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Closed [FINISHED] The Pokemon of the Lake

Re: The Pokemon of the Lake

Pikachu murred then sniffed the air. She looked at Patrick's Backpack and rushed to it

"I think she smells food," Eric laughed, before a Feraligatr came out from the trees. There was obviously a river nearby. "Better take care of this. Mind taking care of Pikachu for a little bit while I go fight with the Feraligatr here? Ribbon needs some training, just in case if the Lake Pokemon is a water type"
Re: The Pokemon of the Lake

"Sure, I don't mind," Patrick said. YES! he thought. Now I can steal him! Patrick pretended he lost something on the way back. "Whoops!" he said. "I think I lost something back there. I'll.... Go look for it. Alone. Yeah." With that, he ran of, Pikachu in hand.
Yes... he thought while running. Now at least my mission is kind of complete. I've stolen a strong Pokemon.
"Happiny!" Haps cheered, as if she helped in stealing the Pikachu.
Re: The Pokemon of the Lake

"And Purification needs some excersice!" she said as Suicune, not knowing it was the lake of the elusive Pokemon, dashed out and starting running across the lake.
Re: The Pokemon of the Lake

Pikachu looked up at the trainer and growled. She started charging electricity. "Pi... Ka..." She let out a warning growl. She then looked at Haps. "I would suggest telling your trainer to let go of me, as I am about to release a huge lightning bolt in the next five seconds that will turn him from a human into a crisp"

(EDIT: Mewtwo, you are nowhere NEAR the lake. It is in the middle of the mountains, which are in the middle of a desert, which are in the middle of the plains, which are surrounded by the rainforest)
Re: The Pokemon of the Lake

"HAP! HAP! HAPPINY!" Haps yelled, jumping off Patrick's shoulder, waving for him to run away.
"What Happiny? We got the Pika--"
Suddenly, there was a huge jolt of electricity, and a scream. It was visible from about a mile away.
Re: The Pokemon of the Lake

Ohayou sat on the riverbank, staring sadly into the water, the sheer force of his sadness repelling the wild pokemon nearby.
"Rotom..." Spin said as if trying to cheer him up.
"If the pokemon here weren't so vicious, that Altaria wouldn't have died, Spin."
-In the distance- "Pi... Ka...---- Auggghhh!!!!"

"That sounded like Patrick and Pikachu!" Ohayou, suddenly normal again, exclaimed.
"Come on Cut! Let's see what's wrong!"
Re: The Pokemon of the Lake

Eric rushed over with Ribbon. "What happened!?"

"Pikachu," Pikachu simply stated
"Pikachu, I asked him to take care of you," Eric replied back

She gave a huge sweatdrop as Eric ran to the Rocket to help him out and apply some medicine. For someone who was supposed to be smart, he was SURE dimwitted...
Re: The Pokemon of the Lake

Cut, clearing a path through the forest, entered the scorched clearing left from the huge blast.
"What happened here?" Ohayou cried.
"Did Patrick hurt Pikachu?"
Re: The Pokemon of the Lake

As Patrick slowly opened his eyes, he could see Eric, Ohayou, a angry-looking Pikachu, and his Happiny looking at him. "Wh-What happened?" he said. He twitched a bit, leaping up a little.
"Hap.... HAP!" Happiny motioned to Pikachu, then started tearing up. Soon, Swampy and Squish were over to Patrick too, unaware of what happened.
"Swam?" he heard from Swampert, seeing him question Squish and Happiny.
"Wiggi...." Wigglytuff shrugged.
Re: The Pokemon of the Lake

"No, the other way around. I guess she was panicked or startled by something..." He sighed. "Patrick SHOULD be ok... But we will have to set up camp for the night, which will set us behind schedule..." He glared at Pikachu. "I hope you're happy, Pikachu!"

About frying a thief? Yeah, I am pretty pleased with myself, she thought to herself
Re: The Pokemon of the Lake

As Patrick slowly got up, he returned Swampy and Squish. "No.... It's fine. You're Pikachu didn't do much damage." Patrick twitched a bit again. "AGH!" he yelped. "We-we can continue trekking on. I'm fine. I can walk."
Re: The Pokemon of the Lake

"Are you sure? After all, that looked like a strong Thunder"


The Pokemon saw the beam from the lake. "Was that... One of the trainer's Pokemon? Hmm... They may actually survive long enough to see me..."
Re: The Pokemon of the Lake

"Y-Yeah... I'm good. We can continue," he replied. He started walking, but not near the Pikachu. Shoot. That Pikachu's stronger than he looked before!
"Hap-ee-ny..." Haps said in a teasing voice, as if to say "I told you so."
Re: The Pokemon of the Lake

(Argh... I need to get on more often, but I can't... -_-)
Will just watched the conversation, not even bothering to help. Why would Pikachu shock him...? Did something happen? he thought, a confused expression on his face. Shrugging to himself, he urged Zoran on again, moving a little bit ahead of the group.
Re: The Pokemon of the Lake

Pikachu hopped onto Eric's shoulder, electricity sparking in the dip in her tail. She frowned some. That guy will smarten up and wear rubber next time, I bet...
Re: The Pokemon of the Lake

"Just in case I get shocked again, I'll change from these sandals to these sneakers," Patrick said. "And they're more comfortable, too. I'll be able to walk better." As Patrick changed shoes, he also got a little snack for Haps to eat.
"Happi!" said Haps, giggling. She hopped down from his shoulder, and nibbled on the snack, which was dropped on the ground. She ate the snack, and saw a little Oval Stone next to the snack. "Happiny?" she wondered. Then, she picked it up and put it in her egg pouch. She then started to glow white.
"Ha-Haps? You're evolving?" pondered Patrick. Suddenly, Haps' tiny figure was growing larger, until the bright light faded to pink.
"CHANSEY!" shouted Haps with glee.
EDIT: Should I change my submission thingy to add that Haps evolved?
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Re: The Pokemon of the Lake

You don't have to]

Eric grinned. "Well, that should help out alot! Now you have a good special wall!"

Pikachu did not look as amused. Shit, now I have to go physical if he tries to steal me again
Re: The Pokemon of the Lake

Aria continued into the forest with Onestar next to her. The Kadabra noticed that she was getting a bit tired, and sent a psychic pulse into her mind to keep her up.
"Thanks," Aria thought.
"Anytime," Onestar replied as they kept a sharp eye out for danger.
"There!" Onestar hissed, sending a blast of energy towards the approaching enemy.
A round, purple thing fell out of the air. A Drifblim, Aria recognised.
Re: The Pokemon of the Lake

"Chan-Chansey? Chanse!" asked Haps. She was motioning to everyone's Pokeballs.
"I believe Haps is saying, 'If you're Pokemon need healing, I'll help.'" translated Patrick. "A-anyways, we should be heading off now. You can lead the way if you want, Will. The Thunder's effects are fading."
Re: The Pokemon of the Lake

"Ohhh.... a Chansey! ...Oh! Will's leaving! I'll follow him. You guys catch up later~!"
Ohayou jumped back on Cut and followed Will at his slow pace.
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