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Open Green Hills and Blue Skies

A large grin pulled at Atem's licorice lips. "This man you described in such agonizing detail certainly needs help with his fashion sense," the girl proclaimed loudly, all the emotions pouring back into her voice. Still ignoring Umbra, whom was rubbing against her leg again, the Goth took a careless step forward. "Honestly, your story is becoming less and less rational. At this rate, it could become a good fable on learning not to pursue fantasies that are far beyond reality."

Her arms folded across her chest as she glanced over at Fletcher, then Alex, then Dink. Her eyes narrowed at the short boy as her smirk faded. That Duncan whatever kid was starting to irritate her. He was far too creepy for her liking, not to mention overally and undeniably strange. She looked back at Kiara as Masque blinked over at Fletcher.
She looked backwards, still holding the book near Nanka. "Atem, I'm serious. Ok, yeah, this dude is crazy and has TERRIBLE fashion sense, but this is true"

Umbra got fucking ticked now. It jumped up on Atem's shoulder, rubbing on her cheek. Cassie whined a bit, since she didn't want to be near water of that lake. This whine was too faint for anyone to hear, so Cassie just shrugged it off.
A loud hissing noise split through the air as Masque whipped around to face Umbra right when she leapt onto his trainer's shoulder. His eyes faded into a blood red as a small dark purple sphere formed at his mouth. Atem quickly side-stepped from both of them, softly bumping into Kiara.

The Shuppet released the Will-o-Wisp from his mouth as it launched at the Umbreon-colored Eevee and exploded into a light violet flame, and he floated back to Atem's shoulder as he narrowed his eyes at the attack.

The Goth, however, was generally surprised by her Pokemon's actions. Sure, she knew full well how Masque could be, but this was his first time attacking someone that invaded Atem's personal space. She blinked at Masque, then Kiara, turn back at the Eevee. "... I guess that means you need to steer clear of me," she spoke softly, biting her lower lip.
Umbra had been burned by the Will o wisp, but it didn't care. It hopped on the other shoulder instead, wary of another attack from that Shuppet. Umbra didn't listen to Atem who said to steer clear. Umbra didn't follow rules.

From Alex's hip a Pokéball's button lit up and out came Gallahad, who landed upon Alex's shoulder. Gallahad immidietly brought his attention to the situation over on Atem's shoulders. The small psychic began bantering at the two other Pokémon, attempting to mediate the situation.

"That sillouette is Scuicune, and..." Nanka replied, raising his voice for all to hear, "As I said, Legendary Pokémon work in strange ways, and there are eccentrics who pursue these legands, usually to fulfill some sort of desire, some have actually met the legend in youth, others, I dunno. I, personally, don't care for that sort of thing. Content with the life I have..."

"Kiara, I think by Gallahad's response you should either return Umbra, or get her to behave properly, she's likely to get hurt..." Alex commented, wary of the imbalance caused by Gallahad's presence.
Dink noticed the rude girl-Atem, from what he gathered-glance from one person to another, and give him a particularly strange look. He stopped nibbling at his fingers and stared at her. Then he wrinkled his nose, making a strange-almost-hissing-noise at her, then calmly resumed the biting of nails. Rude of her to regard him with that look, so he'd toss it right back.

Oh, but two pokemon were getting fussy. How very annoying. He only raised his brows at this, a click resounding as he bit off another nail. He looked on the little scrap of a battle, and mused, "Et tu Brute? Then fall Caesar." He didn't expect anyone else to understand the meaning of this.

Rather, he decided to occupy himself by tracing invisible stars in front of him, his finger flicking quickly as he first drew the stars with their centers encasing his companions, then drawing an upside down star in each of their heads, and one X where each of them had their hearts.
Kiara turned to Umbra making a scene. She never knew Umbra was doing that! She had been so worked up about "Suicune". She nodded at both Nanka and Alex. She got her Pokeball and brought Umbra back. "Sorry about that" she apoligized to Atem.
Quite startled by the whole event, Atem brushed off her shoulders and her dress, a vein popping out on her forehead. Silently, she scooped up Masque in her arms and, after giving a vague but curt nod to Kiara, felt her shoulder. It had a burnt touch to it, but nothing too serious. She gave her Shuppet a "What the hell were you thinking" look and recalled him to his Pokeball for a rest.

