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Open Green Hills and Blue Skies

Kiara's eyes wided. "Whoa, wait. I gotta stay with these people? the robot and the rhymer? Alex and Fletcher seem like the normal ones. But I have to be stuck with these two?"

She sighed grumpily. After a second, she continued. "Fine...Hey, anyone wanna ride on Cassie with me?" she offered.
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Returning Aveen, Spiritus and Enigma to their Pokeballs for a short rest, Atem got up from the picnic table and sighed deeply. "I'm stuck with these people...?" she said under her breath, rolling her eyes at Masque. "In any case, be cautious around them, okay?" She ran her hand over his head, and got an agreeing "Meep" from the Shuppet.

Brushing a few strands of dark violet hair out of her face, she placed Masque's ghostly body on her shoulder and crossed her arms, not once taking a step away from her table. She glared darkly at the blonde girl for a while, knowing on instinct they would have some bickering, then looked at the Kurohari kid. He looked pretty easy-going, so he wouldn't be a problem. Atem then gawked at the other two, guessing they would be overall easy enough to deal with, and brushed off her pure white dress.

This would be an interesting journey, to say the least.

"Well, it was always dad's idea for us to begin our adventures together. It'd be likely that after Sinnoh we'd fragment and go our own ways to other regions, but for the sake of our experience I think dad figured it'd be best to be in a larger group." Alex replied, following behind his father as they progressed along the road to Lake Verity. All of Alex's Pokémon, less Ezaia, had been returned to their respective Pokéballs. "Also, as much as I'd probably enjoy riding Cassie, it'd likely be best not to strain her. She's an interesting Ponyta though, I've never seen one that big, dad must've had some interesting luck in her hatching..."
Cassie started to whine in a happy way. Kiara whispered something to Cassie, and Cassie nodded. "Cassie's ok with one more person coming on, as long as my charmander and Eevee are in their Pokeballs."

Kiara carefully picked the two up. Thy were still sleeping, and Kiara sent both of them in their Pokeballs. She did the same for Umbra. She looked at Lucy and Timmy, who were still playing in a earby pond. "Anychance there's a river near the path we're gonna travel?"

Cassie whined happily, and nuzzled its snout on Alex's shoulder, signaling that it would be fine for Alex to ride on it.
Fletcher jumped as the boy actually touched him, and resisted the urge to scream and run. He waited, and sure enough, as soon as the boy was done sprouting madness, he wheeled away again and suddenly acted as if nothing had happened. Clearly, the kid wasn't quite well mentally. He remembered another quite like him, when his father had tried to steal some rich man's bank account details and he was left alone with this girl, a girl who would watch him and jump on furniture and make animal sounds and terrify him. People like this were incredibly dangerous, because you could never be sure how they would react. He made a mental note to stay away from this one.

He listened to the old man's pacifism and snorted inwardly. "Yeah," he whispered, "Everyone's entitled to their opinions. Voicing them, on the other hand, isn't for everyone."

As the two gentler kids were talking among themselves, Fletcher examined the other two. The idiot he would stay away from, but the girl? She looked wealthy, very wealthy indeed. It must be such a pressure upon the poor dear. He would be happy to....lighten her load any way he could. She wouldn't be grateful-such people rarely were-but at least he would know he had the moral high ground.

He turned to his Pokémon and inserted them back into their Pokéballs, all happy to go except Snub, who was never happy. He turned to the rich girl, with the intent of striking up conversation, and called:

"So, where are you from?"
"Meep..." said the bejeweled Shuppet from the Goth's shoulder, blinking at something in the distance. Following his gaze, it led Atem to the one she had believed to be Fletcher, and, to her surprise, he was actually looking at her, too. Moments later he asked where she was from, and the bitter arrogance kicked back into her demeanor.

"I see not why it concerns you," she answered, tilting her head back proudly as her blue-gray eyes closed. Seconds later, her eyes flew back open, and she ran her hand across her poofy dress. She glared back at him, her eyebrows furrowing.

She felt her other Pokemon bounced around happily in her sash, and Masque let out a small "meep," but she let nothing interrupt her gawk at this Fletcher so he would know not to mess with her. Finally, after what seemed like eternity for Atem, she blinked and turned her attention to her Shuppet, flicking his jewelry.

"Well, this road goes past Lake Verity, but beyond that there isn't much to be said for water ways." Alex replied, with Set suddenly appearing from his Pokéball, and retrieving a small mp3 player from Alex's bag, and placed the headphones over his ears and turning it on, the powerful bass of dubstep still emiting well enough for others close enough to hear. Alex just simply grins, amused with his freinds fascination with the bass heavy music, and proceeds to return focus to Kiara.

