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Open Green Hills and Blue Skies


"Goals? Well in my case I was planning on taking on the Lily of the Valley Conference, at least after obtaining the eight mainstream gym badges..." Alex replied, having turned around, now walking backwards. "I figure everyone else'll develop their own goals, be they similar to my own, or something else."

Alex then heard the exchange of riddles between Duncan and Kiara. Alex smiled slightly, but he kn he couldn't join, as he was terrible at them. Turning back Alex noticed that they had just hit the edge of town. Pulling out a small map, Alex stopped the group, looking at the map for the closest PokéCenter. After about a minute he found it, and lead the group there.

(OOC: Finish up with current conversations and proceed to acknoledge the latter portion of the post with coinciding posts...(?))
Dink stared at Kiara for a minute, unsure of what she meant by her riddle. There wasn't anything greater than Arceus. Unless... He thought. Nothing. That's the only possible answer... But then she must have accidentally messed up the riddle. "The answer is nothing. Nothing greater than Arceus, nothing more evil than devils, rich people need nothing, poor people have nothing, and eating nothing kills you. I was a little confused because you said 'rich people have it, poor people need it,' rather than 'rich people need it, poor people have it.' So unless I'm dead wrong, you misphrased that."

He looked at the city now before them. Alex seemed to know where he was going. Probably a PokeCenter, given the many uses of the place. He dropped what tree bark he had left. No sense taking it into a city. "You should tell me more riddles later. See if there are any I can't solve. I think I have a few good ones myself. Of course I can't think of any myself, so my supply is rather limited. We'll see who's better at them in time." It was nice knowing that somebody else had some interset in something that interested Dink. Riddles weren't his favorite, but definetly better liked than his other 'hobbies.'

"Well, Alex, if you plan on competetive battling, I'd say use a few theatrics. Scaring your openents with reputation could hardly hurt. And besides, theatrics are entertaining." He allowed himself a small smile and one of his creepy giggles at this. "Fear fear fear you're not my friend, fear fear fear you are the end, fear fear fear will you ever cease?... fear will never cease, because fear is unexpected..." He whispered to himself, staring at his fingers.
(Kiara why did you mess up the riddle no bad Kiara)

"I have an even harder riddle," Kiara said, "But I'll say it later." Kiara then looked in front of her, and saw that the Pokemon center was somewhat close by. Perfect; Xena needed to be healed. Kiara saw that Alex was leading the group towards the Pokemon Center, so she followed him also.
Fletcher listened intently to Kiara and Dink's conversation, frowning as they tossed riddles back and forth. Though he did succeed in guessing one correctly before the answer was given, it was largely through luck, and overall the experience was incredibly frustrated. His mind was taken back to a tutor he had once, an older woman with a particular love of riddles and a particular hatred of little children who were unable to answer them. This wasn't his only reason for despising riddles, however, because they were often seen as a test of intelligence, and they were constantly trumping Fletcher.

For all the negative qualities riddles possessed, they did allow Fletcher to momentarily forget how much being called lower-class scum stung. Just when he was starting to like her, too.

The procession stopped for a few minutes as Alex flicked through a map, and then started again when he put it away silently and started walking. They were probably heading towards a Pokémon Center or a Pokémart, but nobody asked. They all followed Alex unquestioningly. They had known him for less than a day, and yet he was their shepherd. There was just something in him that made him easy to follow. Something likable. So Fletcher followed, without a word.
Atem glanced a few times between Kiara and Dink as they exchanged riddles, vaguely even sparing the thought of answering one of them. She didn't particularly care much for futile games such as riddles, nor did she expect to any time soon. However, the sight of seeing the two ponder and muse over the endless possibilities and puzzling wording kept her mind off of the idea Dink threw out there earlier.

