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Open Green Hills and Blue Skies

Dink stared at the spot between his eyebrows. Goals? Well, there had been that whole collecter thing, but he pretty much considered that spilt milk. "Well, I would say that I'm pretty much in it for a hobby. But I doubt I'll do much competetively. Are the trophies for the winners or the losers? And what use is a trophy if you are going to, as is the case most often, lose your achievement to someone who is better than you? No point keeping such a sentiment of the past. It will only weigh you down with false hope." This conversation was mostly whispered to himself, everything after he said he wouldn't compete often.

He leaned over to rest his head on the table, but rather than his chin, he opened his mouth and sat with his top row of teeth on the table's edge. It didn't taste fresh and crisp like tree bark, but all things considered, it wasn't bad.

"That's an awesome goal Kiara! Sadly I see a problem with it, and that is that the chances of Scuicune are quite low, and seeing it outside of the Kanto-Johto area is even less likely. But, it's a good long term goal, in the short term you could participate in gym matches alongside me." Alex replied, bearing a warm smile. He then heard Atem's response and turned to her,

"That's an interesting goal...to prove one's independence through an adventure. It's ambitious and in a way, kinda headstrong, I like it!" Alex replied, chuckling at his enthusiasm. Alex finally turned to Duncan, and replied,

"Well that's fine, many a trainer are simply casusal. Some go on adventures just to make new freinds, see new places, and do new things. That is a perfectly acceptable goal, and I think it's quite a good idea." Alex smiled happily, but felt himself frowning on the inside. He was somewhat disappointed that Fletcher hadn't responded, and he was hoping that he would have been quick, maybe not so much as Kiara, but quick enough to respond.

"It's soon time to head on to bed, we have an early morning tommorow and we don't need anyone feeling tired." Alex said as he stretched out a bit, Zhassa already asleep beside him.
"My goal maybe far-fetched...But I just know I'll be able to see Suicune again...I remember it running off in the direction of Sinnoh, and here I am now, to find Suicune...To complete my goal...To show everyone I wasn't crazy when I said I saw it..." She told them all, mostly directed at Alex.
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Atem softly scoffed as Alex praised her goal, and she rolled her eyes as Kiara spoke up about that stupid Suicune-whatever again. Honestly, when was that girl going to get it through that thick little head of hers? It was as clear as a bell: she was certainly not ever going to find that old folklore-fairytale creature. Besides, if all the pictures of were only silhouettes, then it could very well be a different Pokemon, right? That was the most logical explanation. That was the only explanation.

"I don't see why you're chasing such a wild, pointless dream," Atem scolded, her voice dreadfully monotonous and scornful. She tightly crossed her arms over her chest, sending a cold glare over at Kiara. "You'll never find it solely because it never existed in the first place. Is that so hard to understand? It's pure common sense. There is no Suicune. Period."

And with that, Atem returned all her Pokemon to their Pokeballs as she hastily proceeded to go to her room. As Alex had mentioned, they would be waking up early in the morning, and the last thing the Goth needed was being tired and all the more irritable.
Kiara shot a look of hatred at Atem. Kiara DID see the Suicune. Many people have seen Suicune. Suicune was not a myth. Kiara sighed and got up from her seat. "I'll be going to sleep too." she said as she went into her own room as well.

Laying on the bed, she couldn't get to sleep because of Atem's accusation that Kiara wouldn't see a Suicune again. She sighed. It was obvious Atem hates Kiara. Why wouldn't she? Kiara had been acting like a brat to Atem, and Kiara herself knows it. But now all Kiara wanted was to become friends with her. She sighed a sigh of regret, and turned to her sides to sleep.

Meanwhile, Windswept had burst out from its Pokeball, as well as Xena did too. The two Pokemon waddled over to where Kiara was trying to sleep, and the two cuddled next to her. Kiara, half asleep, smiled.
~Alex/ Austin(NPC)

"That is debatable." A voice rang out several tables away. "Sorry for eavesdropping, but I just couldn't help hearing someone's lack of faith in the myths of our world."

Alex looked over to see an older man, still younger than his father, sitting with his legs up on the table he was sitting at. His unkempt chestnut hair was draping out behind a dark brown fedora. He had a fine trimmed van dyke styled moustache and a short beard on his chin. "Oh, I'm Austin by the way, a traveller extrordinaire out of Rockridge Port, Unova. I've personally been studying Johtonian myths as of recent and I may point out that there is sufficient evidence to make the existance of all Johtonian legends to exist."

