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Open Green Hills and Blue Skies

Kiara looked perplexed. "I chose Umbra? I don't think I chose Umbra. I chose the rest, but not Umbra. I thought Umbra was just an extra."

Xena started to play around with Windswept. Windswept flew around and xena tried to catch him.
Atem sided with Alex in this situation. "It doesn't matter if you chose to have her or not," she replied scornfully, giving her a look of pure distaste, "They are your Pokemon, nonetheless. You will train them, you will trust them, and they will solely trust in you and you alone. Time is of not virtue in the end, Kiara. Just having Pokemon in the first place is an amazing miracle," she smiled down at Masque when she said this, and gave each of her other Pokemon a small beam of happiness. However, the arrogant anger pushed itself back into her as she shot a dirty look at Kiara. "And you should never take their existence for granted, you fool. Be grateful you can even go on this journey. And I certainly hope you learn a thing or two about being thankful for what you have."

Everything she was saying came straight from the heart. There was no need to give away Pokemon that trusted you fully, nor was there a purpose to give away ones that you just recieved. In the end, if you were with the ones you loved, everything would be alright.

Atem thought of her older brother, Aerotté, when she mused over all of this. Was he proud of her for being so brave and outspoken for him? She hoped so. After all, the only reason she her herself carry on was for him. She loved her brother deeply, and would never turn her back on him. Whenever he told her to go on a journey with others before he passed on, she did. When he told her to guard his Shuppet with her life, she most certainly did. And nothing was there to change that fact.

Looking back at Alex, she nodded. "If anything, I'm ready. I'm looking forward to going to the city again."
"We will leave for Jubilife as soon as Fletcher is ready."

This was enough to jar him back into the real world. After Atem's answer, which hadn't really answered much. It confirmed one thing in his mind, however, and that was that this was her way of escape. The constant pressures of hired eyes to watch over her had caused her to take this challenge, among peers, without adult assistance. This was her asserting her independence. And assert she would-she might do well to turn that down a tad. So caught in his thoughts was Fletcher that he neglected to answer, and then she was gone. And then he heard the words that brought him back to the real world:people were waiting for him.

He followed in time to hear Kiara being attacked on two sides-Alex, with his calm, passive tone, and Atem, hissing with animosity. He listened silently, hanging a little ways away, trying to pick up on what the argument was about, and discovered she was trying to pass on a Pokémon she no longer wanted. Fletcher's own blood began to boil:Did this girl think that Pokémon were merely things, not creatures with emotions and needs? That you could find one with a nature you found preferable and then just...get rid of the rest? His fist clenched. He wanted to scream at her, hiss, shout, foam at the mouth, anything-but Atem had that pretty much covered, he'd only be repeating what she had already said, and besides, he didn't want to damage their friendship. He frowned, displeased with himself, and then Atem spoke:

"If anything, I'm ready. I'm looking forward to going to the city again."

"I can second that," he added. "Some place with a decent store, with concrete underfoot, with buildings to cut off the glare of the sun. Jublife is fun. I went to the training school here, learned the basics, but couldn't advance far, having no actual Pokémon. My classes never went beyond theory."
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"You did chose Umbra. Dad would've never given you a Pokémon, or specifically bred it, unless it was specifically requested. That was the major point to having been selected by him, was to make a team of your own. There were no extras, no bonuses, nothing." Alex fumed, he didn't appreciate how Kiara didn't seem to appreciate what Nanka had one for her. Zhassa had looked up from her rhythmic beating of the rock when she heard Alex's frustrated tone. If she knew one thing, she knew that Alex was passionite about the upbringing of Pokémon, and anyone who seemed to disregard that fact often drove him to this point. With a steady sigh she silently trapsed over to Alex and tugged his pant leg, gesturing to the route before them.

"Hah, thank you Zhassa, yes we should be off, I think we all deserve to be on our way to the big city by now." Alex said, begining with a sigh of relief, smiling that his freind had helped him refocus on what they were to be doing. Zhassa smiled a small, nearly unseen smile. She knew she was difficult at times, but the few she chose to be helpful made her feel good.

"Onwards everyone! We're off to Jubilife!" Alex announced, striding onto route 202, Ezaia crying out in equivilant enthusiasm and Zhassa tailing behind, a bemused grin upon her face as they began their journey.
"I just want Umbra to be happier" Kiara mumbled under her breathe.