Atem felt her anger subside as she looked over at Spiritus, nodding. "Thank you," she whispered, and the Duskull loudly fwee'd in joy and innocence. He danced around her a few times before calming down, and he floated up to her head, holding onto her forehead. The Goth looked over at Alex as he leafed through a map, and blinked as he left. Almost surprisingly, everyone followed. Atem found this a tad bit confusing, seeing as how the group has barely been together for a day, but it seemed as though they bonded in a silent, mental way. Though she and the others seemed to have rough spots, Atem felt as though she could trust her comrades, at least a little bit. She assumed Fletcher was a bit sour with her after the insult she shot at him, but she paid it no mind as she silently followed the others, lingering back a meter or two from them.

Alex stepped up to one of the terminals at the front desk, and logged in through the use of his trainer card. After setting up the accomadations for he and his companions he made his way back to them, and handed them each a small card with a mag strip on the one side.

"This will let you into our room, if you so desire. We have access to it until noon tomorrow, and I have covered costs of the buffet. Yes, it is an all you can eat for this price buffet, but please don't gorge yourselves..." Alex said to them, ending with a slightly nervous sounding chuckle. "I've got a phone call to make, and then I'll meet with you guys in the mess hall."

Zhassa looked around, she hadn't actually been in a PokéCenter before, and found it interesting to see all the trainers making their way through it with little problem. What she found irritating, however, was that there were a good number of trainers raising their eyebrows at her, wether in curiousity, or suprise. And then there were all the Pokémon who were looking at her as well, many the same species, wether it were Bidoof, Shinx, Starly, or even a Budew. Zhassa's tolerence was falling, and she found herself hiding n front of Alex's legs as he stood to make the call at the screen.

(OOC: In following posts please have your characters proceed to the mess hall. We'll free speech once we're there...)
Kiara's stomach started to growl, but only slightly. Of course, she was hungry. She hurried over to the mess hall.

(Short post, sorry! DX)
The Goth eyed the card Alex gave her, her pale eyes intense. Back in Black City, her brother had prepared her as a sucessful business woman to live on the legacy of the Atem family, and spotting forgery cards, recipts and checks was something to note. It became a habit to her to check anything of the sort before using it, but after reminding herself it was just a mere room key, she slid it into her pack.

Atem glanced up at Spiritus once both Alex and Kiara left. "What should we do?" she asked him, grabbing the Duskull and holding him out in front of her. "Visit our room first, or head on to the mess hall? Personally I have no preference." Spiritus thought for a moment, looking up at the ceiling. Finally, with a cheerful fwee, he pointed at Kiara, implying to go straight into the mess hall. Rolling her eyes, Atem placed her Duskull back upon her head and silently followed Kiara, her arms crossed and her expression vague and unreadable.
Fletcher took the card from Alex with a nod of thanks. He half expected Atem to refuse it, but she took, albiet thoroughly inspecting it first. He himself had no qualms about accepting things from others, his father's motto rang through his ears: Take all they give, and then all they don't. He looked up to see Atem and her Pokémon head off to the mess hall, Kiara just in front, and even though he wasn't particularly hungry, he followed. He needed to eat, anyway, as he hadn't in some hours.

He eyed the Pokémon others seemed to have, and most were similar: Pokémon indigenous to the region, common and unremarkable, but caught instead of given. People worked hard for those companions, when his had been handed too him. Immediately feeling guilty for abandoning his Pokémon to their Pokéballs for so long, he set about releasing them-stopping abruptly when he remembered his Litwick's disposition. Not feeling incredibly up to paying for fire damages, he checked each Pokéball's moniter to see which Pokémon was inside it before releasing them.

Dozer, Flick and Cher-Bear appeared, and insantly the Cherubi turned from him. Slightly startled, he bent down to see what was wrong, but the Pokémon would have none of it. Cher-Bear looked depressed and wilted, and Fletcher remembered how angry she was at having Snub chosen over her to enter the battle. It had seemed like such a good idea at the time.

