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Fuck Palin

in other news

ron paul is apparently supporting the Constitution Party guy

more evidence that ron paul is out of his fucking mind
Haha, Bill O'Reily's website has been hacked.
In what is slowly turning into a endless loop of hacktivism activities, Bill O’Reilly’s BillOreilly.com has been compromised during the weekend, with personal details including passwords in plain text for 205 of the site’s members already leaking across Internet forums, as a response to his remarks regarding Wikileaks as a “one of those despicable, slimy, scummy websites” which recently published private information of Sarah Palin’s private email.
This hacking spree can continue forever as far as I'm concerned.
Chuck Baldwin would be awful for Americans but not bad for the rest of the world. The same is true of Ron Paul.
I too am going to watch the debate. And then listen to the rant about it that my boyfriend is going to make after it's done.
I'm totally watching it. Either to watch Biden slice Palin up, Palin stumble through it horribly or maybe something actually good happen!
Well she's already stumbling through it if you ask me.

Mom: *watching debate, talking on phone*
Me: *comes and sits upstairs, sees TV* ...She's still an ugly bitch! :D
Mom: rotflmao
Okay so I watched half of it and am now going to sleep because it's 4:30 AM here and I'm having trouble thinking coherently.
But all I'll say for now is: Palin's a lying cunt, and I'd like to know what a 'nukular' is.
Okay, so here are my post-debate opinions.

Biden clearly won. However, Palin held her own much more than I would have expected. I'd almost say I respect her if she weren't such a cunt.

Though I do think this debate was rather meaningless - people who love Palin are going to love Palin even more and people who disliked her still will. Ultimately, this whole debate will fade away in a good day or two.

And yeah.
I was more disturbed by the constant winking, personally.

I wish Sarah Palin would give me extra credit. :( Damned third graders.
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