"Actually I prefer to walk then let someone else carry me around. It's kind of a constant need to keep in motion, much like my Nincada, Arcade." Alex continues, now keeping pace whilst walking backwards while speaking with Kiara, "I dunno why I'm like this, kind of born like it...my sister's more like my dad, calm, reserved, methodical. I'm impatient, always in need to move...Dad says I take after my mother, whose currently in Orre on some sort of expedition of ancient ruins, or something to that effect..."
The girl's standoffish behavior drove a spike into Fletcher's heart, for this was exactly what he'd been fearing from his peers:rejection. But, instantly, his mind began to justify things to himself, and immediately she was classed as a job instead of a peer. Not a living person, but a hole with money in it, money that could be easily taken by anyone who had the right skill and perseverance. And then he was angry and confident and cool, because this girl would soon come to regret snubbing him like that.

"Seeing as we're travelling together," he intoned, "Well, we are now each other's concerns. You don't have to be here if you don't want to."

He turned from her then, not because of any great interest but because he knew she wasn't used to it, and that it would annoy her, which was something he very much wanted to do at the moment. He turned to Alex and grimaced in a good-natured manner.

"Argh, Dubstep, turn it off, it burns!"

He gave Alex a smile to let him know he was joking, and said "Yeah, not something I've ever felt. Motion is neat and all, but there's a lot to be said for relaxation."
Dink looked at the girl who referred to him as 'rhymer,' his fingers dangling from his teeth by their nails. "Not rhymes." He corrected. "Reciting. Stories. Old ones, old poems, some new, but not most. All with context, all with purpose, some good, some bad, and sometimes with butter." Of course, this final comment was something that only made sense to him.

"And," He whispered as he stepped closer. He peered into the side of her face, examining the pores of her skin. "Not Rhymer. Duncan. Dink. Yes, Dink. Duncan is a name for the other ones. I am not they, they are not I. I am Duncan, dubbed Dink." He continued chewing his fingernails as he shifted his gaze from the pores of her skin to the hair on the skeptical boy who thought he knew of legends and their truths.

"Hah, yeah, Set has a fascination with the musical genre, it's kind of amusing, and much like my grandfather's Raichu. I've actually noticed that when he trains, his moves are nearly synchronous with the beat of the songs. It's actually quite amusing, especially if he's training to music, and you hit the skip song in the middle of a song, instead of fumbling he picks up on the next song almost immedietly." Alex remarks, a chuckle and grin following. "As per me, I've actually been tested, and apparantly it's something of a mental condition I have. I can relax, but only after a good workout, or something similar. Ah well, it made my living on the ranch fun, as I could associate well with the many Pokémon my dad has living there."

Alex grinned as he saw Set begining to move to the music, a more upbeat tone with sudden stops where powerful bass pulses would hit, and he was striking outwards in tune to these bass pulses. A movement upon Alex's head allowed him to know that Ezaia had awoken, likely due to the bass pulses. Atop Alex's head, Ezaia was laughing to herself as she bopped her head back and forth to the beat that she could hear.
Kiara was somewhat afraid of the guy named Duncan Dink, or Dink Duncan, or, well whatever! Dink was staring at the side of her face. It seemed like he was stalking her. Kiara felt a little better knowing that she was on a fire horse, where if he tried to climb on, he'd be as burned as hell. Kiara looked at Cassie. Cassie noticed Kiara looking and gave a smile right back. It was amusing to see a Ponyta smile, with its teeth coming out of its lips.

A whiring sound came from Kiara's satchel. Sunny, Umbra, and Xena had come out of their pokeballs. They must have been smart Pokemon if they could get out of their pokeballs. Sunny ran around for a bit. Sunny then started to rub against Fletcher and Alex. Sunny had taken a liking to them. Kiara smiled at this.

Xena was too tired from the roughhousing from earlier, so it jumped ontop of Cassie and fell asleep on Kiara's lap. Cassie was only a little startled that Xena had gotten on so unexpectantly, so it only glanced back once.

Umbra was about to go to sleep, but she saw Atem. Umbra, stretching out for a second, walked gracefully towards Atem, and rubbed against her. Kiara was a bit jealous. Why didn't Umbra rub against her? Kiara then realized it; they were practiclly made for eachother. You ever hear that owners look like their dogs? This was the same scenario for Atem and Umbra. They just looked so much alike...ok, well, not too much. It's basiclly both their personalities. Kiara smiled at the two (Man, she's smiling too much!). Would Atem like Umbra? Kiara would hope that they would both become friends, because they just seem, well, so right for eachother.

She turning her attention back to Alex and Fletcher, "Well, I've never seen a Pokemon that likes music. Your Pokemon are very special." she chuckled.