"Listen, Cher-Bear," he tried to begin, but his Pokémon screamed a high, shrill, cry, penatrating his ears, and suddenly all eyes were on him and he recaptured his Pokémon again. Laughing nervously and turning to Dozer and Flick, he tried to get them to move towards the mess hall, but the Rhyhorn was steadfastedly ignoring him, and he tried for a short time to reason with him, to little affect. Eventually, feeling like the worst trainer on the planet, he recatured Dozer too and walked dejectedly towards the mess hall, with only Flick to raise his spirits.
Dink stared at the card ofered by Alex before opening his mouth and taking it between his teeth. After he chattered his teeth on it several times, he plucked it with his fingers, and slid it into his pocket. "Food. Yes, the food first." He twisted up one sleeve between his fingers, and nibbled on the flesh on his other pinkie.

He glanced at Fletcher. He swept up beside the boy. He had never liked Fletcher, but he found that even after a single day, he was beginning to grow on Dink like a wart. You never really become fond of warts, but you do grow used to them, and if they leave, you feel quite strange, and not entirely yourself. "You look like you're having problems. I'd say they don't trust you. I heard a poem about trust. Would you like to hear it?" Without waiting for a response, he began, loud enough for only Fletcher to hear.

"I trust the dirt, I trust the rain
I trust the cars, I trust the train
I trust the secrets, I trust the truth
I trust the old, I trust the youth
I trust my Life, I trust My Death

I trust my right, I trust my left
I trust the Ground, I trust the skies
I trust the truth, but not the lies
I trust the fairies, I trust the elf
I trust you all… just not myself."​

The significance was clear, but some people simply viewed everything Dink said as irrelevant rambling, so he'd understand if Fletcher shrugged the poem off. In truth, he was hoping Fletcher would take it to heart, but, also in truth, he didn't expect it. He was awfully thick-headed, after all. So, with his poem done, he only laughed to himself with a smile, and punched Fletcher on the shoulder with a bit more force than he expected.

Alex made his way to one of the phone booths in the main lobby. Dialing in a number on the pad at the side of the screen and tapping the call button, the screen came to life with the person he was contacting displayed in front of him.

"Hi mom. I'm here in Jubilife, at the southern PokéCenter." Alex said, a small blush of embarassment upon his cheeks.

"Hi sweetie. So you and your freinds are there then? It's good to see you've finally began your adventure! And with freinds to travel with too! It'll be such a wonderful experience for the five of you."

"Yeah...by the way...do you think you can find time to meet up with us before we make our way to Oreburgh, you know, with those..."

"Thos-oh! Yes of course. Yes, yes, yes, have no worries, they'll be ready for you guys once your at the city borders! Now, I'm probably keeping you from dinner. You have a nice time sweetie, bye!"

"Bye mom, and thanks in advance..." Alex finishes, tapping the Call End button, and made his way to the mess hall, Zhassa in tow, and Ezaia, still on his head, now sound asleep with her glasses resting at the tip of her nose.

"Hey guys!" Alex says, as he seats himself in an open spot next to the group, a small plate of several foods gently placed in front of him, "So, we're going to be meeting with someone special tommorow before we leave the city. I may also point out that it'll be an early morning tommorow."

Alex then plunges his teeth into a thick looking burger, a content smile masked behind the burger. Zhassa had sat herself beside Alex, and had a small bowl of Pokémon food in front of her, and began eating it, a small smile of her own hidden from everyone.
Kiara looked at Alex who stated someone important was coming. "Who's the special person coming tomorrow?" she asked.

Kiara did wonder who it was going to be. Would it be someone useful to the journey that'll help them? Or would it be someone who was just going to give them a boring lecture? Still, if Alex says it's a special person, then Kiara probably should listen to him about it. Her mind drifted away as she ate some of her food.
Atem nodded curtly to Alex after he explained their plan of action for the following day. Turning back to Spiritus, she grabbed the remaining Pokeballs in her pack and, after releasing her Pokemon, slid a few bowls of Pokemon food to her Gothita, Duskull, Eevee and Shuppet. "Eat up," she told them, stabbing her fork into her caesar salad. After popping the seasoned greens into her mouth, she blinked at Kiara for a moment. The blonde had just asked Alex who the "special person" might of been, and after swallowing her food, the Goth pushed a stand of dark purple hair out of her face. "Why not let it be a surprise?" she asked Kiara monotonously, not even looking at her anymore, "It sounds as though he wants to keep it a secret until later."

