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Open Green Hills and Blue Skies

Atem quickly had her arm protecting her eyes as she squinted at the Litwick's fantastically performed Overheat, and she sported a daunting smirk. "Well played," she muttered under her breath, looking over at Enigma. The Gothita had wandered off elsewhere, looking a bit paranoid at Snub's sudden burst of energy, but he simply narrowed his eyes at Wocky as he glanced over at the Goth a few times, his icy blue eyes as serious as ever.

"We might as well join in on the fun, right, Enigma?" Atem asked loudly, her toothly grin growing by the second. In a flash, her ivory hand was extended and her finger was pointing right at Wocky. "Alright, then! Enigma, let's go with a Confusion!" Atem had checked the moves of her Gothita beforehand, and she knew just by common sense the move must be effective to the mind. That being said, if the possibility to confuse the Croagunk was at hand, Atem was going to take that chance.

Enigma nodded curtly as he rushed toward Wocky, his body glowing a faint but eerie purple as he released a deafening screech, puting his arms out in front of him and aiming the short burst of energy at the Croagunk. The Gothita, along with his Gothic trainer, hoped the move would work, and would be somewhat disappointed if things went otherwise. No matter, he could always try again and again until he hit his mark. He would actually have to be patient for once and see the results before rushing off again.
Dink tilted his head, a finger resting behind his upper lip, as the Overheat was executed by the Litwick. He wondered if it was wise to pit two fire types against each other, and if the battle may be easier at this point if they switched opponents.

He pushed some of his hair to the side as he observed the spectacularly anticlimactic confusion attack from his opponent. Next to an Overheat, it was quite the silly little move. Dink mentally shrugged, and watched as his Croagunk seemed to believe itself to be part Ostrich. Wocky was pitifully trying to bury his head in the sand. Dink was half-tempted to observe this odd behavior, but decided it would make the battle more interesting if he tried to retaliate.

"One, two, and through and through." He whispered with a giggle. "My Jabberwock," He spoke louder, flipping open the Pokeball. His eyes flicked across the characters, and he looked at the spider that was Wocky's enemy. "Pursuit sounds fun. No? No, not here, not today, only on the lunch hour. Perhaps with cheese." He only voiced these strang thoughts because it was clear that Wocky was losing it.

The Croagunk scratched at a patch of dirt, nibbling a rock and looking dreamily at a leaf that lay before him. So far, the strang girl across from Dink was not only winning, but dominating the field. Dink clapped his hands once, not caring if she understood he was applauding her.
Kiara nearly yelled out at her Charmander being blown away by that over heat. Just as fast, Xena stood up, however her breathing became a little heavy. Xena then stood upright, looking as brave as ever. However, her face still showed her harm.

"Xena, use dig!" Kiara commanded. Xena did as she was told and dug underground, preparig to strike.
Fletcher saw the read flame of the Charmander's tale disappear into the ground, and immediately tried to convey the information to his battling Litwick. "Snub!" he called out, deciding in an instant to abandon the idea of evading the attack, and instead focus on preparing his Pokémon for it. "Acid armor!"

It took precious seconds of time for Snub to even respond, let alone act, and Fletcher was extremely conscious that the Charmander, Xena, could burst through the earth and strike at any moment. Eventually, the Litwick began to secret a disgusting and acidic mucous all over its body, which glistened in the light before solidifying. It looked absolutely revolting, and although Snub didn't seem to mind-he actually looked to enjoy it-it sent a chill down his spine. Only the most devoted of Pokémon would physically touch him now.

He turned to see if Atem's Confusion attack had worked, and judging by the dreamy look the Groagunk, Wocky, was sporting, he guessed it had. Dink sang-literally-for him to use Pursuit, but the Pokémon didn't seem to respond. Weather he was taking his time, ignoring the command or just confused by his disturbing trainer, remained to be seen. Fletcher turned back to his own Pokémon, looking for any tell-tale vibrations that might signal the underground Charmander's assault was on its way.
Kiara turned to Dink, with a sasifying look on her face. "Duncan, When I command my Pokemon to make a move, your Croagunk has to jump in the sky" she said so only Sink could hear.
Dink pulled aside a bit a of hair to return Kiara's look. He thought about the plan, biting his fingertip thoughtfully. "We will see. This plan sounds a little odd." The only purpose Wocky had to jump when Xena emerged from the ground would be if Kiara planned for her Pokemon to appear under Wocky, right? So a well-timed jump might give Wocky quite a little skyrocket.

