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Re: Tales of TCoD ROUND 3 [OOC/Signups]

Name: Exo-Raikou

Gender: Male

Appearance: A fellow that stands at about 6"3" and is very thin, with somewhat long brown hair, and also is very pale. Clothing of choice is usually a red cloak over a dark blue long-sleeved shirt and dark grey pants, and also wears a wide-brimmed gray hat. His face has two notable features: a curved scar running down the right side of his face, and his eyes have red pupils with a very dark grey iris.

Personality: Exo-Raikou has become very embittered against tCoD and what he believes it has turned into over the years - it's his idea that it's the current leaders that have made it what it is today, so by extension, he sees it as his job (or in his words, his purpose) to remake it. Aside from that, he usually keeps to himself when not in battle, and is often seen wandering the ruins of the Games section. To his teammates, he comes off as very cold and generally not someone they'd want to talk to on a day-to-day basis at first glance - those that know him better understand that he is the sort of person that only speaks if he feels that there is something that is actually worth saying.

Powers: As a highly skilled sorcerer, Exo-Raikou specializes in necromantic spells - reanimation of corpses and negative energy attacks are his specialty, but he is also capable of limited flight, teleportation, and fire or lightning blasts. He can combine the negative energy with the aforementioned elemental powers, but the resulting strain from that attack discourages him from using it too much.

Pets: A large, zombified dragon that he uses as a mount. Because of his necrotic powers, Exo-Raikou is capable of reanimating it if it falls in battle

Relationship: If anyone's willing, they need only ask

Group: Evil

Is there a ranking system for the groups?
Re: Tales of TCoD ROUND 3 [OOC/Signups]

All accepted, Shinyabsol, you were the one who built the bombs. All I'm changing.

from what I read (haha I didn't read these) Powers were ok. Anyone from Round 3 might remember my super OP Power... haha..



As for group hierarchy, Good has 2/3 groups, each with a leader and secondary leader, and some people.

Evil was a bit more tricky because Round 2 had only ~4 evil people, and everyone was on their own. I would say seeing as we have so many evils, we have 12 people even counting myself, 3 quads of four, or vice versa.

Preferably need 3 groups of four for evil, and 2-3 groups for good. I would need 5-6 people, and Zora willing to be PMed plot details so we can get everything smoothened out.
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Re: Tales of TCoD ROUND 3 [OOC/Signups]

Ok, reading back over some of the forms (Wargle why didn't you do that before! You're supposed to read forms before accepting them!) I noticed a few powers were a bit much.

I grouped a few powers together so find what group fits you.

Trainers can own a maximum of six Pokémon, but only carry two for the uses of battle. The rest must be left behind in a safe location (Mai's dumpster for Good, the fortress for Evil, wherever Zora picks for Team Zora). These Pokémon can be stolen, but not used.

Weapons Users (blades, guns, arrow, whatever) have a similar restriction to Trainers, but different. They are allowed six weapons, but can only carry a Primary, a Secondary, and a Melee. Handguns, weaker caliber/gauge rifles/shotguns are secondaries, while snipers, bigger caliber/gauge rifles/shotguns are Primaries. They are stored in the same place as Trainers store Pokémon. See the end of the next section for damage limits.

Supernatural Powers like aura, elemental control, and such are harder to limit. I was at first lost when thinking of how to work with these. Round 2 had several overzealous powers, and I was guilty too. I finally decided to limit them to nothing that could instantly cripple a living being, but merely cause damage. This mean no using powers to vaporize the other teams, or using undead to create an apocalypse.

This may not seem fair, as Pokémon or guns could surely cripple someone, if not kill. I am limiting them as well, to the damage caused by attacks in the anime, or merely non-lethal shots for guns. No aiming for the head for a 12x Bi-pod noscope headshot every time, as it won't work. I was tempted to outright ban guns totally because of the problems they would cause, but I felt like I didn't need to baby anyone here. Let's be a good, mature, RPing audience here, and not try to instakill everything.
Re: READ FIRST POST!!! Tales of TCoD ROUND 3 [OOC/Signups]

So, so, my completely unhelpful power... Would it fall under Supernatural? I mean, quite frankly, I don't think it can really cause any major damage. I suppose I could whack a few faces and all, but, you know. Not much pain behind that.
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Re: READ FIRST POST!!! Tales of TCoD ROUND 3 [OOC/Signups]

Could I add a power to my character that lets him communicate with electrical machines (not necessarily controlling them, just talking to them)? I could limit his flying shoes to compensate (maybe by letting anybody use them).
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Re: READ FIRST POST!!! Tales of TCoD ROUND 3 [OOC/Signups]

Can we carry pokemon with us if we don't use them for battling?
Re: READ FIRST POST!!! Tales of TCoD ROUND 3 [OOC/Signups]

Ulqui-chan: Since your power is a trolololol powers, it's fine. Unless you were a farfetch'd, not much could happen with a leek.

