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Ground Zero Mosque

Source: Cable News.

This is an organization that has launched thousands of missiles into Israel through Palestine and Lebanon. I'm sorry, I know profiling is bad, but I refuse to ignore that Hamas has funded the killing of innocent Jews and don't want to ignore the facts. In my opinion, America gives people too much benefit of the doubt.

Israel's warcrimes against Palestine far, far outweigh anything Hamas has done.
Would you be against the idea of a mosque being built near Ground Zero if it wasn't funded by a "terrorist organization"?
Peter was asking how many times he should forgive his brother before he no longer gives him mercy. The Lord (essentially) said that he should never stop forgiving.

Edit for ninja: Much moreso.
I agree almost completely with Vixie on this. Does it seem silly to me to build a mosque two blocks from ground zero? Yes. But would building a mosque anywhere else be any less silly, in my opinion? Not really. 9/11 was pretty lousy, yes, and it was coordinated by some Muslim extremists, yes, but that's no reason to get upset at Muslims in New York today.
Peter was asking how many times he should forgive his brother before he no longer gives him mercy. The Lord (essentially) said that he should never stop forgiving.

Jesus was a groovey guy, I agree with a lot of what he says, and, good sir, says you should always forgive someone, no matter how many times they trespass against you. How is it out of context?

Is there any way, any way at all, that you can take it out of context?
People want to build an Islamic Mosque two blocks from Ground Zero.

I'm against it. The idea is completely disrespecting the memories of those who lost their lives on November 11.

Sure, the attack on the Twin Towers was initiated by Islamic radicals, but so was the attack on Pearl Harbor. And even though it was decades ago, there is no way someone is going to want to build a Shinto Shrine near it.

Dude, first get your facts straight. One, it was September 11th, not November. Two, the attack on Pearl Harbor was initiated by Islamic radicals? Really, last time I checked, it was the Japanese who did it.

Muslim teachings actually say that war is only permitted when an attack has been made on an Islamic state, in self defense or on a country which is supressing Muslims.
Essentially, violence is only permitted in cases of self defense.

Muslims are also only allowed to attack those who are being sent against them in combat. They are not allowed to harm civillians or any other armed force which poses no threat to them. In this way, Islam extremists are actually going back on their own religion, by harming innocent bystanders in terrorist attacks.

So, in all due respect, the Islamic religion preaches against violence in all cases, except in self defense. I see no problems with people wanting to build a Mosque near the sight of the 9/11 bombing sites, especially if they are following these principles.

I agree with this and can confirm what is said, as I am a Muslim.

(sorry if I didn't contribute much. just wanted to point a few things out.)
Would you be against the idea of a mosque being built near Ground Zero if it wasn't funded by a "terrorist organization"?

Actually, no.

That's not enough. Cite an actual story somewhere. A story which, you know, has its own sources. Also, if it's Fox News it doesn't count as credible.

Because CNN is far less biased in every single way EVAR

Israel's warcrimes against Palestine far, far outweigh anything Hamas has done.


I don't have a problem with mosques themselves, or the idea of Islam. However, I think that Muslims in New York would respect that there is tension, and move the mosque more that two blocks from Ground Zero.

Also, if the mosque is actually funded by Hamas, isn't that like planting a victory flag?
Because CNN is far less biased in every single way EVAR
Did he mention anything about CNN?

I don't have a problem with mosques themselves, or the idea of Islam. However, I think that Muslims in New York would respect that there is tension, and move the mosque more that two blocks from Ground Zero.

Also, if the mosque is actually funded by Hamas, isn't that like planting a victory flag?

Two blocks is not on Ground Zero what is so fucking hard to understand; also no it is not.
I think that Muslims in New York would respect that there is tension, and move the mosque more that two blocks from Ground Zero.

If the Hamas funded Mosque were being built just about anywhere else in the United States, people would have not started caring in the first place. If it were a Synagogue or a Church, people wouldn't care. "Oh no! Muslims! We are so scared!". It's ludicrous to behave as if every single Muslim of every Islamic denomination on the planet today, is plotting religious war against the western world.

The fact that the new Mosque happens to be two blocks away from the site of the 9/11 bombings is likely coincidence. It's not a method of them rubbing anything in anyone's faces. It's a place of religious worship! It is the equivalent of a church. Not a terrorist training camp. There are probably hundreds across the US! After all, Muslims make up the 3rd largest theistic group, according to Wikipedia.
Let them build it. Yes the attacks were done by Muslim radicals, but that doesn't mean that the rest of the Muslim population here in the states didn't recognize the mass loss of life. If it is in memory of 9-11 then it is more of a mourning site than an insult, no more a monument than Ground Zero already is. Let them mourn too.
AAlso, if the mosque is actually funded by Hamas, isn't that like planting a victory flag?

Well it might be if Hamas didn't spent most of their budget on community projects and if Hamas was the group who bombed the Twin Towers. Because, in case you hadn't heard, not only aren't all Islamic extremists working together but most of them are actually fighitng with each other as well as with whatever country they don't like this week.
I don't have a problem with mosques themselves, or the idea of Islam. However, I think that Muslims in New York would respect that there is tension, and move the mosque more that two blocks from Ground Zero.

So, you're saying that the Muslims should back down because there's tension? I think that they should build the mosque there because of the tension. It's just what we need in New York to prove that not all Muslims are extremists.

Also, if the mosque is actually funded by Hamas, isn't that like planting a victory flag?

...no. If this were a terrorist camp or something, maybe, but it's a freakin' mosque. Tell me, even if it is funded by what you seem to think is a "terrorist organization" (because Pwne still doesn't want to give us a source for this claim), why shouldn't they be allowed to build a place of worship there? Are you afraid they might bomb Ground Zero or something?
Because CNN is far less biased in every single way EVAR

Yes, as a matter of fact, CNN is less biased than Fox. For example, CNN manages to get parties right.

Here, for example. Or how about the Goldstone Report:

Though the 575-page report condemned rocket attacks by Palestinian armed groups against Israeli civilians, it reserved its harshest language for Israel’s treatment of the civilian Palestinian population in the Gaza Strip, both during the war and through the longer-term blockade of the territory. The report called Israel’s military assault on Gaza “a deliberately disproportionate attack designed to punish, humiliate and terrorize a civilian population, radically diminish its local economic capacity both to work and to provide for itself, and to force upon it an ever increasing sense of dependency and vulnerability.”

This is all over the place, really. Google "israel war crimes palestine" and look around a bit.

Also, if the mosque is actually funded by Hamas, isn't that like planting a victory flag?

Okay, you do realise Hamas had nothing to do with 9/11, right?
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