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FMC's tCoDf Family!

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I want to be your cranky great-grandfather who faked his death in order for him to open a Burger King resturant.
If you want, I'll take the place of the token cousin who lives in the mountains of Arkansas that has four teeth, six children, and has been in alcoholic rehabilitation more times than he can count (which is less than his number of fingers [which is only eight due to an incident with firecrackers]).
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I'm the cousin who had sex at 15 and his girlfriend got "Impegnimacated" and had quintuplets by pure luck because she had "one of them fertee lee zatshun peels" while she was having triplets. :D

Also, he's missing his left eye. No one knows why, but he claims he got it cut out by pirates and ninjas when they raided his home town.
Whey, this is kinda... interesting.

Can I be the eldest brother who never spends much time in the house at night and is always out at university parties getting drunk with friends? (It's not my real age, but whatever. D:)
I'll join! =D

I'll be the quiet sister who locks herself in her room using alchemy to make food and trying to transmute a book into a burger. And has Auto-mail teeth. =D
Ummm.... Can I join as the insane, drunken sibling who swears that she a ninja by night who constantly searches for the Holy Cookie of Good and Evil and battles other ninjas to get to it and makes it back before morning every night? 8D *shot*
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