"Rockridge Port?" Alex questions, his mind quickly snapping to that. "My mother is from Rockridge Port too. Her name is Melisa Etheridge, maybe you know her?"

"Etheridge..." Austin mumbles under his breath. "Yeah I may have heard of her. But have a limited attention span so please don't distract me kid." Austin relies with a bit of a scowl.

"Oh, sorry..." Alex whispers to himself, not used to being adressed to in such a matter. Zhassa awoke from the man's voice, and a low growl was never heard over everyone's talking as her suspiscion towards the new man was voiced.
Dink nibbled on the flesh of his index finger. Alex told him about how other trainers just go on adventures for fun, or something like that. "I don't know about making friends. No offense, but you're all rather squishy. No, I think I'll enjoy just being a side critic with no true merit. Plenty of people have done it." Atem began bashing Kiara for her Suicune sighting. Dink chuckled.

"I wonder, I wonder, I wonder... Who, oh who is the more thick-headed? The one with no proof of a suspicious sighting, or the one too close-minded to even consider a small irregularity in their perfect little world? Oh, choices, choices, choices." A man spoke up a few tables away, and Dink rubbed his forehead with the back of his sleeve. Odd as this man seemed, he was intrigued. Someone so concieted that they would tell Alex to simply bugger off.

Maybe he could back it up. "And if I may ask, what more would you know of this situation than anyone else? You say you studied myth, but I ask you, if Kiara did indeed see Suicune, then it is not a myth at all, and therefore, out of your department." He giggled to himself. What a terrible argument. He had thought of better persuasions when telling bricks not to move. He began twirling his finger through the air in front of him like he was conducting an orchestra, synchronizing his movements with the mumbled words to a poem.

"Go, wondrous creature! mount where science guides,
Go, measure earth, weigh air, and state the tides;
Instruct the planets in what orbs to run,
Correct old time, and regulate the sun;
Go, soar with Plato to th’ empyreal sphere,
To the first good, first perfect, and first fair;
Or tread the mazy round his followers trod,
And quitting sense call imitating God;
As Eastern priests in giddy circles run,
And turn their heads to imitate the sun.
Go, teach Eternal Wisdom how to rule—
Then drop into thyself, and be a fool!"​

"Ah, but what I said is not perhaps what I meant. Yes I study myth, but in such a way to prove myth to be reality. And there is significant proof of not only Scuicune, but also it's bretheren, Entei and Raikou." Austin replied with a bemused expression.

"What makes him so great?" Alex grumbled under his breath, now angry with the way Austin had treated him. Alex then decided he needed to distract himself from this conversation, as he felt as though it was one he was going to end up hearing several more times in the future, and thus he got up, returned Zhassa, and left the mess hall and proceeded up to the group's room, and out onto the small balcony that it had. He then sent out Set, and took out a small portable set of speakers, plugging them into the mp3 device, and returned sleepy little Riolu to her ball. Alex smiled as he closed his eyes, seated on the balcony floor, and swayed in tune to the music, and electro house beat, as Set practiced.

"Remember Set, you won't be my first choice for Roark, by I do hope you'll have a chance to prove yourself in battle soon." Alex said to Set, still swaying freely to the music.
Dink returned the smug grin from the man, playing with his lower lip. Each time he pulled his lip down, then released, it would make a small cloop as it slapped his upper lip. "And yet you still, even just then, refer to these things as myth, because despite your goal, your dream of proving their existence, there is still some small part of you that agrees with the logical theories that they don't exist. So by calling them myths, regardless of any following arguments, you yourself exhibit a small shred of the doubt that has inevitably spread throughout society." He smiled, and bit down on his sleeve. This character was interesting, indeed. He hoped he'd be around longer than this one meeting. Though, the fact they were two seperate travelers meant that they would probably never meet again.

"I think I should like to see this evidence, as would dear little Kiara." Dink wasn't entirely sure why he called Kiara 'little,' since he was considerably smaller than everyone else. He remembered his pokemon, and returned them to their little pokeballs, then turned back to the strange man. "My name is Dink. Duncan if you care for formalities." A toothy grin spread across his face. "What about you?"