Stuffing his ball into her pack, she pulled out her green cell phone again and checked on the time. Flipping it closed, she placed it back into the pack and pushed a strand of hair out of her face. "... So are we nearing this Sandgem place soon?" she asked frankly, not bothering using any sugar-coated words or phrases.
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"Yep, were almost there!" Alex replies, the group now leaving the Lake behind them as a small route opened ahead, some thick grass off to the sides, and the hills of the western edge of Sandgem now easily visable. Gallahad, now finding the situation had been resolved, returned himself to his ball. Alex pulled Ezaia closer to his head, preparing for a mad dash to the border of the town.

"Last one there is a Grimer's foot!" Alex exclaimed, breaking into a swift run. Set, realizing what was happening, secured the mp3 player to his back, and proceeded to follow after Alex, moving at an incredible pace.

"Heheheh...kids, how I loved being that age." Nanka chuckles to himself as he watches Spatz take off after the others, keeping his mild pace, content with allowing Alex to have his fun with his new freinds.
((Christ guys, slow down (>.>) ))

Fletcher raised an eyebrow at the spat between Pokémon, and noticed that the animosity only rose when the two trainer's were at loggerheads. A coincidence, or...And then Dink quoted Julius Caesar. Fletcher smiled. He'd once had a tutor who loved that play rather too much, and he and the play had grown a strange love-hate relationship. He fumbled for a quote, and was annoyed when not one came to mind, and then the moment was slipping, and he didn't want to let it slip. And then it came back.

"Friends, Romans, countrymen, lend me your ears. I come to bury Caesar, not to praise him. The evil that men do lives after them. The good if oft interred with their bones."

A little bit chilled by his badly-chosen words, Fletcher reflected on them. What did interred mean? If the line meant that good lived after a man has died, too, well, that was a more positive swing. But if it meant that only evil is remembered, not good, that was just depressing. He'd ask someone later. But...why would Dink say that? Those were Caesar's last words. They didn't make sense contextually. Then again, that fit with Dink.

Suddenly, he wanted to see his Pokémon again. He slipped off his bagpack and routed through it, found a black marker, and clicked the button an a Pokémon, namely, Cher-Bear, and she spun around happily in the sun. He smiled, and drew a big smile face on her Pokéball, so it could be differentiated from the others. He did this for every Pokémon, Dozer getting his ordained with a huge 'Z', Snub with a little fire-safety symbol, and Flick with a hand about acting out her namesake.

Cher-Bear was doing her best to get Dozer up and active, but the Rhydon was ignoring the Cherubi with a vengeance, and Flick's little Raltsy dances were doing nothing to improve the mood of the rather depressing Litwick. Fletcher frowned. He'd have to see about him later.

Alex's cry broke into Fletcher's ears, and he saw the boy sprint off. He picked up the three small-enough-to-carry Pokémon, ignoring their cries of surprise, and tore off into a run, questions running through his mind like Oooh a Grimer and Wait Grimer's are boring why am I running? and A Grimer? Here? That's weird.

"Hey, Alex. What's a Grimer even doing here? Aren't they supposed to be all industrial and not found in small areas?"
Dink looked at the boy-whose name he gathered to be Fletcher-with a bit of confusion. He put a finger up to his chin as he pondered what he had quoted. "I've heard people call me mad before." He told Fletcher in a matter-of-fact tone. "But you must be truly madder than I to say something like that for no reason. Nutter." Dink wondered just what the point was of this boy's quoting. It had no purpose, no relation. The burial of a long-dead emporer in some play was pointless.

Alex decided a race was in order. He claimed the one who lost would be Grimer's foot. Grimer didn't have feet, did they? Dink bit the inside of his cheek. How very strange all these people were. Most of them made no sense. And they call me mad. He thought with one of his usual laughs. He began muttering another poem.

