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Gen VI Pokéchoice Mafia - Game Thread

Re: Gen VI Pokéchoice Mafia - Game Thread

I'm chesnaught. During the day I can send a message to MF telling him I'm using close combat on a target of my choice. He will then post a message to halt normal day discussion. After that point, only me and the target I chose may talk, and only other people can cast votes, and only for either me or my target. So you see why I was on about flavor earlier; I think my ability is very chesnaught-y. But... also not that useful, I don't think? I actually don't see how it's going to help at all.

Fwiw, I'm most suspicious of Vanilla Mongoose, Butterfree, and Tailsy at this point. I know I'm shooting myself in the face by going after VM (especially since I already turned down Butterfree's reason for calling me innocent, it's like I'm going out of my way to explain the reasons why I can't be innocent), but honestly inspector is a pretty safe, easy claim at this point, since the mafia obviously knows who's innocent (barring aliens/other factions) and if they can claim inspector then they don't much have to worry about being lynched. I guess it would make it awkward to explain why you wouldn't end up dead during a night phase soon thereafter, though. Butterfree and Tailsy just strike me as sketch as hell.
Re: Gen VI Pokéchoice Mafia - Game Thread

Is that how lovers works? I picked Butterfree as my lover before the captain message happened - I did get the message, but I assumed it didn't affect me because lovers is technically a passive role. Or something.

On another note, doesn't VM knowing Negrek is innocent pretty easy to say if you're mafia-claiming-inspector? You sort of know who the innocent players are if you're part of the mafia faction. Inspector is a good claim for mafia for that kind of reason - you're not using information that's going to backfire on you later (excepting unusual circumstances). I'm not saying VM is necessarily mafia, but telling us Negrek is innocent isn't a dangerous thing to say if he is.

I don't see how lovers is passive??? You actively choose your partner. And. Negrek's point about how you should be dead is a good one, so I'm going to keep my vote for now.

That's true, but it doesn't seem suspicious enough on its own, since inspector is a high-risk role - for lynching and for claiming, since Metallica isn't averse to having them, and you can be counter-claimed (which it's pretty hard to "maybe there's two inspectors" at - though blazhy's oracle claim, well, Metallica tends to have a lot of inforoles)???

... Actually, I'm an inforole too, technically (the lynching thing). So uh.
Re: Gen VI Pokéchoice Mafia - Game Thread

If you want I will totally do the thing to prove that I'm telling the truth, although we're trying to have a discussion now so I wouldn't want to do the thing until we actually had someone else we wanted to vote towards and nothing much else to say. I should also say that close combat will reset the daytime timer.
Re: Gen VI Pokéchoice Mafia - Game Thread

That's... wow. Definitely believe not made up, though that almost sounds like a terrorist role.

If you want I will totally do the thing to prove that I'm telling the truth, although we're trying to have a discussion now so I wouldn't want to do the thing until we actually had someone else we wanted to vote towards and nothing much else to say. I should also say that close combat will reset the daytime timer.

Yeah, don't do the thing now. Though if you do the thing later, maybe Tailsy or Butterfree.

Long time to talk!
Re: Gen VI Pokéchoice Mafia - Game Thread

This may just be me being too passive and not-good-at-decision-making-y, but if Butterfree and Tailsy are actually telling the truth, and we lose two innocents, and then another during the night, then we're done for.

At this point in the game, claiming inspector isn't that much of a high-risk thing. I mean, if we lynch incorrectly based on VM's information, and the mafia kill goes through, we're matched. Depending on how MF handles things, the mafia may win, and stand a good chance of it in any case.
Re: Gen VI Pokéchoice Mafia - Game Thread

As I've said before, I'm Mega Charizard X. The means of nighttime protection I've been talking about is pretty easy to bypass if you know how it works, hence why I've been really vague about it and I'm sorry about that, but it applies to both me and Tailsy as I hinted in my last post, and that is why Tailsy didn't die on N0.

I also have a targeting action where I can pick someone up and negate both their actions and any actions targeted at them, during which I can also exchange anonymous messages with my target through the GM. I can only use it three times during the game and haven't done so yet since I wanted to save it for when it was needed. Since Negrek has no night action anyway, how about I use it on Negrek tonight, allowing her to verify tomorrow that she got an anonymous message from me?
Re: Gen VI Pokéchoice Mafia - Game Thread

Oh yeah, and MF is usually very lenient with time, so I don't think we should do the thing yet.

That's an interesting role. If used in other games, it should totally be called "the thing" from now on.
Re: Gen VI Pokéchoice Mafia - Game Thread

One other thing: for the most part ILS checks out, I guess, although he hasn't really been around today. At least we still got another of those weird messages during the day about someone being followed, and nobody else stepped up to say that it was them doing that, so it seems pretty plausible that that's his role. I'm just wondering about this other thing he said:

My "passive" ability, as one could call it, is town crier. So I can't exactly say much. I can say, though, that a third of the players remaining are mafia. That is disturbing, to say the least.
How did he know a third of the remaining players were mafia? That appears unrelated to the other town crier thing.

