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Forum Revival TV Tropes Mafia Revival - D7

hey keldeo have you given a read on eif yet aside from the mason thing? also how do you feel about mist bc now i’m thinking about this
I mean, she’s my mason so I’m biased, but even if she weren’t I think I would lock her town at this point. She’s extremely inside her town meta and outside her mafia meta in her memes and attitude and patterns of activity. I can explain in more detail if needed.

I have no real read on Mist. Kinda like them locking Seshas town early. Kiiinda like them not explaining stuff even if I wish they would, they don’t seem like preoccupied with seeming towny or how people are reading them, but they’re being shielded by Eif and probably part of it stems from time issues so that doesn’t really hold. Don’t like that they’re not here more I guess.
whats your game take
i’m mostly thinking about how it feels like so much has happened, stuff that felt vaguely serious/important at the time, and yet i still have no strong feelings about anyone except for that i’m townreading people who i always townread in every game even when they’re wolves
with my full tmi that Mist is my n0 green, I will say that I think that as mafia he would have "better" (as in, less prompting of a SIGHHHH from me) reads on me and Keldeo
The one thing that pauses me on you, Eifie, is that this is your home court and not MU. I play radically differently on my home community versus MU. Tho you are still like light years from your scum game and iirc you have told me that people here usually suspect you just because you are a threat/helpful with stuff. I might be rambling and misremembering.
Kinda like them locking Seshas town early.
i did wanna mention earlier that i wish they were more of a presence but they've seemed pretty much the mirror opposite of how i'd see a malevolent inactive player; the like, one time that mist has genuinely shown up it was to vouch for someone who we have no other real reasons to distrust
with my full tmi that Mist is my n0 green, I will say that I think that as mafia he would have "better" (as in, less prompting of a SIGHHHH from me) reads on me and Keldeo
I don’t remember them having reads on us, can you explain?
i’m mostly thinking about how it feels like so much has happened, stuff that felt vaguely serious/important at the time, and yet i still have no strong feelings about anyone except for that i’m townreading people who i always townread in every game even when they’re wolves
That is very vague. I like it! Thank you Farfetch'd, the chicken, for your assistance tbh
The one thing that pauses me on you, Eifie, is that this is your home court and not MU. I play radically differently on my home community versus MU. Tho you are still like light years from your scum game and iirc you have told me that people here usually suspect you just because you are a threat/helpful with stuff. I might be rambling and misremembering.

I think I'm playing a lot like my MU town game rn, do you disagree? I also think this is a pretty good analogue to a low-to-moderate activity MU game

the phrase you're probably looking for is "fear read" and I suspect that's why mewt has me so low on her list and Herbe refuses to actually townread me >:( I'm kinda just gritting my teeth and dealing with it because they have no way of knowing that in the past year I've become literally incapable of making game-related posts as mafia
I don’t remember them having reads on us, can you explain?
he has "half a scumread" on you and a null-read on me which he always insists on doing in games where I'm extremely obvious town and he should know that smfh

remember the hydra game I played with boq where I posted my ass off and also caught a mafia in literally 88 posts? he still refused to call me town and I was so annoyed smh

meanwhile in our hydra game 1 he pulled out a tmi town read on you/us very early on
I've been paying attention, but won't have time to make a substantial post at all today, unfortunately. There's no one particularly standing out to me as obvious mafia, and neither is anybody going after anyone I feel strongly to be innocent, either, so I don't have anything pressing to add.

However, since we're starting to come up pretty hard against the end of the day, I think we probably want to figure out where we're going before we completely run out of time to discuss. It doesn't look like anyone has any very strong feelings about targets, so are we looking at abstain? Lynch inactive? Or is there anyone that people do feel like they'd be ready to lynch based on actually thinking they're mafia?

I'm not terribly fond of abstaining myself, and am pretty eh about lynching inactive, but at this point I don't feel like I have any strong mafia targets, so I guess I'm leaning most towards the latter.
low-to-moderate activity
oh dear god
I suspect that's why mewt has me so low on her list
oh for posterity this is actually not the case lol. i just haven't townLocked you but i kind of have reasons that i'm strongly townreading you; there's no one in my probable-town who's on the cusp of not being in that list as of now.
That is very vague. I like it! Thank you Farfetch'd, the chicken, for your assistance tbh
my feelings are also vague tbf

i really don't have a good grasp on this game so far and i think i'm kind of having a hard time bc it's like... 50% tcod meta which is kind of weird for me. with the invitationals on mu at least it was like 90% tcod with a handful of non-tcod folks and it was easier to compartmentalize, rn i feel like half the roster is playing a slightly different game from me
I think I'm playing a lot like my MU town game rn, do you disagree? I also think this is a pretty good analogue to a low-to-moderate activity MU game

the phrase you're probably looking for is "fear read" and I suspect that's why mewt has me so low on her list and Herbe refuses to actually townread me >:( I'm kinda just gritting my teeth and dealing with it because they have no way of knowing that in the past year I've become literally incapable of making game-related posts as mafia
I don't disagree, but you also have more authority with your posts which changes the dynamic.
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