The fact was, Dink found himself almost entranced right now. This man was good at arguing, and that was almost like a riddle. Dink didn't believe in the Legendary Pokemon, but he didn't doubt their existence, either. He figured that if they were real, they were as much a part of the world as a blade of grass, and so nothing changed if they were just legend or if they were actively interacting with the universe.
Throughout the conversation, Fletcher did little but examine his companions and try to learn what he could from them. Kiara was perhaps the easiest to place-a simple, jovial girl who seemed to be pronouncedly impacted by the sighting of what she thought was a legendary Pokémon, so much so that this seemed to be her only goal. Fletcher hoped for her sake she was indeed right, for though he doubted it himself, it would probably crush her to have the event turn out to be a trick of her own mind.

Atem was a dark, introverted creature who seemed to have a lot of baggage and an unhealthy amount of corrosion to her personality, one that would probably devour her if she left it unchecked. Dink was totally insane in a way that was somehow amusing to watch, not unlike a monkey searching for a stick of banana-scented dynamite. And Alex, the 'leader' of their little group, seemed nice enough, if a little dependant on other people.

Alex's talk of goals sent Fletcher cringing as he remembered exactly why he was on this expedition: to steal anything valuable his companions might have. He did, however, enjoy spending time with these people, and although he would get to that goal eventually, perhaps it would be more...profitable to journey with them for a time, and take things from others. Catch some Pokémon, a couple of gyms, maybe even attend that 'Lilly of the Valley' thing that Alex had been talking about...

And then, Atem, Kiara and Alex had headed off to bed, leaving only Dink and some expert on mythology, Austin. And then Fletcher's mind had begun working.

"It's great for you to say that you have evidence, but...we don't know that. What proof is there? A picture, maybe? Some physical evidence, footprints, dung? Something, surely, for you to make such a claim. And please ignore my friend here. We all do."

"Ignore him? But surely you've noticed how intelligent he is? I've noticed his abnormal behaviour, but it seems to me that underneath it is a well-read and intelligent young man." Austin replied, seeming somewhat offended that Fletcher had said that of a travelling companion. "I have evidence, but currently it's at home, where it's safest. Everytime I venture out, I make sure to first put away and catalogue all of the previous venture's information, that way I know it's safe and organized."

Austin sneezed slightly, and looked about, noticing that the female companions of the white haired young man had left, leaving only the male companions. "By the way, who might you be?" Austin asked with a curious look. "I'm just asking so that I don't have to address you as 'kid'."


Alex found himself with an open sketchbook and a sketching pencil, making the barebones of a picture of his travelling companions, still swaying in tune with the music. He had hardly noticed Kiara and Atem when he had made his way to the balcony, and he knew that the music wouldn't likely be bothering them due to the soundproof glass present on the balcony doors, as well as the air-tight weather stripping. Alex turned to Set with a smile, his closest freind having finished training about an half an hour ago.

"I hope tommorow's going to be a good day, Set. I want something unexpected and enjoyable to happen. But we'll see, won't we?" Alex said to the Sneasel with a smile. Set looked back at him and replied with a,

"Snee, Sneasel, Snee!" There was a matching smile on the Sneasel's face, and that made Alex happier.

"Though Fletcher and Duncan better get to bed soon, we don't want them to be too tired tommorow, after all, Mom has to be at work early, and if we're to see her we have to be up on time..."
Intelligent? Well-read? These were compliments which Dink found very new when directed at him. He wouldn't complain, since he wasn't one to usually recieve any compliments, but it was odd. Unless this man was just as crazy as he was. "This is Fletcher. Our... Friend? I'm not sure. He calls me 'friend,' but he also would be the type to throw it around rather carelessly. Such an unfriendly thing to ignore me, Fletcher." On a whim, Dink plucked a hair from the back of Fletcher's head, sniffed it, and then dropped it on the ground.

He glanced at Austin, then Fletcher, then Austin again. "Maybe I'll see you again somewhere else." He stuck his pinkie between his teeth and wedged out a piece of pickle he had felt with his tongue. "Yes, I think I'd like that. But right now, I'm rather bored, so I'll be going to sleep. Wouldn't want to miss Alex's little 'surprise,' now would I?" He spun on his heel and went on his way, rubbing his front teeth with the pad of his thumb to make a squeaking noise. He went into his room, already completely uncaring of Austin and Fletcher out there, and fell onto his bed. As per his usual routine, he took the pillow, and crawled under his covers, his feet sticking out by the headboard.
Cassidy Rivers sat in her father’s large recliner, twisting her wrist in little circles as she stared at the blank TV screen. She could hardly stand this boredom. She looked at her backpack, over in the corner of the room, and sighed. The Shinx in her lap looked up at this sound, tilting its head curiously.