Any sort of inforole like this seems very weird for mafia, but I'm still wondering what's up with it.
Re: Gen VI Pokéchoice Mafia - Game Thread

Okay, whoa, lots of posts happened while I was typing that. I at least assumed Tailsy survived because of our protection thing?
Re: Gen VI Pokéchoice Mafia - Game Thread

iirc oracle can't ask about specific players... Otherwise, isn't that just like an overpowered version of inspector? I guess MF might do it differently.

I still think Tailsy seems pretty sketchy. Even more so with Negrek's claim. And if she really did target Butterfree, then she should be dead.
Re: Gen VI Pokéchoice Mafia - Game Thread

Well, I'm a bit concerned. We only have nine/fifteen players alive now, and it's only been one night. Now, it's safe to assume that there's around a 25% mafia rate, and out of fifteen that gives us 3.75 - rounded up to four, and counting the fact that Eifie's dead, that gives us three mafia in our game of nine. Maybe 1/3 isn't something to be frantic about yet, but it's something to consider... we definitely want to get some discussion done today.
I assume ILS got the 1/3 mafia thingy from Mai, here.
Re: Gen VI Pokéchoice Mafia - Game Thread

Oracle can ask any yes or no question, as long as it doesn't directly reveal alignment. Pretty sure that's the norm for oracles?

And using night actions to verify claims is all well and good, except we might not have another night to do so. Especially if Butterfree and Tailsy are actually lovers and we lynch them and we kill off two innocents.
Re: Gen VI Pokéchoice Mafia - Game Thread

Eh, it was just the way he phrased it: "I can't say much, but I can say this," like he was confirming the claim based on some information he had, rather than just restating.
Re: Gen VI Pokéchoice Mafia - Game Thread

This may just be me being too passive and not-good-at-decision-making-y, but if Butterfree and Tailsy are actually telling the truth, and we lose two innocents, and then another during the night, then we're done for.

At this point in the game, claiming inspector isn't that much of a high-risk thing. I mean, if we lynch incorrectly based on VM's information, and the mafia kill goes through, we're matched. Depending on how MF handles things, the mafia may win, and stand a good chance of it in any case.

Hrk. Well, at some point we have to make a decision about who we trust, so....


As I've said before, I'm Mega Charizard X. The means of nighttime protection I've been talking about is pretty easy to bypass if you know how it works, hence why I've been really vague about it and I'm sorry about that, but it applies to both me and Tailsy as I hinted in my last post, and that is why Tailsy didn't die on N0.

I also have a targeting action where I can pick someone up and negate both their actions and any actions targeted at them, during which I can also exchange anonymous messages with my target through the GM. I can only use it three times during the game and haven't done so yet since I wanted to save it for when it was needed. Since Negrek has no night action anyway, how about I use it on Negrek tonight, allowing her to verify tomorrow that she got an anonymous message from me?

I'm a liiittle bit uncomfortable with how interlocking and convenient these stories are. :V If Negrek is doing a bit of bussing, then you can just do whatever you want. That also isn't a precisely innocent message, if the messages are anonymous - sure, we know now, but that's a spy role. If anyone, target me, I suppose: I assume I'm not going to be lynched at this point, so the targeting action really is pointless.
Re: Gen VI Pokéchoice Mafia - Game Thread

Hold on a sec, ILS said passive ability. Perhaps his active ability is that conversation relaying thing that Butterfree got? Of course it could be one of those unfortunate beings in the deathpile but.
If ILS manages to get on and read everything before time's up, knowing his active ability would be great too.

I agree it's awkward phrasing, but I don't think it's overly suspect? I mean, I can't see why the mafia would have an ability like that :/
Re: Gen VI Pokéchoice Mafia - Game Thread

Well, the lover message happened in the middle of the night while night actions happen at the end of the night, so I'd assume we were already considered lovers when night actions resolved!

Anyway, Negrek, y/n on me targeting you tonight to verify my claim?
Re: Gen VI Pokéchoice Mafia - Game Thread

Well, let's see. Maybe we ought to abstain? Is there some way we can set things up so we can confirm enough people innocent or at least one mafia next night?
Re: Gen VI Pokéchoice Mafia - Game Thread

iirc oracle can't ask about specific players... Otherwise, isn't that just like an overpowered version of inspector? I guess MF might do it differently.

I still think Tailsy seems pretty sketchy. Even more so with Negrek's claim. And if she really did target Butterfree, then she should be dead.

If I was GM, I would've allowed it - pokemon isn't alignment. But???

Yeah, same...

If ILS was mafia, though, it wouldn't be an ability. It would just be him knowing /because he's mafia/ how many mafia there are. But I don't understand why he would say that, even if he was mafia???
Re: Gen VI Pokéchoice Mafia - Game Thread

Sorry, I keep refreshing and there's new messages all the time gosh. I just assumed my lovers role went before any actual night actions occurred and thus weren't a target of the captain. I think it would have been easier if Butterfree had just bussed me out at this point?
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