:"Childrens race, young boys
Young men, how I remember well
Excitement sure, but also fear
It wasn't hard to tell

They all lined up so full of hope
Each thought to win that race
Or tie for first, or if not that
At least take second place

The fathers watched from off the side
Each cheering for his son
And each boy hoped to show his dad
That he could be the one."​
Atem blinked once Alex ran off, claiming that a race to the town was being held, and the loser was apparently a Grimer's foot. The only thoughts that passed through her mind were Since when did Grimer have a foot? and I can't run in this! This is outrageous.

Masque made his usual "meep" noise from her arms as her scowl deepened. Hmphing, she confidently strode after them, not once sparing the thought of speeding up. Her chin was tilted toward the sky, and her dress softly ruffled in the wind.

She cocked her head back at Nanka a few times, but soon rolled her eyes at the man and picked up her pace a bit.
Kiara chuckled a little. Grimer's foot? A Slowpoke would hae been much more appropriate for an analogy. Cassie looked at Kiara happily, signalling that it would be ok with riding a little longer.

Cassie trotted over to the others, with Kiara on its back. Thanks to Cassie being as fast as...a Ponyta...Kiara wouldn't be a Grimer's foot.
~Alex (GM presence)

As the majority of them approached the town edge it was clear that Set was to arrive first, followed closely by Spatz and Cassie, Kiara riding the Ponyta. Fletcher was not far behind and Dink was closing up the rear. Atem and Nanka were keeping their liesurely pace, arriving not long after the primary portion of the group.

Alex found himself giggling as his father and Atem arrived. Set was smiling profusely, amused with his succesful victory, and ability to have outpaced even a Ponyta and Spatz.

"Alright, alright, good to see you've had your fun. Now, let's go meet Professor Rowan, he's been expecting us." Nanka remarks, grinning amusedly, Spatz having returned to his shoulder.

"As I have, nice to see you all have arrived." Proffesor Rowan remarks. "I'm sorry that this is going to be as brief as it is, but I'm to be off to Kanto for a lecture. Hmm. I only have one PokéDex...Alex, I'm certain you know enough about Pokémon not to need it. So out of you four...hmm...you. You will carry the PokéDex." Rowan was looking directly at Atem. He pulled out the dusty white coloured device and handed it to the girl. "You will be in charge of this, and will posses the records for the information on the Pokémon you meet. This is a great honor, as not many Dexes are handed out due to the expensive of building them, as well as the lack of need for every trainer to posses one."
Atem blinked at the professor a few times before she realized what he was saying to her. She stared down at the device as Masque floated up to her shoulder, "meeping" curiously at the Pokédex.

The Goth felt her surprised demeanor shrivel back to the aloof front she had been using for quite some time as she grabbed the pale device with a little more force than she intended. "... Right. I will not stir up the idea of losing it any time soon," she reassured Rowan, turning over the Pokédex in her gloved hands a few times. She gave the others a few proud smirks for being the one chosen. But as soon as she received the technology she opened her pack and softly stuffed it in there.

"Meep!" Masque cried, his eyes sparkling at Atem. The purple-haired girl merely stroked his head as she gave a nod to the professor.
Fletcher's eyes skimmed over one of the region's most revered men, straight to the device in the girl's hand. Now that was something worth stealing. Not enough to sate his father, no, not nearly, but enough to make a start. It was as good as already stolen. He'd go with this group, stealing whatever he could along the way, until they had enough riches to take back to his father. His first job. The Pokédex, his first item of theft. But now now. He would bide his time, strike when necessary. For now, he had other things to think of, like succumbing to childish jealousy at how it was Atem that got such a prize, instead of him, and he justified it almost immediately:he didn't give it to Alex as Alex had enough knowledge to be without it; he must have given it to her as she seemed the least knowledgeable. It was like an aid that ordinary people didn't need.

Still worth plenty of money, though.

He plopped his three Pokémon down, thoughts turning to Dozer, still far behind them, but when he was about to exclaim the absent Pokémon to the people around, but Dozer was right there, sleeping discontentedly nearby. As Fletcher looked, he thought he noticed irritation at having being left behind, and something twanged in him. He wouldn't just leave his Pokémon behind again.