She returned Windswept and Xena back in their Pokeballs and followed the group. A journey there were starting. Surprises would come, secrets unlocked. Oh, a journey would be so cool! She actually wanted to find the Suicune, but that could wait till later! Onward, to a bright new start!
Atem was still fuming a bit from earlier, and her demeanor shriveled as Kiara easily bounced back to being "normal." She didn't understand why that girl could so simply shift from two conflicting emotions. Mentally shrugging, the Goth followed as she returned all her Pokemon to their Pokeballs. Atem believed they all needed a nice little rest, and since they seemed peppy enough to go on to Jubilife to rest, she decided to go to the Pokemon Center there instead.

The thoughts of the wonderful, simply marvelous city danced around in Atem's head. She smiled softly, if not a tad bit darkly at the thought. Her mansion began to imprint itself into her mind, and the bright sky blue eyes of her brother blinked at her. "Let's run far away, Nekko!" Areotté called out to her, extending a tan arm out to her.

Atem blinked to clear her mind of her fallen brother. Her eyes seemed to water the slightest bit, but she quickly sucked them back in and put on her brave face. She was going to be strong for him. No more crying, no more weakness. Period. "Let's go!" Atem shouted excitedly, a bit louder than intended.
"Are we on any kind of schedule?" Fletcher asked, to the group as a whole. Now that he had Pokémon of his own, all these things he wasn't able to do before suddenly opened up, chief among them Pokémon battles. If he met any trainers on the way, he wouldn't hesitate to challenge them. However, battles did take up a bit of time, and if the group had places to be...there would be plenty of time for battles within it, anyhow. But the thought hung in his mind, the idea of challenging a complete stranger oddly compelling.

"Because if we aren't," he continued, "There are trainers all over the place. Might be fun to take a few on. I want to see what me and my team can do!"

He swung his arms in a wide, excited arc. The overwhelming sense of adventure flooded over him. It would surely be the most memorable time in his life.
Dink ripped another piece of bark from a nearby tree. As he chewed on it, he toyed with a piece of string he'd found in his pocket. He followed the others in silence, wishing to be alone with his tree bark for a few minutes. He heard Fletcher's ridiculous question about battling.

"Look closer, your opponents are dangling in front of you." He let out one of his mad giggles, coughed, then took another bite of bark. It had a pleasant, almost minty taste. He dropped the string and instead rolled two of his pokeballs around in his hand. Wocky was an interesting fellow, one Dink would look forward to watching.
Kiara looked at Fletcher with his remark about trainers. "How about the two of us battle? It'll be great to see how strong our Pokemon are!"

Kiara smiled jubilantly as Windswept chirped in agreement. Suddenly, Xena came out of her Pokeball with a dinging sound. Kiara, still smiling, wondered how Pokemon can get themselves out of Pokeballs like that. Her thoughts immediatly returned to focusing on battling. A battle would be perfect!

As if her Charmander could read her thoughts-or it could just be basing it off of Kiara's facial expression-Xena the Charmander squealed in agreement, along with Windswept's chirp.

Alex grinned happily when he heard Fletcher's inquiry. Alex found it a good thing that he had someone to compete with when it came to the gym badges, not that he had told anyone about this intent yet, not that it wasn't the obvious choice.

"Sad to say guys, we are on a slight bit of a schedule..." Alex remarked, gesturing to the horizon where the sun was just begining to set, "I'd like to be at the Jubilife PokéCenter before dinner, and that's an hour or two of walking to get from here to there..."

Zhassa's ears perked when she heard the confident chatting between Windswept and Xena. She grinned, knowing that she would have fun proving herself to the traveling companions she had, and with a slight straightening of her back she continued on, a somewhat malevelont thought in mind...

Atem grinned a bit at the thought of a battle. She hadn't been in a real one in a long, long time, her only previous one being when she was five and giving random commands to her brother's Gallade when he was battling other trainers in Black City. She remembered the rush of excitement from them, though, and that was enough to convince her. Her hand edged to her pack, inching for her Pokemon. But she refrained from grasping one as she turned to Kiara.

"Or perhaps a double battle. Fletcher and I versus you and the kid," she pointed to Dink, not caring to call him out by name. "That way we could all learn a thing or two at the same time." Folding her arms across her chest, Atem tilted her head confidently as a large, toothly grin spread across her face. "Unless you want another team member, but I shamelessly assure you I will not be working with you, Kiara. Your reputation to me took a nosedive earlier, and bringing it back up will take time." She was scornfully referring to Kiara's reaction to Atem angrily turning down her offer.

But as the Goth turned to Alex, whom was insisting on trudging on to Jubilife, she shrugged indifferently. "Whatever you say," she agreed vaguely, her hand falling back to her side. If she had to wait for a battle, so be it. She was relatively patient with such matters... If she wasn't completely ticked off at the moment.
Kiara looked slightly offended, but only slightly. She could see why Atem wouldn't like her. It would take much time for her to become Kiara's friend. Kiara understood that. What she didn't like was that she had to be paired up with the rhymer. She'd much rather have Alex as a partner if he was the other choice, but it was painfully clear that Alex was much more experienced than the rest of them.

