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Ground Zero Mosque

Actually, the source is Fox News. There, I said it. Go on a totally baseless rant on how they're so unreliable now.

I do see it as akin to planting a victory flag. It would be like Japan building a Shinto Shrine at Pearl Harbor or Germany putting up a church in Warsaw.

You have proved your own idiocy by completely ignoring the fact that Hamas had nothing to do with 9/11. You, sir, are a moron.
I do see it as akin to planting a victory flag. It would be like Japan building a Shinto Shrine at Pearl Harbor or Germany putting up a church in Warsaw.

A victory flag for who, the Muslims? Do you honestly think we (yes, I'm using we here) were partying when the Twin Towers came down and people were dying?

See, the purpose of that mosque, as others have probably said, is as a place of worship and as a way to bridge the gap between the Muslims and the rest of America, more specifically NYC. The extremists don't want that. In essence, by protesting the building of the mosque there, you're basically giving your support to the terrorists' goals.

Good job.
I think building the mosque that close to Ground Zero is provocative. I would seek another place, it doesn't have the correct vibe. Other than that they can build any mosque they want, anyday.

Thank you! It took five pages of crap for someone to understand what I'm talking about.

You could build a mosque in my freaking yard, but I dislike the idea of one two blocks from Ground Zero.
Not only is Ground Zero holy ground - the ground around Ground Zero is holy ground. Ground.

Think about it, guys.
Yes, it's provocative to people like you for no good reason. Again, it's New York.

They should not forbid the building of the mosque. I think it's just bad form to build a mosque at a place that many people associate with Islamic terrorism.
How far would the mosque have to be to satisfy you guys (even though it's not actually being built on what's considered ground zero anyway)? Whether it was two blocks or ten blocks, I bet most of the people upset about this would still be if they read "mosque" and "ground zero" in the same sentence.

Also, why is it bad form? I think it's worse form that those many people associate Islam with terrorism exclusively like they do.

Actually, the source is Fox News

Also, why is it bad form? I think it's worse form that those many people associate Islam with terrorism exclusively like they do.

Not all Muslims are terrorists, this is definitely true. But you do realise that a lot of people lost friends, family, and more during the drama that was 9/11, and that Islamic terrorists are responsible for that. It takes time for those kinds of grudges to heal. Not that they aren't stupid, of course. I don't give a fucking rat's ass where they build that mosque, I just want them to be aware of the delicious irony and butthurt that will perpetuate this kind of stuff. If you want to provoke people, this is an effective way to do it. Of course it shouldn't matter, but it does, and that's why it's funny.

Also, fuck Geert Wilders
How long is long enough, then? It's been nine years now.

I get what you're saying, but it's hard to be cut and dry about this like "people need more time to get over it" or "it's too close to ground zero". How long? How far? Most people can't give an exact number. It's the kind of thing nobody will agree on reasonably. Since I don't think it's outside their rights by any means I don't think it's worth the trouble trying to stop it, or whatever it is the opposition hopes to accomplish.
I think there is no way of making it clear cut. Some people will be over it. Some won't. I just like the irony. Personally I'd not do it until the time that the US stops warring with Islamic nations randomly and keeps irritating Iran, Afghanistan and such.
This just in: The tactfully schedules finish date for the Hamas-funded mosque two blocks from Ground Zero? September 11, 2011.
I really really hope that's true.
It'll be, like, the cherry on top of the icing on top of the cake.
This just in: The tactfully schedules finish date for the Hamas-funded mosque two blocks from Ground Zero? September 11, 2011.

If you say "Fox News" again I'm going to lol right out of my recliner, and that's a really hard thing to do considering it's a recliner with arms and everything.
If you're just gonna run around claiming my sources are lies what's the point of speaking? I could post a freaking screenshot of the blueprints and you would call it forged.
If you're just gonna run around claiming my sources are lies what's the point of speaking? I could post a freaking screenshot of the blueprints and you would call it forged.

It would help if you gave us sources to begin with. It isn't enough to say "Fox News"; link to something on their site! Better yet, link to a primary source!
I think it would also be relevant to mention that the Islamic center, in addition to having a mosque, will house an athletic center, a culinary school and art studios. This isn't just beneficial to the Islamic community in NYC, but really the entire community there.

Source: http://goo.gl/ldNP (it's an article about how these Jewish activists are in support f the mosque. I got the above stuff from it.)

Critics say the funding sources for the 13-story project, initially called the Cordoba House but now more commonly referred to by its proponents as "Park51," are very murky.


Jasser says Abdul Rauf has refused to condemn Hamas or Hezbollah out of concern for alienating some Muslims.


Asked who is paying for the religious facility, Jasser replied, "That's what I want to know. I don't know. Nobody knows. The organization certainly has not said that they will not take foreign funding. They have had some funding that they [have] gotten, I believe, from a Qatari foundation. So they do take foreign moneys by their previous example. But they haven't answered the question."


The New York Post has reported that Abdul Rauf is a "prominent member" of the Malaysian-based Perdana Global Peace Organization. That is the single largest donor to the Free Gaza Movement, which in turn played a key role in organizing the violence-marred flotilla that tried to break the Israeli blockade of the Gaza Strip.


Even the name Cordoba is controversial. Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich has written that the name derives from "a city in Spain where a conquering Muslim army replaced a church with a mosque. This name is a very direct historical indication that the ground zero mosque is all about conquest and thus an assertion of Islamist triumphalism which we should not tolerate."


Jasser tells Newsmax. "But yet he's an apologist for political Islam and Shariah. You can't help but think he's part of the same Islamist ideas of wanting to spread Islam in an evangelical way globally, and probably establish an Islamic state."


Polls showed that a majority of Americans, as well as 52% of New Yorkers, opposed the mosque being built on that site; 46% of those in Manhattan support the project.


A number of commentators said that the builders planned various construction milestones, such as groundbreaking and the start of construction, to coincide with anniversaries of the September 11 attacks.

From these two articles:

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