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Grocery Store!

Sorry, but all the paper plates were stolen. Possibly in a plot by some genetically altered lab mice who are trying to take over the world.

Can someone get me 2 pet mice at the grocery store?
Sorry, the mice escaped, so I got you this mouse-type toy instead.

Can someone get me a "cool" painting at the grocery store?
Sorry, they melted, I got you a Hot painting though.

Can someone get me a brain at the grocery store?
Nope... a bunch of zombies came through earlier and bought all the brains.

Can someone get me some ninjabread at the grocery store?
Sorry, the sanity was never in season, but i got you some sorrow for your nice cry you're going to have now. *smirk*

could someone get me some common sense from the store, PLEASE!
I got you some, but decided that you had enough and used it for myself. :D

Mmmmm.. Some cheese would be nice.. Any volunters?
All the cheese had been stolen by the dreaded dairy bandits, so i got you crackers instead

Anyhoo, I'm in the mood for pretzels. Who wants to get me them?
Sorry all the referees are protesting against themselves being used to make pretzels through extensive use of painful submission grapples, but I got you a souvenir.

Can someone get me a silk scarf from the grocery store.
All the silk was eaten by silk worms. So I got you a chocolate bar instead.

I want an anteater please.
Sorry, all the anteaters ate poison food, so I got you this ant instead.

Could someone buy me a level 1 Chimchar from the grocery store?
Sorry, but they were all sold out due to a sale and they already had a cheap price to begin with (because they were level 1). But I got you a level 100 Magikarp (no one wanted it because it couldn't evolve).

Could someone buy me a Fisher Price Baby Grand Piano at the grocery store (so I could send it to a news crew because it sounds dirty when keys are pressed in a certain order)?
Sorry, they have been recalled, but I got you a Elmo book with a cruddy soundchip.

Can someone get me a water tower at the grocery store?
Sorry, but they had to get some superhero to rip it out of the ground to put out a burning sausage. I got you a bottle of Volvic instead, will that do?

Can someone get me a frigging life from the grocery store please?
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I got it but I ate it..*burp!* But I got you this Barbie doll so you could act out her life and pretend you had one yourself.

Can someone please get me some crayons so I can eat them and poop rainbows please?
Sorry, they didn't have any non toxic ones. I got you some colouring pencils instead.

Can someone get me a grocery store from the grocery store?
Ah, they've run out of grocery stores, so I got you a shopping mall instead. Hope that'll do :)

Hey, be a dear and get your papa some bread, cheese and diseases from the grocery store, hmm?
Drat, they sold the last baby/grocery store. I got bread-diapers for cheese instead.

Can someone get me something that cures "Yoom-Ta Syndrome" for Wigglytuff?
Sorry, they say Yoom-Ta Syndrome's incurable, but I got this pill to stop him balancing apples on his head.

Someone get me an ocelot, three meerkats and a ring tailed lemur from the grocery store.
Sorry, but a hunter got to them first. Instead, here is a used tissue.

I would like so,e warheads from the grocery store.
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