He nodded at Kiara, and looked back at the still dazed Wocky. He looked at Atem, straight into her eyes, and grinned. Losing was quite entertaining. If he lost easily, which he had no intention of doing, Atem would be quite overconfident in her next match. She might win, but with every victory would come more complacency, and one day she'd misjudge. And Dink would watch her squirm like the little maggots that he used to squish with his big toe in the crawlspace of his neighbor's house. He giggled at the morbid little thought.

"Wocky, try a..." He glanced at the names of the moves he had. Poison Sting probably wouldn't be all great against a giant fluffy spider. But it was worth seeing if Wocky was coherent. "Poison Sting, yes." The Croagunk looked at him, curled into a ball and began humming as it rocked back and forth happily. Dink wondered if a confusion attack was nothing more than a release of narcotic fumes.
Kiara looked at Duncan. "Have your Pokemon jump when I give my Pokemon the command, ok?"

Kiara turned back to the battle field. Her face was teeming with determination as she wait going to tell her attack. "Xena, use FLAMEHTHROWER on the ground!" Kiara yelled.

Nothing happened for a moment. Then, it heated up. Even though fire doesn't go through the ground well, patches of grass were above the ground. The ground couldn't get on fire, but the patches could. The patches weren't anywhere near a forest, so when the battle was over, or if the fire got out of hand, Lucy the Lapras could take the fire out, so everything was good.

Patches of grass weren't near the trainers, thank Arceus, but there were some over the battle field. Some were near the opponents, though more were near Duncan's Croagunk. A few patches in the middle of the battle field sprouted into flames. Kiara hoped her plan wouldnt fail and that Croagunk jumped in time.
Kiara looked at Duncan. "Have your Pokemon jump when I give my Pokemon the command, ok?"

Kiara turned back to the battle field. Her face was teeming with determination as she wait going to tell her attack. "Xena, use FLAMEHTHROWER on the ground!" Kiara yelled.

Nothing happened for a moment. Then, it heated up. Even though fire doesn't go through the ground well, patches of grass were above the ground. The ground couldn't get on fire, but the patches could. The patches weren't anywhere near a forest, so when the battle was over, or if the fire got out of hand, Lucy the Lapras could take the fire out, so everything was good.

Patches of grass weren't near the trainers, thank Arceus, but there were some over the battle field. Some were near the opponents, though more were near Duncan's Croagunk. A few patches in the middle of the battle field sprouted into flames. Kiara hoped her plan wouldnt fail and that Croagunk jumped in time.
Dink stared at the Croagunk. It seemed partially coherent, at least. Kiara gave her command, and Dink almost missed it. He blew a bit of hair out from his face, and said, "Wocky, please jump out of the way." The Croagunk looked at him, and didn't jump, but did indeed respond quickly by rolling over and scraping the ground with his lower jaw.

Dink gave an amused little hum as he watched the Pokemon began waddling uncertainly in a circle around the little patches of burning grass. "Wocky, try Poison Sting on the little candlestick." The Croagunk, while it looked in the Litwick's direction, and moved in its direction a bit, was largely unresponsive.
Atem was pleased the Confusion worked on Wocky, and she sported a confident grin as she turned her attention to Xena. "Alright, Enigma, Faint Attack on the Charmander! Let's go!" she proclaimed, pointing her gloved hand at Xena with her eyes narrowed.

Enigma followed her gaze onto the Charmander and, after nodding loyally, rushed toward it. He swiftly disappeared with a vague purple smoke and a few silver sparkles, leaving no trace of his whereabouts for a moment. Then, without warning, he reappeared and launched his petite body at the lizard-like Pokemon. The Gothita bounced back after his attempt and, after exhaling a deep breath, smirked arrogantly. He was feeling confident due to his success in confusing Wocky, and was too oblivious to see his result on the Charmander before looking back up at Atem.
((Xena never emerged from the ground. She used flamethrower while underground at the above ground to heat up and set fire to the patches of grasses.))

Kiara smirked. The Litwick did not even notice that the Charmander was still underground, so the attack failed. The little litwick paid no attention to this, however, because it was glancing at Atem.