She turned to Atem. She didn't want to talk about earlier just yet, because that would be foolish and futile, so instead she answered her about the battle. "Ok. Alex seems the most experienced out of all of us, so he probably wouldnt need to battle. I'd can tolerate Duncan as my partner." she shrugged.

Windswept and Xena were conversing to eachother in Pokemon talk.

((The -Pokemon Name-~" " means the pokemon are talking by Pokemon language. Only other pokemon can know what they are saying. Unless your a Pokemon whisperer, then goddammit.))

Xena~"Windswept, aren't you excited to battle?"

Windswept~"Meh, My wing still hurts a bit. But yeah, a battle seems awesome"

Xena and Windswept fist bumped. Err, well, They fist bumped the best way a Pidgey and a Charmander could. Kiara noticed their awkward attempt and smiled, giggling at her two Pokemon. Xena and Windswept both looked at Kiara and smiled.

"Alex, don't worry, we got plenty of time. It's only about-err-three in the afternoon. Sun doesn't set till six. We got time for a quick battle." she said to Alex. She then turned her attention to the other three. "How many Pokemon should we use? Since it'll be a double battle, I'd say one or two each person."

Alex sighed whilst grinning, he knew that his father's patience had worn off as he wasn't feeling completely impatient about getting to Jubilife.

"Well, every battle requires a ref, so I suppose I'll take that rule, and for the sake of ease, as all four of you are new to this, older than me, but still new, you should each only use one." Alex replied, looking for a sufficient clearing. Zhassa grinned further, if there was one thing she wanted, it was to see her potential rivals' power, and a battle was a very good way to determine it. Alex smiled contently when he found a nice clearing, a place that had obviously been used before by many others for early battles, a convinient pond nearby, and enough barren ground to make low level fire attacks safe.

"Alright." Alex stated, now standing off to the side of the clearing with Zhassa. "Duncan and Kiara versus Atem and Flatcher. Please select your Pokémon and prepare to begin." Alex grinned, as he had used an official-like voice, making himself seem much older than what he was, a sizable feat to be sure. Zhassa grinned in amusement, she found it silly the way Alex was acting, but she was certain he found it necessary, he always found everything he did necessary.
Dink spat out another hunk of bark, dropping what was left to the ground, disintersted with it at this point. He did not recall volunteering for a battle, but he never objected, either. He rolled the two Pokeballs in his hand around a few times before selecting the one containing Wocky. He was curious about his new partner.

"Soldier going to the war--
Will you take my heart with you,
So that I may share a little
In the famous things you do?"​

He laughed a little as he tossed the ball up and down. There was a flash of light, and the rather confused Croagunk appeared, looking around to see if this was a battle situation or not. Dink's shoulders jumped up and down as he chuckled to himself. He had low expectations, and would be totally unsurprised at a loss. For one thing, he didn't even know what this Pokemon was capable of. It was young, so he had that much to go off of, but when they were breeded special, it was difficult to tell.

"`Twas brillig, and the slithy toves
Did gyre and gimble in the wabe:
All mimsy were the borogoves,
And the mome raths outgrabe.

Beware the Jabberwock, my son!
The jaws that bite, the claws that catch!"​

Dink laughed again. Wocky looked at him, confused. He had no intention of biting anyone.
Atem felt her smirk grow as she reached for her pack. "This should be interesting," she mused aloud, pulling out a Pokeball. She eyed it for a moment, glancing up at Kiara and Dink a few times. The Goth knew that some types were critical to each other, but since she was merely a newbie trainer, she had yet to learn what types her Pokemon were strong against. She considered sending out Masque, since he probably had the most experience, but she put his Pokeball back in the pack as she looked over at Fletcher.

Her gloved hands passed over another Pokeball as her eyes narrowed on Kiara, and she pulled it out. Rolling the Pokeball in her hands, she lightly kissed it as her face grew dead serious. "Let's show them what we're made of! Go, Enigma!" She threw the Pokeball in front of her, and her overconfident Gothita appeared. As the ball bounced back into Atem's palm, she gave Enigma a smile. "If you do lose, Enigma," she whispered to him quietly, "need not worry. I won't ever be disappointed in you, I swear." Enigma flashed her an arrogant grin as he crossed his stubby arms. "Nyah."
Kiara started to think strategicly. Were Psychic types weak against other psychic types? Were they weak against Dark types, or were Ghost types weak against Dark? Kiara never really knew that much about Dark, Psychic, or Ghost types. She did know Ghost types were immune to normal and fighting types. Oh, this was confusing! Sonny didn't seem to be good against psychic types, and there's no telling what Timmy would do-cry, jump around, or just ignore! There was no water for Lucy and Windswept still looked hurt. So that left Cassie or Xena. Cassie seemed stronger than Xena, but she could tell Xena was raring to fight! This battle IS for good fun, so it would be good for Xena to battle.