She glanced up at Masque for a moment, who was biting at his food, and popped some more salad into her mouth.
Kiara sighed. She didn't like Atem hating her. But she did have it coming. Kiara acted like a total brat to Atem at the beginning, and now Kiara felt really guilty. Of course, there was no changing Atem's opinion of her, so she decided to answer, though not in a snappy comment.

"Well, I'm not the one to like surprises..." she said sincerely.
Fletcher gave Dink's poem a quick think-over, and thought it could mean one of two things-either that trusting yourself caused others to trust you, or that trust in yourself was ruinous. He abandoned the rather unhelpful stanzas from his mind, and rubbed his rather sore shoulder.

He eyed the selection of food, and, carefully avoiding all meat, grabbed some nice looking vegetables and fruits, and a nice bowl of Crem Brulee for dessert. He slid into a seating position on the table, Flick at his side, and released his other two Pokémon and gave them some Berres. Dozer took his underneath the table thanklessly, and Cher-Bear twisted herself around entirely to avoid looking at him. Flick happily sat and ate. One success, at least.

He turned to his peers, in time to overhear Alex reporting on a surprise visitor, and Kiara and Atem bump heads yet again over some query of the former's. Trying to be heard over them both, he called to Alex-"It wouldn't happen to be a certain Roark, leader of Oreburgh City Gym?"

Alex continued eating his meal as he heard his freinds going over it, and grinned a little. He liked the idea of keeping them in the dark until tommorow, it felt oddly fun.

"Sorry Kiara, but I won't tell, it needs to stay a surprise." Alex says, his meal now nearing completion. "And Fletcher, it isn't Roark. As much as I assume you'd like to meet my and possibly your future opponent, no we won't be meeting him until we get to Oreburgh." Alex's grin was large, he liked secrets, they made him feel giddy, expecially when he knew the people asking would learn quite soon.
"Oh, I love surprises." Dink mused, nibbling on a pickle. "The best part is the waiting. The what-ifs. Like what if this person Alex is so excited about is an undead elephant with a hippey on his back who can't play anything other than Stairway to Heaven and has a penchant for cheap futons? That would be wonderful."

He then actually considered this, and found himself hoping that was the case. It would make things much more interesting. He popped out his pokemon, and the three went to work on his food. He didn't care much, since he wasn't the hungry type, so he just reserved himself a few extra pickles. "Of course, when the surprise comes, it's always a let-down. There's no more questioning, no more of the unknown. Like christmas. It's boring if you already know what you're getting. It's not special, then."

Feeling a little distracted, he noticed his Shuppet was eating. Why did a ghost need to eat? That's just ridiculous.

Following the relatively lengthy silence Alex decided to strike a conversation.

"So, what is everyones goal for this journey? Mine is to participate in the Lily of the Valley Conference." Alex asked, an expression of mixed curiousity, and satisfaction, having finished a very delicious meal.
Kiara did not need much thought for her main goal. But what would be her side goal? Surely, she should do something after completing her main goal, but what? She'd think about it later.

"My main goal is to find the Suicune that has inspired me to go on this journey. To find it once more would complete my goal." Kiara said.
Atem finished her meal and looked over at her Pokemon, a soft smile working itself onto her face. They were eating happily, mumbling quietly along themselves. Masque was even being a bit social. Atem gently ran her fingers on her Shuppet's head, and in response, he gave her a genuine meep of overall happiness. However, the Goth's grin faded as she heard Alex's voice chime in after a long, dead silence. He asked the group about their main goals.

Atem didn't even spare him a glance as she said her answer. "To prove to everyone that I'm not weak, and I'm perfectly capable of supporting myself. That I'm tough enough to live by myself. To show what's left of my family I deserve every ounce of their Godforsaken respect they owe me."
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