“Don’t worry, Clu, we’ll get something someday.” The Shinx only half acknowledged her, laying its head back down on her leg. “We just can’t make it on our own. My pack isn’t big enough…” She sat there, fiddling with the nearest objects while she waited for something; not that she expected that something to actually come to her at her own house.

It was only several hours later, when her father finally came home that she moved from the chair to her room. Her empty, unadorned room that was just waiting to become a guest room. Clu rested on her pillow, while she twirled a pen in her hand, staring at the ceiling. “I just don’t know… I mean, we’ve been going to the PokeCenter every day for, what, three months? Nothing interesting turns up… Or if it does, they’re either not taking new members, or they’re just creepy old men with greasy beards…”

With another, almost obligatory sigh, she pulled the band out of her hair, and changed into some pajamas. She turned off the light, went under her covers, and stared into the blackness, listening to the sounds of the TV down the hall for another few hours. She couldn’t take this. She had to get out.
Fletcher snorted as Dink headed off to bed. "Honestly, a fair amount of ignoring is going to be downright necessary if we all want to survive this venture with our respective sanities in better condition than his. But yeah, he can be helpful and relevant sometimes. Sometimes. And it's best that you keep those at home. Don't want to be inconvenienced by any sticky-fingered kids looking for some fame. Anyhow, my name is tired, and I am very Fletcher, so as nice as it was meeting you Austin, I will be heading to bed as well. So long."

And with that, he rounded up his Pokémon-painfully aware that Snub had gotten nothing-and stormed through stairs and corridors until he found his own particular room, where he kicked off his clothes and readied himself for bed. Before collapsing into sleep, he looked out the window to the bustling city, quieter but by no means as catatonic as he was about to be.

He leaped onto the bed and let it consume him.
(OOC: I will update this post in...3-4 hours to get us along, please be patient)


Austin nodded in acknoledgement as 'Dink' went to bed, and then Fletcher indicated his departure.

"I might see you guys later, we'll see." Austin replied as he exitted the hall, departing from the Pokemon Center.
(OOC: I mean to double post so that you were aware of the update.)


Alex noticed Duncan enter the bedroom and head to his bed, and not long after Fletcher had jumped into his bed. Alex yawned, realizing he was tired, and stretched a bit before returning Set and heading inside to bed. Alex slept soundly over the course of the night.

The next morning Alex awoke first, and had his things packed prmoptly. Sending out Ezaia to st her atop his head, Alex made sure his bed was made, and made his way to the door. He then turned and took out an airhorn, the one novelty item he brought with him, and tapped the top causing it to blare throughout the room.

"Evrybody, up and at 'em! It's six o'clock in the morning, and we've got places to be!" Alex announced with a large bemused grin, and hit the airhorn once again.
Dink poked his head out at the foot of his bed. He smacked his lips together to taste his morning breath, then yawned. He didn't really mind the airhorn. He'd already been lying awake for the last three hours or so. The habit of sleeping as little as possible was probably part of the reason for his more 'eccentric' behaviors.

"Morning? I suppose it is. Or is it?... No, that's east. It's morning." He yawned, bit his tongue, and then puffed some hair out from between his lips. He had nothing to pack, other than put some things in his pockets. Pokeballs. A jawbreaker. A twig he found. A few rocks. Some lint. He stood hunched over by his heap of bedsheets, which he didn't want made. Hotels were dirty, and if he didn't make it apparent that this bed was used, the cleaners might think it wasn't used. He scratched the back of his leg with his foot, and picked his ear.