Kiara looked over at Dink's Croagunk, whom had sucessfully jumped in time. Kiara decided to let Xena stay in the ground just a liiiiittle longer.
((Wait what Litwick never used an offensive attack Acid Armor is a defensive move that bolsters defense. You're talking about Enigma, the Gothita?))

"Wocky, try Poison Sting on the little candlestick."

Fletcher immediately identified this as the next threat, and although the Croagunk was moving in a sort of lazy, aimless way, he was not about to treat it lightly. Atem completely wasted time attacking an unreachable Pokémon, and he was forced to conclude that she was cracking from the stress and speed of the battle, that her decision making skills were compromised, and that, logically, Wocky needed to be shut down before it managed to hurt Snub, and if Atem and her Gothita couldn't do it, he'd have to.

"Shadow Ball, Snub, on the Croagunk" Fletcher commanded, and instantly the Litwick responded, humming and chanting to itself as tiny wisps of darkness flew from nothing to a point above his head, joining, converging, creating a dark, ever-shifting object, roughly spherical, and with a nod of Snub's head it flew awkwardly through the air, flying straight at its target.

The Litwick immediately dived into a patch of flaming grass, rolling about and laughing as the fire lapped almost playfully at its side. For a creature who was perpetually on fire, the flames did little to hurt, indeed they offered Snub comfort. Fletcher snorted. Kiara's plan might not have been a bad one somewhere else, but here it was not only ineffectual, but it was permanently scarring the earth. No grass would grow on these ashes for quite some time, a permanent mark of their battle.
[.... Oh yeaaaaaaaaaah. Silleh Arccie.]

Atem frowned. She had been hoping the attack would've went under the ground to reach the Charmander, but after her failed attempt, she guessed not. Well, she reasoned to herself, I suppose there's much to learn...

Enigma threw an almost distasteful look at the Goth as he looked back at where Xena was, his eyes narrowing. Though he couldn't entirely blame his trainer; she was relatively new to this whole battling thing, after all. The Gothita soon turned his attention to his ally, the Litwick, and watched as it took its turn, hoping in the back of his mind the attack would work.
Dink turned his head slowly to watch the Shadow Ball form. "Wocky, if you would, please, just move." The Croagunk heard, and began walking rather awkwardly. It managed to move just enough to avoid a direct hit, but the Shadow Ball had a pretty little mini-explosion that blew the Croagunk a good meter or so.

"Thank you, friend." He smiled. The Croagunk shook its head quickly, and seemed coherent enough to actually fight. "Distract the spider with a Mud-Slap," He whispered. Wocky seemed to hear him. "The lizard could use the help." The Croagunk, now able to function properly, for the most part, did as he was told, though the Mud-Slap was more like him throwing dry dirt.
(oh, I thought Arccie had Litwick. :P)

Kiara had a determined look in her eyes, like she had a perfect strategy on how to win. She stared at the hole her Charmander made. They wouldn't expect her coming out of that hole; they'd only think she'd make another hole and go through that. Another plan was hatching in her brain...

"Xena, Dig out of the hole you already made and use Flamethrower on Enigma!" She yelled. As soon as she said that, the orange salamander shot out and blasted a flamethrower right at the Gothita.
"Xena, Dig out of the hole you already made and use Flamethrower on Enigma!"

Snub was part fire-type, so the attack would deal only half the damage it should have, and what's more, had a thick film of mucous and acid covering him from head to toe, giving him even further protection. Enigma, on the other hand, was a Gothita with no defenses against the Flamethrower. The power fire attack could really do a number on the poor creature, and when his own Pokémon was so well-equipped to deal with it, Fletcher couldn't just watch it happen. Something in him wouldn't allow it.

"Snub," he called. "Shoulder that Gothita out of the way, he's much more vulnerable to fire than you!"

Instantly, Snub saw the logic, and the Litwick curled up on himself and sprang through the air, arcing towards Enigma, with the hopes of knocking him clear out of the way with his petite frame. Although Snub adored fire, the Flamethrower attack was far too much to endure without pain, and even though his own fiery blood would dull the pain somewhat, the next few seconds were sure to be painful, and all for naught if he didn't manage to get Enigma out of the way of that furious stream of fire.
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[... Meep, Enigma's a boy. Lol. c:]

Atem paused as she watched the scene unfold. ... That Litwick... just shielded her Gothita. Enigma rolled into the ground after Snub knocked him out of the way of the Flamethrower. At first he was angry that the candle shoved him; how rude could a Pokemon be? But then, as he realized that Snub was fire and the attack was fire, his mind went blank. ... Snub just saved him from a lot of pain. Even if the Litwick was a fire type, the Flamethrower looked quite powerful.