He gave Atem a congratulatory nod for no reason.

"Anywho, I'll be off now." Rowan stated, making his way to the docks. "As I'm certain Nanka has mentioned, make sure you have fun on your journey. I may be an old gruff, but I was kid once too." And with that Rowan was off.

"Congrats on being chosen Atem, the fact that Rowan chose you meant he trusts you, and is certain that you'll put the device to good use." Nanka says, smiling. "I suppose that's all to be done, I'll leave you five to your journey and make my way home. You might end up seeing me again amongst your journey. Remember, 'It's not about where you're going, but how you get there.'" And with a smile Nanka and Saptz were off, leaving the five of them standing there.

"Well, first stop would be Jubilife. There we can visit my Mom and pick up our PokéTechs. I would've had mine, but she wasn't quite done yet." Alex states, checking his gear to ensure he's ready. " I suppose we should check the PokéMart for supplies before we head off."
Atem gave Nanka a curt nod at his congrats to her, placing her hand securely on her pack. She glanced at Fletcher as he too gave her a nod. Her eyes narrowed at the boy, but once Alex began speaking again, she turned to him. "... Yes. A store would be nice," she agreed, looking down at Masque. He was softly smiling at her, "meeping" occasionally as if he was talking to himself. Feeling her other Pokemon rattle around in their Pokeballs immediately made Atem let them out to stretch from their short slumber.

Enigma blinked as he came into view, yawning. He looked at Atem with a proud smirk as his head cocked back in pure arrogance. Aveen, however, stretched her small body and twitched her bejeweled ears, looking at all the other trainers, greeting them wholeheartedly. Spiritus, on the other hand, instantly opened his big blue eyes and circled around Fletcher, "fweeing" to him happily. Soon after he drifted back to the Goth, resting on her shoulder.
((Hey, can we have more than six pokemon, and have some pokemon in the PC?))

Kiara looked at Atem gleefully. Kiara was quite knowledgable when it comes to Pokemon, so Kiara wouldn't need it. Kiara personally thought Dink would need it most, but it was cool that Atem got it. Although, it would be a bit awkward asking her to check the Pokedex about this "Suicune". Maybe later, Kiara decided.

Cassie (Whom Kiara was STILL riding on) glanced at Kiara eagerly. Cassie seemed to enjoy having Kiara ride on it. Cassie hopped up and down a bit (Pinkie Pie Style). After it's little bubbling with joy scene, it trotted over to the others.

The mention of a Pokemart put a gleam in Kiara's eyes. She wasn't those kind to buy ALL the items (< See what I did there?) from those stores or malls, but she did think buying items were important. She turned to the four, not talking to anyone in particular. "I've always wondered...Why do they sell items only used for Pokemon? Yes, it is a Pokemart, but that's the only kind of stores they have in Sinnoh, right? Aren't there ever any restraunts? And what if we run out of money? Would we have to scavenge for food? What if we had to stay on the streets, asking people for money while our Pokemon do some tricks for money and- oh, heh heh...anywaaay, Is there a Pokemon center around also? And are there any Pidgeottos or Staravias here? I could really use a flying type."
(OOC: The region is built more like the anime, so yes there are restraunts and department stores for supplies and clothes, etc, etc.)

~ Alex

"Flying types here? Well there are a plentiful amount of Starly kicking about, I don't know what else at the moment." Alex replied, returning Set to his ball, mp3 player and all. "I'd prefer if we could make Jubilife before dark though, I have no interest in sleeping on anything other than a PokéCenter bed on the first noght of the journey. And yes there's other stores, as well as a PokéCenter, don't be silly."

Ezaia was now snoring, the excitement having died down. Her glasses were now resting on top of Alex's head, and she was holding tightly to his head her head slightly off to the side, an expression of peaceful happiness. Alex smiled slightly, the young Riolu was often happy, which came off as somewhat surprising because she spent her first few months of her life training with her father, learning the basics for telepathic communication. It was essentially confirmed that she wouldn't be able to use the ability until after evolution.

"So, let's quickly make our way through the shopping at the PM and make our way to Jubilife." Alex stated, entering the medium-sized store.
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