra didn't respond, and fell asleep again.
Abra yawned and said to Eric in her sleep,
You don't seem to be too bothered by your having just killed a man and Onna breaking a rib.
Katie let herself out of her pokeball and stared nervously at the corpse laying on the ground.
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