Atem looked from Fletcher to the Litwick. It was quite possible that the little candle could faint from this, leaving Enigma to battle on his own. Her pale blue eyes adjusted back on the Charmander as she clenched her fists. The Goth's lip was in a tight line and her brow was forrowed. She was aware that her Gothita was probably tiring out now, but she also knew they couldn't just sit there and be easy targets. "... Enigma," she called, staring daggers at Kiara, "use Faint Attack one more time on the Charmander!"

Enigma nodded as his smirk faded into a scowl and he turned to Xena. He ran forward as fast as his stubby legs could take him, a dark purple mist surrounding him. He leaped in front of Xena and suddenly disappeared, the only trace of him being there a violet smoke and a few sparkles. Moments later, though, he reappeared and launched right into the Charmander's stomach. Enigma bounced back to Atem, hoping the attack worked, and panted. It was getting even tougher now, and the fact he was tiring didn't help much. Nonetheless, the Gothita was sure the Litwick and himself would somehow pull through, and the small ribbon of hope helped him through the battle.
The Flamethrower knocked Snub head over heels through the air, where he spiraled and slammed painfully into the ground, skin blackened, badly burnt, and cringing with extreme pain. Slowly, stiffly, the Litwick rose to a standing position, cradling its burnt skin and hissing his anger at both the Charmander and his own trainer, who ordered him to take the assault. The Gothita battled on, seemingly uncaring of the great pain Snub had just endured for him, and the Litwick's mind clouded with a strange, horrific anger it had never known.

Snub was tiring, fast, the vast amount of moves in a short space of time robbing him of his energy, and what was more, his vitality wasn't top-notch either, what with that Charmander's jaws and its stream of flame burning into his frame. And so Xena became a receptacle for all his rage, because, though Snub wanted to hurt all those he felt had wronged him, his current state wouldn't allow consciousness for too long, and he needed to focus on one and one alone.

The Litwick saw the Gothita attack, and ignored his vendetta against him for the moment so as to focus on taking that Charmander down. His lips moved again, chanting words that held no meaning to him, and wisps of shadow flitted from everywhere at once, the sky, the trees, the grass, the Pokémon, the trainers, and these tiny, seemingly two-dimensional flicks of darkness formed into a massive congealed orb in the air. It twisted and folded in on itself and expended again, highly unstable, before zooming directly towards Xena, ignoring all others.

Snub collapsed with exhaustion. He could barely move a muscle. He fought for consciousness for a time, and came out the victor, but it was extremely apparent that the Litwick was hanging by a thread. Fletcher bit his lip, feeling for his Pokémon, but at the same time wanting Snub to continue, desperate not to be the first one to have to reign in their Pokémon.
This time, the faint attack hit Xena, pushing Xena backwards. It was clear to Kiara that Xena couldn't go on anymore; it was close to fainting. She couldn't see her little Charmander get hurt any longer.

"Stop." Kiara said suddenly. She walked over on the field and knelt down to her Charmander. The flame on it's tail was getting dim. Carefully, she picked up her little Charmander. "I forfeit. Xena cannot battle anymore..."

Kiara got her Charmander's Pokeball and got Xena inside the pokeball.
So the girl had surrendered, and Dink was all alone. He paused to consider the futility of his situation. Well, he had been called mad on many occasions, so there was no point in fighting that. The only point was fighting the candle and the little bug. With a frog, of course.

To his former partner, he offered a little quote. "...Life had taught me undeniably that surrender, in its place, was as honorable as resistance, especially if one had no choice."

He turned attention back to the battle. Wocky hadn't taken the hits the other Pokemon had, but plenty of his energy had been wasted while he had floundered about at the mercy of the Confusion attack. Dink began his orders with possibly more sanity and focus in his voice than he could ever recall having.

"Wocky, Mud-Slap the Litwick as best you can, swing to the left, and try to hit it with a Pursuit before it has time to retaliate. And keep your eye on the spider, if it tries to surprise you, forget the candle and go for a Faint Attack."

Wocky nodded, and hurled a large amount of dirt at Snub, immediately following through. He charged forward towards Snub, and Dink found himself giggling madly again.
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