Xena was already asleep, but Cassie heard the comment and sharply turned her head to Kiara. "You're special too Cassie! All the Pokemon hear are special, right?" she whispered at a tone that Alex and Fletcher couldn't hear.

"Wanna hear how I saw that legendary beast?" she asked. Without waiting for an answer, she began. "Well, my parents owned a restraunt, and it got so much money when I was seven. But all those luxuries didn't suite me. I would have rather just lay out in the stars all night, which I did! One night, the dog with the flowing mane came out and stared at me with intent." she said in a short speech. She usually did say the gist of things.

A thought dawned on Kiara. She looked at Fletcher curiously. "Hey, where are you from?
The Goth paused as her gray-blue eyes turned to the others, and she blinked as she saw a strangely-colored Eevee coming toward her. All of a sudden, the Eevee began to rub against her leg, and Masque let out a loud "Meep!" directed to it, scowling deeply.

Atem stepped back from the Eevee, placing Masque back on the picnic table. As her eyes narrowed, her brow furrowed. She bent down and picked up the creature, staring into its eyes for a split second before marching over to Kiara, her lips in a tight, straight line. "I believe she is yours?" she assumed, shoving the Eevee in the girl's arms. Crossing her arms, her head tilted a bit as she felt Masque creep up on her shoulder. She felt him shake in irritation and jealousy, and after giving him a quick glance, she regained eye contact with the blonde.

"I don't mind her, but I'd think you would want your Pokemon to glorify you. Not the rich girl minding her own business." However, she was being vaguely hypocritical when stating this so boldly; nonetheless, she fluffed out her pale dress and turned on her heel, heading back to her own table.
Oh, ok, not the reaction Kiara was expecting, but she calmly turned to Atem. "Umbra just doesn't like me. I honestly think it likes you much more. I just want it to be happy."

Umbra looked at Kiara and hissed. Umbra turned to Atem and started to get nearer and nearer at her.

"Umbra likes you." Kiara said simply.
Fletcher noticed Dink, (what sort of name was that?) stare at his hair, and, for a moment, was unsure what to do or how to feel. He decided upon an awkward wave and feeling complimented. A good choice. When he heard Alex confess a mental condition, and all of a sudden everything became difficult. He didn't quite no how to act-he was instantly curious, but would he offend Alex? The kid said it right out in the open and all, but still...But would it be rude and awkward to change the subject? A mounting build-up of uncertainty rose within him, until he was thanking the heavens for Kiara's interruption and telling the story of how she met a "legendary dog", and Fletcher was allowed retreat into a shell of superiority.

"With...intent? What was it intending? Did it actually do anything?"

He didn't even bother to keep the doubt and lack of belief from his voice. This girl was either a liar, a lunatic, or mistaken. She didn't seem crazy, and dammit she seemed to stupid to be a liar-though as a trained one himself, he knew if she was worth her salt than he wouldn't be able to spot her as one. But still, a mistake seemed the most obvious-plenty of Pokémon with small deformities could have fitted the girl's description. Still, part of that didn't ring through for him. Flowing mane, stared with intent....it didn't seem an actual thing someone would say. It sounded fake and recited. As if she had learned it off by heart.

He answered her question.

"Like I just said, I'm just from around Sinnoh."

"Flowing mane? Like, wind?" Alex asked, picking up Sunny, petting the purplish Eevee. "My family has ventured the regions for generations, I'm certain they've likely encountered something similar. Also, as per Pokémon, many of them have musical interest, though it seems to be less obvious in wild Pokémon. All of my team-mates have an individual preference, though Ezaia is still at a state where her opinion is developing. I feel she'll be greatly influenced by Set, but as she gets older her opinion will begin to differ so that her interests will be unique to her personality, and I can greatly assume that it'll be similar to her father's..."

Ezaia squeaked happily when mention of her was brought up, and she proceeded to make her movements more obvious, and more in tune to the music. Set was now walking, or dancing, along the fence on the side of the road. Next to the fence was the beach for Lake Verity, the tide gently moving in and out.

"Almost there guys, then I'll leave you to your jorney." Nanka announced, several meters ahead of the group.
Kiara looked at Fletcher accusingly. "You know how most legendary and mysterious Pokemon wouldn't give two shits about some low human? Not this legendary. It was anticipating me. It wanted me to find it. I know it. I am gonna travel across the Pokemon world and to fucking, pardon my french, SPACE just to find that Pokemon!"

Xena woke up from her nap and climbed on Kiara's shoulder. Sunny was still rubbing against Alex and Fletcher, Cassie was still the riding horse, and Umbra desperately wanted to be near Atem.

