「にがいのは いやだ」って…
- Pronoun
- they
V at least doesn't try to take itself seriously, but the whole series is pretty ridiculous and FFX in particular focuses a lot on trying to be serious business.But that's the whole point of V. IT'S MORPHIN' TIME, MAN D:
Am I allowed to shoot all SephyCloudFan9000s? :|
Shoot 'm. If they get up again, then SHOOT THEM AGAIN.
... buh? I didn't have any difficulty with it, although I only got up to some point in disc 3 because my copy sucks pretty badly.Steal my FFIX if you want. That thing is way too dang hard for me.
It was pretty godawful. Dunno how the original compares, but the remake was pretty bad. Ridiculously unbalanced classes (why use BMs if you had a Geomancer? Why use warriors/knights at all when you had Monks?); penalties for changing classes which kind of makes it a bad idea to switch between them; glitches for item duplication that were more or less necessary to get through the game at points; artificially difficult dungeons; lack of saving inside of a dungeon so you'd have to go through each one twice and hope that you didn't wipe against the boss (and if you did, you'd have to clear through it AGAIN); non-intuitive ending sequence (y halo thar Cloud of Darkness).... Ugh.I didn't dislike FFIII that much, but I was very sick and semiconscious the whole time I was playing it.
I don't remember VII enough to say whether it was good or bad. I think I liked it, but the graphics are godawful and I want to hit anyone who says they were good for their time. HINT: they were really bad in comparison to other games then, too. IX, XII, and TA are pretty awesome though! Why does Tactics Advance not have a fandom...? Dirge of Cerebus is a game where you fight against the controller to not die while staring at Vincent's ass. I don't think it has another reason for existence. Never played X-2 so can't say anything about that.I've played VII, IX, XII, and Tactics Advance. Also some of DoC and X-2, but I didn't really care for those. :\
I dunno, I really like the first four I mentioned, even though VII's fanbase is about fifty times more 'oh god' than the others. D: IX and XII are probably my favorites.
VII's fanbase is pretty freaking awful, yeah. Haven't ventured into the others but saw some neat stuff while looking for Kingdom Hearts fanfic. Can't find FFTA's fandom.