Mawile: Go ahead. Yes to having to compensate.

RTB: one Pokémon who can never see battle is acceptable.
Re: READ FIRST POST!!! Tales of TCoD ROUND 3 [OOC/Signups]

Is this okay?

Mawile can fly using his winged shoes; but if somebody takes them, he'll be flightless. (The shoes can allow anybody to fly, though.) He can also communicate with electrical machines as long as he is touching them (not necessarily control them, just talk to them).
Re: READ FIRST POST!!! Tales of TCoD ROUND 3 [OOC/Signups]

There are no slots left on the evil side?
Re: READ FIRST POST!!! Tales of TCoD ROUND 3 [OOC/Signups]

Not sure what you're asking ILS. Do you mean how many one person can have? I said 6. If you mean the whole dumpster, 60

I said except for reserves.
Re: READ FIRST POST!!! Tales of TCoD ROUND 3 [OOC/Signups]

My question is if there is a limit to the Pokémon we have at the dumpster.
Re: READ FIRST POST!!! Tales of TCoD ROUND 3 [OOC/Signups]

I'll just.

Name: Dragon (or Windy, used interchangeably)
Sex: Female
Appearance: A teenage girl of average height with honestly next to no curves and tan-ish skin. She has black hair, cut in bangs in the front and about elbow length to the back. The strands of hair that would get into her face are tied up in a ponytail. Dragon has recently taken to wearing a dark grey trench coat and a shirt in some hue of green, as well as cargo pants. Her fingernails are somewhat short since she bites them, and she's always wearing a horribly grafitti'd messenger bag with next to nothing in it.

Personality: Dragon is rather awkward around people she doesn't know, but fine with being crazy (and sort of violent) with friends. Something of a show-off and a know-it-all, when she can get away with it. She tends to stay away from conversation and slinks around away from talk. She inner monologues a lot. Windy presents herself as an outgoing person who's willing to get into all sorts of shenanigans, though actually she does her best to avoid trouble and stay out of the thick of things. If someone takes note of this fact it will be vehemently denied. A noticeably more morally grey person; if asked to injure one of her friends (with good reason), Dragon would do it. Dying for the sake of others.. not so much.

Powers: Can turn into a dragon. Yes. Not a ridiculously huge scary dragon but a dragon all the same. Windy's dragon form is about five feet tall at the shoulder, and nine feet long from snout to tailtip. She's covered in greyish-brown scales and has a mane of feathery.. fur stuff running down her spine. Her wings are illogical and mostly resemble bat wings, with feathers coating the 'arm' part of the wing instead of scales. Windy's head is crested with antler-like horns and her forehead is marked with a yellow chevron. Her tailtip and claws end in sharp points for cutting things (people?) up. She hates physics and therefore can bear the weight of one human being in flight (with difficulty), and make wind blades similar to Razor Wind or Air Cutter/Slash.

In human form, she can sprout her dragon form's wings at will. These magically ignore clothes and don't rip them to shreds or anything. These can be used for flight and hitting people.

Pets: nnnnnope.
Relationship: Loosely acquainted with basically everyone on the evil side. Hardly knows anyone on the good side.
Group: Good for now.
Re: READ FIRST POST!!! Tales of TCoD ROUND 3 [OOC/Signups]

Ok, so if I get rid of my guns, is it possible for me to save a combat knife for close quarters stuff?
Re: READ FIRST POST!!! Tales of TCoD ROUND 3 [OOC/Signups]

So I fixed my registration, but I'm pretty sure this is dead or something?
Re: READ FIRST POST!!! Tales of TCoD ROUND 3 [OOC/Signups]


I am intent on seeing this through

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