A thought dawned on Kiara. A memory, to be more precise. She gasped, "That happened when I was seven...I faintly remember a weird man come up to me saying 'I FOUND IT, I FOUND IT'. I remember him mumbling 'sweet cone' or something like that."

She was partially excited that the man was obviously looking for the dog with the flowing mane. That PROVED she wasn't a crazy person who should be in the wacky house only listening to political inaccuracies and eating bran flakes while doing stuff like twister and having two portugese guys be fisherman for her and...she lost her train of thought...Oh right! She wasn't a crazy person for seeing that silhoutte. Still....why had this thought come to her now, of all times? Was it because she needed the memory when the time came? She didn't know.

She looked at Alex. "You believe that I saw that 'sweet cone' or whatever the hell it was named, don't you?"

(Two questions, one, do we have a Pokedex? Two, can Eusine, that guy crazy about suicune in the games, make a little cameo in this?)

"Well, from my experience, I've learned that legendary Pokémon seem to have reasons for their behaviour. 'Sweet cone'? Hmmm, perhaps you mean Scuicune. I can see how you may have mixed that up..." Nanka replied, having drawn back to the group.

"I believe you. And I hope your dream does come true." Alex replies, making room for his dad as he sets down the Eevee. "And if what my dad says is true, then it's most likely that you did see a legend."

(OOC: One of us (randomly selected) will recieve a Dex from Rowan. The rest will have to refer to that person)
Atem merely brushed past the strangely colored Eevee as she stood a few feet behind the others, listening to the man. Masque had shifted positions and was now comfortably in her arms, blinking at Nanka. "Meep?" he asked Atem after a while, looking up at her with big, innocent eyes.

The Goth looked at Kiara. "I don't really think you saw this Suicune," she stated bluntly, despite not even being a part of the conversation. "If anything, the dog would've picked someone well worthy of its time. Not some random girl that has a dream of catching an utter lie.

"I'm not saying I don't believe in Suicune directly," she added, shifting her weight to her other leg, "I just find it hard to believe you actually saw it. Nevertheless, it is quite a lot to swallow, wouldn't you say?"
No! The boy raised his hand! Dink sprawled, leaping back just a few feet, supporting himself on the balls of his feet and his fingertips. He stared wide-eyed at the boy. It turned out it was only a wave. So dink stood up, his eyes glazing over once more, chewing on his fingernails, following quietly beside the others. The talk of legends arose once more, and almost as a response, he began reciting another poem, giggling oddly between random lines.

"Last night I saw the sword Excalibur
It flew above the cloudy palaces
And as it passed I clearly read the words
Which were engraven on its blade
And one side of the sword said Take Me
The other side said Cast Me Away..."​

He stopped after the first stanza, finally biting off one fingernail, spitting it to the side of the road. "Suicune..." He whispered. He had heard the name. Yes! The name! No, maybe not. Sand dune, perhaps? No, Suicune! Yes, yes it was, the one that he had heard of, to purify, to clean, to save. That was it, a cleansing! Perfection for only moments before recontamination. Or not. Dink giggled to himself.
Kiara was about to yell at them for not believing her, but she calmed down an thought rational. Why would a Suicune even acknowledge her? She couldn't blame her or Fletcher for not believing. "I can see why you two, Fletcher and Atem, wouldn't believe me. But I know I saw it! The weird dude yelling Suicune had this purple or blue tux on with a cape..."

Kiara turned to Alex with a face of gratitude. This guy seemed very, well, normal. So did Fletcher, but Fletcher didn't seem as nice as Alex. Alex was a very rational and trusting. He seemed, well, human. Yeah, he had a few flaws, like that mental condition he has, but isn't that what humans have? Flaws? For Duncan (She'd prefer to call Dink that), he made zero sense to anyone, like parachute pants or hippies from the 70's. For Atem, she seemed, well, kind of like a robot. Remembering this, Kiara felt bad for calling her monotone. That wasn't right. She ought to apoligize to her. However, Atem probably wouldn't want to even listen to her, so Kiara felt it was best to wait for a while.

Umbra felt a little pissed that Atem was ignoring her. Umbra started to rub up against her leg, wanting attention. Sunny, who was set on the table, jumped off and hopped on Kiara's other shoulder. Sunny and Xena made a quick pokechat. Of course, Kiara hadn't the faintest idea what they were discussing in the Pokelanguage. After their little chat, Sunny and Xena both fell asleep on Kiara's shoulders, giving her and Cassie much more weight.

Kiara got out her aforementioned legendary book. She went over to Nanka, still riding on Cassie. "Mr. Kurohari, does a Suicune have this silhouette?" she showed him the page of the silhouette she had seen that night.
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