"Xena, would you like to battle?" Kiara asked.

The little Charmander nodded yes and went next to the Croagunk, ready to battle.
Fletcher didn't care much for these new turn of events. Much of the air of adventure around battling was centered around the fact that it was strangers you fought against. If you lost, yeah, it was bad, but then you could move on and forget about it. Battling within the group meant that every mistake would be recorded forever in their memories, and he'd have to live with it for the rest of the journey. He suddenly wanted to back out, but the battle was already nearly beginning. His partner for the affair, Atem, released a Gothita, equipped with a bright red bow, tied expertly at the back of the waist. And then his mind was whirring.

Bug, Dark, Ghost. These were the Psychic type's weaknesses. Immediately, his thoughts turned to Snub:the Fire/Ghost Litwick had an advantage over two of these. Still, there were other factors to consider, such as moves. He flicked his Pokéball open, and read each one of his Pokémon's movesets, and Snub became a strong candidate again. How does a Litwick that young could learn Overheat was beyond him. His mind made up, he quickly released his entire team.

"All right guys," he addressed them. "Battle time. Who wants in?"

Only Dozer stayed uninterested, the Rhyhorn lying lazily on the grass. Cher-Bear and Flick leaped up and down too, each desperately trying to be picked. But Snub, again, caught his eye-the usually morose and depressed Litwick was now leaping with never before seen anticipation. Fletcher smiled. A very good sign. He bent down and picked up the Litwick, and Cher-Bear's face fell-the Cherubi looked close to tears. She sulked off, aggressively, but Flick's cheers shifted from attention-seeking to supporting her friend. In an instant, she was behind Snub, wholeheartedly glad for him. He liked that.

Fletcher made his way to Atem, his Litwick leaping over to the Gothita, all chat and nearly dancing with delight. He smiled at the Goth, not a grin so much as a smirk he wished to share. It summed up exactly how he felt-100 per cent sure he was going to win. It became a self-conscious frown when he wondered if she would think it smug.

"All right, we all have our Pokémon ready? Good. Alex, at your leisure."

Alex grinned slightly, he found the concept of him being the ref amusing, and yet he knew it would likely teach him something.

"Alright, two vs two battle, Snub and Enigma versus Xena and Wocky. The first team to knock out the two opponents wins. Remember this battle is to practice, so don't over do it, just do what feels natural, and...begin!" Alex stated in an as-a-matter-of-fact like tone, and raised his arms to help indicate to begin the battle. He was happy to see that his travelling companions were going to be interested in battling, and he knew each would develop their own special strategies.
"Xena, use Crunch on Litwick!" Kiara yelled, wantingher Pokemon to attack first. Xena did as told. Going at a swift speed, Xena got up to the Litwick and used Crunch, biting the enemy hard. Kiara felt happy for Xena. Xena looked very happy battling and that made Kiara smile.
((DarkAura, read section 3. Fight Scenes and 4. Powerplaying. Just, generally, all attacks should be written as attempts. It's unfair on the person your attacking if you down-right give them no chance of evading. It is, essentially, controlling the other person's character. For the sake of speed, we'll just continue, but it is something people will get very annoyed over very quickly. Keep in mind for the future.))

Fletcher's heart went out for the little Litwick as the Charmander's Jaws bit deep into his body. Given no chance to get out of the way, Snub squealed in pain. Something deep in Fletcher wanted to stop the battle there and then, but in seconds Snub was up and raring for a bit of revenge, the attack he endured almost forgotten-except, that was, for the obvious pain he was in. That move had hurt.

The pain turned into a competitive snarl, and Snub bent over, contorting in effort. The flame on his head began to grow and soar, and his milky white body gained a red glow. Seconds rolled by, and the flame grew larger, the red more distinct, until Snub was positively shaking from the energy built up inside him. He ran at his attacker, the Charmander, but couldn't contain the power much longer, and with a victory shriek of "Liiiiit!", he exploded in a wave of powerful red energy that spread out in all directions.

Snub shrieked with glee at having perfectly executed his attack, not even looking to see if his target had been hit. Though his smile could have convinced otherwise, the dwindling flame on his head betrayed the fact that he would not be able to attack as effectively for at least that battle, if not longer. Fletcher knew overheat played havoc with a Pokémons offensive capabilities. It was not a move he would have commanded.
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