"So, what joys of the universe do we indulge in today? Frolicking in the sun? Beach parties? Dissecting squids? I can't wait." This coming from Dink, he was completely serious. "Or is this surprise going to be the highlight of the day? I hope it's squids."
Atem snapped her eyes open at the first blow of the horrid, horrid airhorn. Feeling herself frown deeply, she sat up in her bed, her dark hair messily falling on her shoulders. She flinched at the second sound of the airhorn, and shot a glare at Alex. "Blow it any harder, will you? You're probably waking up everyone in this place. People who want a decent sleep. Such rudeness." She wrinkled her nose as she saw her pack on the nightstand by her bed, and grabbed a small comb from it. The Goth quickly ran it through her hair a few times before hastily grabbing two ponytail holders and putting her hair into two buns. Atem quickly tied the ribbons she always wore on the buns and, after brushing a few loose strands of hair out of her face, sighed. She was not one to deal with her hair getting all in her face, obscuring her precious eyesight, so as soon as she woke up, the first thing she would do is tie her hair back. It was a habit, almost. A necessity.

Atem swung her feet over the side of her bed as she fished out her black lipstick from her pack, and grabbed a pocket-sized mirror as well. She flicked it open, applying her cosmetics in no less than half a minute, and threw everything back into the pack. She looked at the pokéballs in there, containing her four Pokémon, but soon reasoned that they, at least, should get their sleep. She didn't want to have to deal with cranky Pokémon, after all.

Atem saw her white boots in front of the nightstand and pulled them on, and in turn put on her evening gloves as well. She wasn't overally happy that her dress was not clean, but she decided to let it go as she rose to her feet, not bothering to make her bed. She was used to her maids cleaning up her room back in Black City, after all. Atem heard Dink ask about their objection for the morning after Alex proclaimed they had places to be present at. "But, pray tell, it is something worthwhile, right?" the Goth questioned, her arms crossing. "I wouldn't want to waste any time on a journey like this." The statement was half scornful, half from the heart— it had been an interesting trip up to this point, filled with such intriguing individuals. Her comrades weren't what Atem preferred, but nevertheless, they were amusing to be around.
The alarm buzzed furiously, getting louder, louder and louder. For a minute or so, Cassy just kept her head on her pillow, her eyes blearily drifting open and closed. She got enough of her brain functioning to remember what time it was. Five in the morning! She had to get moving if she wanted to see any of the early travelers! Everyone always hoped to get to a warm bed again by nightfall, so many left Jubilife as early as possible. She jumped out of bed, startling Clu out of his drowsy state, and ran to her shower.

As soon as she emerged, she was pulling on her clothes hastily, and brushing her teeth simultaneously. She quickly dried and brushed her hair, pulling it into its usual sideways ponytail, and rummaged through her pack to check if everything was there. As always, she unplugged her alarm clock so it didn’t go off tomorrow without her say-so. She pulled her hoodie tight around her waist, and put her cap on. Her backpack clicked when she snapped the strap on, and she went out to the living room. Five thirty, according to the clock next to the TV. She glanced over at Clu, rubbing against her leg.

Her dad was getting ready for work, and at a much more leisurely pace than she did. He came out, and said, “Good luck,” to her, and kissed her on the cheek, which she returned ritualistically. She hugged him, and he went off to continue getting ready. She dropped into her mother’s room, and gave her still-barely moving mother a hug and kiss on the cheek, and headed out the door at five forty-five. It wasn’t a long walk to her destination, so she and Clu left her bike in the little shed outside her house.

It was just before six that she came to a stop outside the PokeCenter. Clu rested snugly in her arms, expecting another day of relaxing in the lobby. Of course, when she heard an air horn from wherever it was in the building, Clu jumped with a start, and she had to bite her lip to choke down the scream when his claws dug into her arms. After he relaxed, she put him down, and the air horn made him jump again. She sat down at the table she was used to, right inside the door, a little upset at whoever blasted their stupid horn at six in the morning. She put her cheek in her palm with a scoff, taking off her cap and slapping it on the table.
Kiara woke with a start and almost fell out of her bed. Windswept and Xena jolted awake as well and jumped from the bed. Kiara reluctantly got up from her bed.

"Mother of Mew..."Kiara mumbled softly.

Windswept chirped happily and perched on Kiara's right shoulder. Xena climbed on her left shoulder. Kiara grinned happily with her Pokemon with her.

Kiara reached in her bag and got out a different T-shirt of hers. This one was just a plain normal blue. She then got one of her blue jeans and her black and pink tennis shoes. After a quick change of clothes (Not in front of the others), Kiara walked towards Alex.

"OK Alex, what do we do today?" she asked.
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